Chapter 37:

Deneb in Trouble


“Xadulo is DEAD!”

All the merchants surrounding them gave their expressions of shock. Arcturus himself shows a face full of anxiety, confusion, and doubt Deneb was expecting for. “An… And if she’s actually not? If you’re just lying?” he spoke.

“If she was, we wouldn’t be split. If she was, it’s either we wouldn’t be here, or she would be here,” chills. On the circle, fear. Arcturus refused to believe. He spouted questions like “How?”, “Proof?”, or “Better reasons?” and Deneb replied to all of them honestly, no lie. “Have you not yet understood? The Angel is dead.” Deneb hates Arcturus for making him repeat again and again. If glares could kill, Arcturus would’ve turned into cold minced meat.

“Yes, the Angel who took me from you. The angel who killed everyone you loved. The Angel who brought to an end to your beloved village – she’s gone. What exactly do you not understand that you ask repetitively?” cold, cold tone by a man with cold, cold eyes.

No one made a move. They all were frozen the whole time. After Deneb’s speech, Arcturus seems to be having hard wrapping things inside his head. Finally, he looked straight at Deneb’s glare; straight to his loath. “If I can’t bring her, then I will just bring her left over souls she chose,” he signaled the merchants to attack, while Deneb signaled Jack to step back.

Sneaking knives in his sleeves, he pretended he will block each of them by his arm. The moment they get in contact, Deneb pulls a knife to bury it in the abdomen of each one that attacks. All while dodging their knives and punches, too. Fast. Swift. Experienced. As much Arcturus expected.

“Run, Jackie!!” Deneb shouted. “I’ll do something about this! You go!” Jack didn’t hesitate to run as fast as he can, but he also didn’t want to. “Good…” Deneb sighed in relief. “Hey! He’s getting away! After him!” Arcturus demanded, but all his men were down. What rose was Deneb who barely got a hold of his breathing.

“I don’t know if I can beat you. Knowing you were the one who taught me—” he muttered. “Your bow,” Arcturus didn’t see the bow – Deneb’s pride as the great chief’s son. “Where is it?” he asked coldly. “…Threw it away. Afterall, a son who betrayed his village just for some fun doesn’t deserve it.”

It didn’t seem like Arcturus is in for a fight, and Deneb is not in the shape either. Given he barely ate anything nor barely slept these past days. It’s also undeniable some attacks got him. “You threw your whole family’s efforts away. Feel the shame,” Arcturus was disappointed knowing that Dene won’t come back as their chief. “But to me, y’see… I was just a bird locked in a fancy prison. Xadulo came to me with the key and helped me break free. She saved me. She gave me freedom. You see it as a joke or for fun, but I see it as a big step in my life… realizing what I was protecting was what was binding me from being me…” he said, almost about to faint.

“…I’m grateful… but I hadn’t told her… so I—” Arcturus punched Deneb really hard in the gut that it slowly made him lose consciousness. “I’ll let that boy slide. But in exchange, I will be taking you. I can’t come back empty-handed either.” Grabbing the collar from the back, he walked to his horse to sack Deneb, leaving the dying men behind.

“Haah…” rustles. “Ahh… hahh…” speedy footsteps. “….a! …haah.” numbness. “…Hah…! Hah…!” As well as exhaustion, dehydration, confusion, getting lost, and regret. He was slowly slowing down, feeling too drowsy he could sleep. What woke him up was the sight of the river. He sped up to get there. After a few sips, he was recharged.

Few seconds, he got to rethink of his action. Then he heard rustles from the bushes 2 meters from his back, and it got him on his guard. “Who’s there?!” but what – or – who he saw was Seril, a man who’s supposed to be in another world.


