Chapter 3:

The ghost family

The Ghost with feelings

Ayli then looked up at Leo,"Are you gonna watch me sleep when I do?" Ayli asked Leo he then smiled and disappeared. "Leo! That's not funny, give me an answer please!" Ayli yelled she waited a few minutes but Leo didn't respond she then sighed and soon went to her bed and ended up falling asleep but Leo kept pulling the blankets off of Ayli.

Ayli looked at the edge of her bed and saw Leo; she then pulled the covers over her face and turned the other way. Ayli then heard Leo crying. She got up and walked to him and hugged him "I'm sorry.." Ayli said "I want a kiss." Leo demanded Ayli looked at Leo "No kisses." Ayli said sternly.

Leo then started slamming all the doors in the house and turning on the lights then turning them back off.¨Stop your acting childish just for a kiss." Ayli said to Leo she then sat on Leo's lap and wrapped her arms around Leo's neck and kissed him,"No more kisses I'm going to the store." Ayli said

"How long will you be gone?" Leo asked Ayli, "As long as I want to be gone, can you look away real quick?" Leo turned around. She then changed and put on her shoes and hoodie. Ayli then walked outside of the house and went to the store. "You really like her,huh little bro?" Levi said his long white ghostly hair falling perfectly on his shoulders.

"Back off I shall have her as the next queen in the light realm" Leo said mad at the fact that Ayli left without saying how long she'd be gone."Not before i make her the next queen in the dark realm she is perfect after all" Levi said with a smirk "Both of you shut up..You know father would be mad at the way your acting right now." It was Leos and Levi's little sister Ruby. Her glow was blue. She had long hair and wore a dress.

"Don't act like you don't like her sister, what's her name..?Sky? don't make me tell father after all i am next to the throne" Levi said with a wide grin Ayli then walked in the room and fell back seeing all three ghosts Levi caught her "Leo..I thought you said you liked her you didn't even move from that spot you're in right now." Levi said with a smile "It's ok little red im here for you" Levi said "Little red..?" Ayli asked confused "Just a little nickname to a beauty like you red" Levi responded

"Ok.." Ayli said she was starting to fall for Leo's brother too he looked more like her age he also looked to be mature meaning he wouldn't throw a fit for a kiss or anything Ayli's face turned red of blushing but she isn't a cheater so she pushed her feelings down. "You can let go of her now Levi" Leo said "Just looking at her lovely eyes.. they can really make anyone fall for her..and her hair.." Levi said starting to catch real feelings for Ayli.

"You boys are so stupid..Hello Ayli i'm Ruby im the youngest child in the yunomi family." Ruby said putting Ayli back on her feet "Thanks for that i'm Ayli as you already know the second oldest of the Hemuni family i'm not rich or anything it just felt right to say" Ayli says with a smile "Those are my older brothers Leo he's a crybaby when he doesn't get his way and that's Levi he's going to be crowned king of the shadow realm in about a minute" Ruby said

The door slammed open Sky,Jj and Miranda were standing there.

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