Chapter 599:

The Martian Inquisition Arc (Part 2)

Beyond The Stars

Author's Note: This is Part 2 of The Martian Inquisition Arc. This part covers Chapters 597 through 603. It is about 4430 words long.

Scene 22

Narrator: 2 years pass.

*Zeth and Sasha are hanging out in their hotel-like room. Zeth is relaxing on their bed while Sasha sits in front of a mirror and combs her hair. Someone then knocks at their door*

Zeth: I’ll get it.

*Zeth gets off the bed and opens their door. It’s Ralay*

Zeth: Ralay? What are you doing here?

Ralay: It’s important.

Zeth: Well, then come on in.

Ralay: Thank you.

*Ralay walks into the room. Zeth then closes the door to go sit on the bed*

Sasha: What is it?

Ralay: Liana and I will be giving a speech now that we have finished being implemented into our roles. This meeting with the two of you is secret. I haven’t told anyone what I’m doing.

Zeth: Why is that?

Sasha: Is meeting with us that big of a deal?

Ralay: I generally trust my assistants but for this, I have to not trust them.

Zeth: I’m confused. Why would you not trust them?

Ralay: This speech has a secondary purpose. It is to serve as bait to see if any of our assistants in Heaven or Hell are plotting an assassination. I want to trust my assistants but knowing what happened to the first Light Goddess and Dark God of Earth means I can’t do that right now.

Sasha: So, what do you need us to do?

Ralay: I need the two of you on extra tight patrol as the speech goes on. Look for any signs of attack.

Sasha: Even with us on patrol, there is no guarantee we will find any signs of an impending attack. You will be putting yourselves and the crowd in danger.

Ralay: I know, but we have to take the risk.

*Zeth and Sasha look like they are thinking*

Zeth: All right. We will go along with it.

Sasha: We will do our best.

Ralay: Thank you. Hopefully, nothing happens.

Scene 23

Narrator: 4 nights later.

*A platform has been set up in an area of the city where many other parts of the city intersect. This is where the speech will be held. A large crowd has gathered. Ralay and Liana are off the stage and getting ready for the speech while Zeth, Sasha, Don, some angels, and some demons search the area for a potential attack. Zeth and Sasha are wearing their blue uniforms*

*Sasha uses the communication device connected to her ear*

Sasha: How are things on your end?

*Zeth also uses the communication device connected to his ear*

Zeth: Everything’s all good over here.

*Don uses his communication device*

Don: Same here. No signs of any possible attacker.

Sasha: Don’t let down your guard. Things could change at any moment.

Zeth: Roger that.

*Zeth looks down at the platform as Ralay and Liana take the stage. They walk up to two podiums that have mics on them and begin their speech*

Ralay: To the people of Mars, we thank you for coming to this speech tonight. We are holding this speech to tell you where Mars goes from here now that Liana and I have been fully implemented into our roles as the Light Goddess and Dark Goddess of Mars.

Liana: Our goal is to make life on Mars as prosperous as it can possibly be… for everyone. That’s right! It’s not just one group of people! It’s not a specific race! If you are someone who lives on Mars, we will do what it takes to make your life prosperous!

Ralay: Like all tasks, it will take time. It will take effort. But we are committed to giving it our all!

Liana: A few topics at the top of our list of priorities are the economy and public safety—

*Liana is interrupted as a needle comes flying in from somewhere and pierces the platform they are standing on. The needle starts releasing multiple explosions. The crowd watching the speech starts to panic and run for their lives*

*Zeth, Sasha, and Don have shocked and angry reactions*

Zeth: How could this be!?

Sasha: We’ve been thorough in our patrol! An assassin was able to get through under our noses!?

Don: Big sis!!

*The explosions cause a lot of smoke to form on and around the platform. Someone launches themselves into the smoke, and in that smoke, Ralay and Liana suddenly find themselves in a fight. They have trouble seeing as the person is able to land some punches on them*

Ralay: I can’t see him!

*Liana tries to punch the person but when she does, it feels like she hit nothing*

Liana: I didn’t hit him?

*Back by Zeth, he notices a hooded person, with a black cloak that has three blue stripes going down each side, on a building near him. He starts going after the hooded person as he runs away*

Zeth: It was you, wasn’t it!? Come back here!

*Sasha communicates with Don via the device*

Sasha: Zeth is giving chase to a hooded person! I’m going to go help!

Don: Roger! I’m going to help my sis and Liana!

*Sasha goes to help Zeth while Don heads toward the smoked platform*

*Don gets onto the smoked platform as the smoke is starting to clear. Don tries to punch the intruder (who also appears to also be hooded) in the smoke but he dodges. But this allows Ralay to catch him off guard and punch him. Her punch causes him to turn to dust*

Ralay: What!?

*Meanwhile, Zeth and Sasha are still chasing the other hooded person. They are jumping from roof to roof after him*

Zeth: You won’t get away!!

*Zeth releases some Star Shards at him. The hooded person dodges but it also causes him to slow down. Sasha gets close to him and punches him with a powerful hit. The hooded person’s body turns to dust and all that is left is a needle*

Sasha: A needle!?

Zeth: What could this mean!?

