Chapter 10:

There's Finally Time To Rest...Or...Maybe?

Hearth Heart

Hiro had awoken early from his temporary bedroom, he was fatigued from the previous day's war, and now he had time just to idle.

He clutched a hearty swig from his water bottle and grunted; the racket of twittering birds could be heard, babbling and nibbling little kernels from his hotel balcony.

He unlocked the deck entrance and stepped outside, the warm blows of wind lashed his hair, and the sun beamed at him with its undying luminous glow.

He glanced below his balcony as he noticed the pointing civilians, interested and surprised that the scrawny little boy, Hiro, had rescued them all from everlasting descent.

A knock on the doorway staggered him, and he strode towards it; he opened it with a bored expression, and he witnessed a cordial figure; it was Luther, the server, bearing a tray of an egg dish.

"Thank you, Luther." Hiro muttered, and he grabbed the dish and shut the door; he rested on the balcony stool and dined in whilst tossing a few crumbs for the meddling birds.

He finished his meal and got ready for his great day; today was the opening rite and festivity of the end of the Hearth Heart War. This war could have resulted in numerous casualties if Hiro had not won; the world would have been conquered by the crooked sorceress and her minions.

He made his way into the Rubis Headquarters, where many residents were swarming around the podium, waiting hastily for Hiro's arrival.

Everybody snuffed as they caught sight of the small but intimidating figure of a boy, Hiro, his name. They praised him and clapped as he held a parchment in his hand and welcomed the people.

"Let us mark the victorious warfare that steamed for many days, succeeded by this young boy and his fellow companion, the eminent sorceress. Unfortunately, when we attempted to communicate with the sorceress, she told us that she was too occupied and had no time in preparation for the Hearth Rite Festival, but she has welcomed you all, and has thanked us for our compliance and boldness" The mayor read out from his parchment, and he applauded and grinned at the boy.

"Thank you, Mayor." Hiro loudly expressed, "I am here to inform you that this battle is now over; let us rejoice and be delighted, for this shall be the finest extravaganza in the yore of our village, town and homeland! But we shall also maintain in our minds to not go beyond our celebrating limitations, as the most hostile and corrupt still lurk around our ravishing town; keep in mind that if any one of you witness any hooded figures, witches and or wizards without prior authorisation notes dangling from their straps, or any other beastly varmint, please inform the regional authority, or if in a severe crisis call this number for immediate assistance".

Everybody clapped as Hiro pushed a remote button to showcase the phone number; everybody muttered as they scrawled down the number on crunched scraps of paper and pleated it in their pockets.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little hero named Hiro...Hate to see you, but this revelry sounds pleasing...can I join?" A voice said it was a female enchantress idling in the portico entrance, chortling as the mayor commanded her to leave.

"If no, then say yes to my Bashing BOMB!!" The witch giggled as she tightened a lever and ran off; Hiro darted towards her, blade clutching in his hand.

The civilians hollered and twisted to run, but the bomb had assembled a devastating blaze that was scorching the facility down.

"You devil witch! Malicious fool you are!" Another witch had arrived; it was the one Hiro had coveted to see since the day of the fight. His bored esprit thawed away; it was as if the enchantress was a mother to him; they both grinned at each other and lunged forward.
