Chapter 4:

To become a page for the Chapter of Permanence (1)

Mirhavel, nui vis Mairhom'ein

“Senior, Do you think it’s strange?”

“What is?”

“That this place—This Library— records the world? Every breath a person breathes, every new life born, every love that bloomed, every death to happen. And yet it seemingly— also does not know of it at the same time?”

“Of course! Everyone has had that thought of that once arriving here.”

“Then has anyone tried to pursue why that is?”

“There has been,” maybe it is time? “By the way— how long have you been a scholar in the Library?”

“What’s with the sudden topic change? Anyways, I’ve just been here for around a month or two at most.”

“Hmmm,” Two months, too early but it should be okay. “Follow me.”

“Where exactly?”

As the Senior stood up and walked deeper into the labyrinthine world of the Library, the junior followed along not too far from the seniors back.

“These books— Records as you many call them— are essentially, a means to prolong the feelings— the memories and thoughts of everyone who has lived and pass it to those who still has to— our job as scholars is to make sure these books are kept.”

“Each of these books you see now, Holds the complete story of someone who has once lived in this world. From the moment of birth, until very last breath.— say, Have you heard of the Klitrae?”

“Klitrae? You mean those ephemeral beings that roam the halls once in a while?”

“Yes, Those.”

“I’ve also been meaning to ask about that, What are they?”

“To put it simply. They are stories made form, memories in a way.”

The two kept talking between each other until the Senior stopped in front of an ornate wooden doors, He knocked on the door and said.

“The words my eyes read are the truth of the one who writes, My name is Reader.” Said the senior in front of the door.

After waiting for a while, a voice came from inside, continuing what was just said infront of it.

For the stories that flow out of my mouth and written by my hand are given life, I am Author;”

There was a pause.

“Knowing the unknown is unknowing what was already known. Child of Truths, Who do you seek an audience to?”

“I seek audience with a chapter, The mistress of the 5th if possible.”

The door shook and shone bright, words etching in its surface.

“Will you be able sacrifice everything of what you’ve known, for the chance of peaking into what is to be unknown?”

The senior turned around to the junior looking him straight in the eye.

“Before we enter, I have to ask you this important question.” Seeing the seriousness from the senior, the junior straightened his posture as if preparing for judgement. “Do you know what the Chapters are? If so, Explain to me what you know.”

“Chapters? You mean the Nedhuomeic Helocks? The 7 promises? I’ve only heard about them from hearsays, They are people who embodies true living contradictions. It was said they are people who have the power to decide if someone is true or if it’s false, The closest beings to omniscience after The Sage, Devout or any of them.”

The senior placed his left hand to his chin, digesting what was just said by the junior.

“What you have said isn’t entirely false, but it’s not entirely true either.” He brought his hand down and placed it unto the shoulder of his junior and patted it.

“The Chapters area group people that are tasked of being living contradictions for the sake of keeping “promise”, These are Binding, Shattering, Birth, Greying, Permanence, Seclusion and Death. The seven chapters of promise.” He nodded calmly as he continued.

“Keep your composure, Right now you are about to meet one of them. The Chapter of Permanence.”

“Why me? Specifically?”

“Because of your question earlier. You are about to meet the Chapter responsible for the living contradiction of Knowing everything while knowing nothing at the same time.”

“I’m confused? Why and how is Permanence connected to that question?”

“I can’t answer everything since we are making them wait for us and especially since I, myself, don’t know. But the answer to that in my knowledge is because the things you know are the only things that has permanence to you.”

“Now, it’s better not to keep them waiting. Unlike them You don’t have that much time, for you are mortal.”

He said as he pushed the door open and shoved the junior into the room beyond, before the door closed on itself, the senior shouted.

“Don’t forget! “Will you be able sacrifice everything of what you’ve known, for the chance of peaking into what is to be unknown?” he said with a smile as the door finally closed.

Come to think of it… what is the correct answer to a question that even they do not know of?
