Chapter 8:

The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong

Letter From Yokohama

“When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut!”

Then Regina got her elementary school grades.

“When I grow up, I want to be a pilot.”

Then Regina got her middle school grades.

“When I grow up, I guess I could be a flight attendant.”

Then Regina got her high school grades.

“When I grow up, I…uh…”

That had been Regina’s answer for the past four years. Somewhere, along the way, she had actually grown up, her life now consisting of receding possibilities and infinite impossibilities. As she stepped out of the bar, Regina glanced upwards. A plane flew low over the city, heading somewhere else.

Somewhere else…

But she had everything she needed right here. She didn’t need to go anywhere else. But she had never gone anywhere else in the first place, so she couldn’t know for sure.

When Regina stepped into the night, sound flooded out from the bar behind her, lights spilling onto the street as the bouncer gave her a brief nod. She nodded back and took a deep breath of freedom.

Good riddance. Bars were never really Regina’s style. Alcohol made her feel gross, the strobing lights hurt her eyes, and the music boomed too loud for her ears. There was just too much for the senses. Too much of everything. That’s why she preferred to stay home and watch television. Shows and movies and anime could be paused; wouldn’t it be great if life had a television remote to go with it?

There were plenty of moments in life Regina wished she could press pause for. Like the time…well, there was that time where…oh, that’s right. Back in high school, she took her car around the empty lot and drifted across the ice with Lucille. Ah, but screw Lucille! I’ve made plenty of memories during these past four years, like…

Regina scratched her head. Ah, but to hell with her anyway. I have no obligation to answer any nonsense Lucille throws my way.

Finally free of the bar, Regina took a short walk down the street. The Public Park was just a block away, meaning this was the good part of the city, meaning a woman could at least walk to the edge of the street, past rows of bars and clubs, until the city ended and ocean began. She had to turn a corner, though, placing the bar from earlier out of her view. Putting even more distance away from the bar made her feel better, and she relaxed as she arrived at the railing at the edge of the city. At the edge of the continent, really; on the other side of the railing was the bay, and beyond that laid open ocean for as far as the eye could see and then some.

Regina rested her arms on the railing. It wasn’t even eleven PM yet; it was a young night in a young summer, and the breeze felt gentle. The waves lapped just as a softly below her. Yet, despite it all, Lucille’s words continued to creep into her head. She tried to sort them out, since she didn’t want this day to end on a bad note.

Lucille carries a lot of bitterness with her. She escapes that bitterness by ensconcing herself in a Japanese-shaped bubble. But that bubble popped, because the ideal Japan in her head isn’t real - only the life in front of her is. With her safety valve shut off, she had to take that bitterness out on somebody. And I was right there with her.

Well, screw her. She’s my best friend…I mean, I’m her best friend, I don’t need to get yelled at for no reason. And what she said was wrong, anyway. I live plenty. No dreamworlds for me. I’m as real as they come.

And what was reality? Well, for Regina, it was a dead-end job at the local grocery store and…that’s kind of it. She frowned, trying to think of something she liked to do. Television and smoking were obvious answers, but she wanted to prove Lucille wrong. She had to like something beyond that. Sports! Well, she didn’t play any sports - she just watched them all on television. Social media. Well, she didn’t exactly like that, but come to think of it, she did spend quite a lot of time there. Why do I spend time on something I don’t really like doing?

There has to be something. Regina scrunched her face and furrowed her brow, but nothing came. She had trouble concentrating. She was never quite good at that.

Does my life really just boil down to work-smoke-tv-phone on repeat? And at this rate…that’s how it’s going to be for the rest of my life.

Regina tried reorienting her thoughts. But why is that bad? Why do I need a purpose in life?

After a moment, the answer came to her - because it might make me happy.

But was that really how it worked? Finding a purpose = happiness? That seemed too cut and dry to be a plausible formula. She found a better way to look at it - am I happy with the way I currently live?

It took a few minutes to come up with an answer. Her thoughts swirled around her head, coming close to one another before always dashing away at the last moment. There was just too much going on in her head sometimes. She needed to get calm. She needed a smoke.

But then Regina ran her hand through her air, pushing loose strands off her forehead. The sudden movement brought clarity. Well, I’m not saddened by this life. But I can’t say I’m happy, either. Life just kind of is. I feel like a rolling stone or someone just ambling along. Is this really living? I guess it is. But is it the kind of living I want? Is this the kind of living I’ll look back upon when I’m dying and feel content about it?

A few seagulls flew by. Regina watched them go until they disappeared behind a building. I don’t particularly want to die. But it’s not like I’m really attached to living, either. If I were to just fall asleep one night and never wake up again, I don’t think I’d mind.

Life’s just so boring. I’m so bored that it feels like my default setting. Life’s only fun when I burn or when I think of high school-

Ah. I see.

Regina let out a deep breath and turned away from the ocean, letting her back rest against the railing. With resigned eyes, she looked toward the sea of lights emanating from the city towards her. She gave the city a sad smile.

I guess we all have our own Japan’s. I have my own dreamworlds as well. I won’t be such a stuck-up asshat about it as Lucille is, but maybe I ought to grow up, too. I know the usual routine is comfortable, but instead of trying to escape the boredom, maybe I should try changing it into something not boring.

But how? Maybe I can read a book. A whole book, from cover to cover. That seems kind of interesting. Or maybe I could take a walk around the neighborhood back home. It felt pretty nice coming out today, after all.

I bet Lucille knows. I should go ask her.

…but let me smoke first. It’ll be the last one for a little while.

Feeling marginally better, Regina scooped up the last doob tube in her pants pocket. As she opened it up and let the pre-roll drop into her hand, a horrifying thought raced through her mind and stopped her in her tracks.

Wait a second…I left a blackout Lucille all by herself at a bar! What the hell was I thinking?! I need to go back there and make sure she’s okay right now-

…but I should smoke first.

Regina realized just how entrenched the old lifestyle was. Not smoking before doing something, whether it be television, laundry, cooking, or going to bed, felt sacrilegious. But her friend needed her right at this moment. But so did the pre-roll.

She would have to choose between her best friend…and getting high.

Regina looked at the city.

Regina looked at the pre-roll.

“I choose…”

Regina looked at the city.

Regina looked at the pre-roll.

“I choooooooose..”

Regina looked at the city.

Regina looked at the pre-roll and clenched her fist.


She tossed that pre-roll right into the ocean. As the fat side sank, the thin side lifted into the air, reminiscent of a ship going down at sea. It plunged below the surface of waves, small ripples circling around it until they too were swallowed up by the water.

Regina sprinted back to the bar. 

Steward McOy