Chapter 3:

Hiro's Encounter

Hearth Heart

As Hiro straggled through the woodland, his intellect sprinted with opinions of the evasive talisman. He knew that he ought to locate it if he was to have any hope of smashing the hex.

Abruptly, he heard rustling in the thickets forth him. Instinctively, he tensed his blade, equipped for whatever menace might be lurking there.

To his astonishment, a little, scrappy hound erupted out of the verdure and darted towards him, swishing its tail madly. Hiro slumped his weapon on the ground and let out a sigh of comfort.

As he stroked the amiable puppy who then had dashed back to the foliage, Hiro had caught something shimmering in the dirt nearby. Hiro slanted down and skimmed away the leaves to disclose an undersized, intricately inscribed stone. It was the talisman he had been searching for...

But as he gathered up the gravel, a deafening howl convulsed the earth. Hiro twisted to glimpse a tremendous dragon plunging down towards him, its cantaloupe scales gleaming in the sunlight and its vibrant cerise eyes gazing through his heart.

Hiro brandished his sabre, but he understood that he was no competition for the potent varmint. As the dragon pounced in for the foray, Hiro barred his eyes, willing to meet his destiny.

But instead of the piercing sound of ravaging talons and the flurry of flames, he sensed an impulsive thrill of chilly aura, and the sound of the dragon's outcry sagged into the length. When Hiro flared his eyes, he was resting on the floor in another visionary domain, apparels in rags, his hair scrambled like rat fluff, and his once-gleaming cerulean eyes, with an etched glare, shrivelled away, radiating a pale grey.

Before he stood a figure in flashing robes, with a single, penetrating eye in the middle of his forehead. The figure articulated in a voice that chimed like thunder, and Hiro could discern the poundage of his comments in his bones.

"I seeketh to knoweth, what m'rtal sir hast did allow thee to cometh to mine own empire, mine own ch'rish'd empire?" the figure mandated, his words cocooning Hiro like a secured veil.

Hiro swallowed and stuttered out his name and his probe to vandalise the scourge of the cottage. The figure listened intently and then nodded as if he had already known.

"Thee seeketh the talisman of the beldams of the woods," the figure said, in the most bizzare manner. "But beware, f'r the talisman is m're than it appears. T hast the pow'r to unlocketh most wondrous charm, but t eke hast the pow'r to unleash most wondrous evil. "

Hiro listened, his heart thumping in his chest...this nonnative had conveyed his messages in an outlandish style; his eyes, though, were pared with consideration..but his existence made even the most militant of residents recoil in fear...
