Chapter 17:

Crazy little things

After the Limelight: An Unwanted Boom in Fame

I walked past two men in suits, whispering excitedly to each other

They're clearly up to no good and i can hear bits and pieces of their conversation about ruining Sariel's performance.

I overhears a group of people in suits talking about how they're going to sabotage Sariel's performance in the competition. 

They talk about how they've been tracking him the whole time and know his weaknesses and his strengths, and they're very confident in their ability to ruin his performance. 

It's clear that they're out to get him, so I know i have to warn Sariel. I sneak and peek to see what is actually going on

Leader: Everyone, attention. We have a mission to complete. We need to cause a scene and make sure that we ruin the show for Sariel. We've tracked him and we know all his weaknesses and strengths. We have a plan and we'll be ready to put it into action when the moment comes. We're going to ensure we get what we want

Leader: Okay guys, let's get down to business. We've got a job to do and our client doesn't pay us for half-assed work, so let's make sure this goes off without a hitch. We've got eyes on the target at all times and we know what needs to be done. No room for mistakes, all right?

Rest of the group: (nods) Yep, we got this. No sweat. (smirks)

Leadder: Good. Now let's go make our client proud.

(The members of the mafia begin to discuss their plan.)

" Okay, let's go over this one more time. I want to ensure that this plan is airtight and that nothing gets left to chance. We need to create havoc during the show and make sure our plan is successful.

Everyone: Okay, boss!

They all get to work, preparing for the big night and doing whatever it takes to ensure that their plan goes off without a hitch. Sariel and jun are unaware of the danger they're in and just begin to prepare their performances.

*they all begin to nod in agreement*

Now, head out and start causing chaos. Spread the word. Do what you have to do to ruin his performance. Nobody can stop us. Good luck, and be careful out there.

"Oh my god... someone's sabotaged Sariel's performance!" I gasp in disbelief, my eyes wide with shock and my face frozen in horror. "How could anyone do such a thing?" I feel like my heart is going to explode as I try to process what I've just seen.

It's too much to bear. My mind can't wrap around such a terrible act. I can't even begin to imagine what would possess someone to do such a thing. I can only think about how awful it must be for Sariel and I feel a surge of rage that someone could be so hateful and heartless.

Who's that?! "

It was when I felt a hand a grip around my arm pulling me away from that scene

" you're sweating bullet"Roxy smiling at me as she stared at me carefully "are you alright "

"I...I am stunned and impressed by how smoothly Roxy handles this situation. It's's so flawless, like something from a movie. She...she just...she just move me away like it was nothing, and it''s's kind of sexy, honestly. It's... it's kind of hot...

"I.."I couldn't help but to statered 

"Hey Rikka, how was your date with Aki?" she asks cheerfully, a wide smile on her face.

"How did you know?! "I was shocked

"I just found out about what's happening with the film club. I'm so sorry to hear that it won't be able to continue. I know how much you and the others loved it and put a lot of effort into it. I'm sorry to hear that all that work may be coming to an end."Roxy takes a deep breath before looking at .s, her voice shaking a little as she speaks.

"I have some terrible news, Rikka." She looks around to make sure no one is listening, before leaning in close to whisper in my ear. "Allison and the Film Club will be dissolving soon." She holds her breath after the revelation, her heart racing.

"I heard Allison and Eugene have broken into a huge fight regarding the decision of dissolving the club." 

"They have been arguing about the club's future for weeks now, and I'm afraid it's finally come to a head. I'm so sorry, Rikka. I don't want to lose the club either, but the decision has already been made.

"however...i think Disolving the club is a good decision." Roxy has a look of resignation on her face, like she's finally accepted the news. "I hate the thought of losing this club, I really do. I've put so much work into it. But at the same time, I understand why it has to be done. It's for everyone's best interest. I'm going to miss it, but it's for the best.

"It's not fair. The club was supposed to be a place where they could work together and create something amazing...but the club has become an unhealthy environment, full of drama and conflict, and it's hurting all of them. "Hearing Roxy's words felt like daggers "

"I better get going "

" Eugene, Allison "i whispered as I wrapped the doll around my arms tighter" this is all my fault "

Ethan's face is grim as he approaches Us. He has a look of anger and disappointment on his face as he glares at Aki, who looks sheepish and subdued. He takes a deep breath before speaking

"How could you bring her here? This is no place for her!"Ethan walks up to Aki and stares him down. . "What the hell were you thinking, bringing Rikka to the casino?" . He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at Aki, waiting for him to say something in his defense.

. "Are you completely out of your mind?" 

I stands off to the side, looking scared and confused. "I can't believe you would do something so stupid, If you cared about her at all, you would have kept her away from this place." Sariel continues to yell at Aki, his anger and frustration palpable.

"Rikka and I are having fun" Aki tries to defend himself, but the more he talks, the more he just digs his hole deeper.

I looks around at the casino, confused. "Where are we?" she asks in disbelief. "I thought we were at the arcade for our friendly date?" I looks at Aki with wide eyes, her confusion and disbelief clear on her face. 

"Are you serious? There's no arcade in the casino?" Aki stares at her, dumbfounded by my confusion and my disbelief.

I can tell He's not sure whether he should laugh or cry, but he's definitely feeling a little bit of both. 

"What were you thinking, Aki? Bring Rikka to the casino?" He asks sternly. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is? I'm really disappointed in you if it werent for sariel i would not know"

"sariel"my heart sinks as i thinks about what i heard earlier. I knows that that underground group is planning on sabotaging Sariel's performance in the competition, and I can't help but be worried about what they might do.

I'm not sure what they're planning, but I can only imagine the worst and I already starting to feel anxious and nervous." Sariel has put so much work and effort into his performance, and the thought of it all being for nothing because of some silly, pointless crime makes her so upset and angry..

The thought of Sariel's performance being sabotaged.... 

. I don't understand how someone could be so mean and hateful and it makes me so sad and angry. We must all be strong for Sariel and not let this ruin his show. It's just not fair and it makes me so frustrated and outraged...but I will not stand for it! My anger and sadness are only going to make me work harder to help him succeed through all of this

I'm so determined to save Sariel and Jun from this senseless sabotage. I can't imagine what would possess someone to do such a terrible thing and I'm not going to let this stand. 

I'm going to do everything I can to ensure they find and bring justice to whoever did this. I will not let their hateful acts go unpunished. If I do nothing else in my life, I'm going to do whatever it takes to see these evil-doers face the consequences of their actions. Jun deserves after all that he has poured into this performance.

With the confusion cleared up for the both of them, they can finally agreed to go to the together.
