Chapter 16:

Business Plan.

Hang in There Mister Guard!

“My dear boy.” Said Masao. “I don’t remember if I have ever told you about our youngest son, his name is Hideo and he is only 16 years old.”

“No sir, this is indeed the first time you have ever mentioned him to me.”

“Well, there is not much we can say about him, he is an honest kid but sometimes his behavior can cause trouble for him and those around him. We believe he can learn something by getting a part time job here, but he’s too resilient about it, to the point in which we don’t know if it is indeed better for him to work here or not.” Replied Masao.

“So, we would like to ask you to look after him, Toshiko has already agreed to help us by coming to the restaurant from time to time, but we know that her job sometimes won’t allow her to come and check on her brother, that’s why we are asking you to also keep an eye on him from time to time.” Continued Haru.

Masao opened his lips to said something else, but before he could speak Ryoichi answered:

“Ok, I’ll do it.”

“You will?” Asked Haru.

“Of course, after all the boy is so important to you and even if I don’t know him, it is entirely correct that he might learn something useful by working here.”

The married couple looked at each other with a face that showed they were both relieved and happy to have Ryoichi’s help. Then, Masao added:

“Of course we are not asking you to do it for free, so if you need money or any other thing feel free to ask for it.”

“Thank you again for your hospitality, but once again sir, you don’t need to do that, what you are asking me to do is nothing more than a favor realistically, and a favor is only repaid with another favor.”