Scene 24

*Zeth and Sasha reconvene with Don, Ralay, and Liana at the platform. Zeth shows them the needle*

Don: So, the hooded person you attacked had nothing left of him but a needle? It’s the same for the one we fought on this platform.

*Ralay shows them the needle they got*

Sasha: What could this all mean?

Ralay: I’m not sure. None of the angels in Heaven have powers that deal with needles.

*Ralay looks at Liana*

Ralay: Are there any demons in Hell that have needle powers?

Liana: There are none that I know of.

Zeth: There is one thing we know for sure. Someone tried to kill the both of you. There needs to be a serious investigation. This will be an inquisition. The Martian Inquisition.

Scene 25

Narrator: The next day.

*Zeth and Don are in Mars’s Heaven and are questioning three of Ralay’s top assistants. Two of which are male and one of which is female. Zeth holds up a needle*

Zeth: So, none of you really know anything about these needles?

Male Assistant 1: No, I’ve never seen anything like that.

Male Assistant 2: This is as perplexing to us as it is to you.

Female Assistant: I too know nothing of the needle but I might have a lead on the culprit.

*Zeth and Don look at her*

Don: How so?

Female Assistant: The cloak that the culprit wore. You said that it was black with three blue lines going down each side of it, correct?

Zeth: Yes…

Female Assistat: I’ve seen that design in Marshonia before. I suggest going to some of the clubs in Marshonia where shady people tend to hang out in. This attack may have been a group effort.

Don: I agree. I think that would be a good start to our investigation.

Zeth: As do I. We are going to go out and investigate in these clubs tonight.

Scene 26

Narrator: That night.

*Zeth is in a nightclub. He is wearing a black fedora and a black trench coat so he doesn’t stick out. He has a shady appearance in general as he stands against a support beam and is just watching and listening around the large 3-story room*

Zeth: (Thinking) I have to keep my eyes sharp and find someone who has clothes similar to that hooded person.

*Don is on the second floor and is also wearing a fedora and trench coat. He uses the communication device connected to his ear to talk with Zeth*

Don: I’m currently on the second floor. I haven’t seen anything yet. What about you?

Zeth: I’m on the first floor and haven’t heard or seen anything either. I will contact you if I do.

Don: Roger.

*They end communication*

*Zeth looks interested when he sees two shady-looking men discussing the previous night’s attack*

Man 1: That attack sure was something.

Man 2: To attack the goddesses. That takes a lot of guts.

Man 1: And rumor has it that the attacker got away.

Man 2: Against gods? Who could this mystery attacker be?

Man 1: Who knows?

Zeth: (Thinking) Doesn’t look like they know anything. I will check somewhere else.

*Zeth starts walking around. As he walks, he keeps his eyes and ears peeled*


*Back with Don. Don starts following someone. The person he is following has a brown fedora on his head*

Don: (Thinking) This person seems suspicious to me.

*As Don follows his target, he is being followed by someone else, but soon, that person (a human man) is intercepted by Zeth*

Zeth: You appear to be following my colleague. Let’s take this somewhere else.

*Zeth grabs that man and takes him away. Meanwhile, Don grabs onto the shoulder of the person he is following from behind which causes him to turn around and face Don. The man is of the cloroid race*

Don: I have some questions for you.

Scene 27

*Somewhere less crowded, Zeth pushes the human man back against a wall and pulls out one of the needles used in the attack. The human looks like he is in his 30s. He has short/flat black hair and a little bit of facial hair*

Zeth: Tell me. Do you know anything about this needle?

*The man becomes scared*

Man: Don’t go flaunting that thing around!

Zeth: So you do know something about it.

Man: Listen, you will get people killed if you flaunt that thing out!

Zeth: What do you know!?

Man: I can’t answer anything about the needle.

*Zeth stares at him for a moment*

Zeth: (Thinking) I should change the angle of my approach.

Zeth: (Now out loud) How about this? Why were you following my colleague?

Man: That guy your colleague was following is a part of the group that is a part of the top dealers in Mars’s underground businesses.

Zeth: (Thinking) Then these top dealers and the needles are probably related. Don can handle himself against mortals so he shouldn’t be in any danger.

Zeth: (Now out loud) You will be taken away for further questioning.

*Sasha steps out from a dark corner*

Zeth: I will sick my beloved wife on you. You better cooperate because she hates uncooperative people and her sadistic side enjoys “persuading” uncooperative people.

*The man gulps and is really scared*

Scene 28

*Not long after that, Zeth is walking through the nightclub. He tries to contact Don*

Zeth: Don? Don? Can you hear me? Damn it, Don. Pick up.

*Zeth then hears Don’s voice through the device*

Don: I’m here, Zeth.

Zeth: Oh good. You had me worried for a second.

Don: Meet me out front of the nightclub.

Zeth: Roger. I’m on my way.

*Zeth starts heading for the exit*

Scene 29

*Outside, Zeth meets up with Don. Don has apprehended the cloroid*

Don: This cloroid tried to attack me after I confronted him but apprehending him was pretty easy.

Zeth: Well, Sasha has taken back another suspicious person.

Don: I learned some pretty helpful info from this cloroid but I will explain it when we get back to our base.

Scene 30

Narrator: The next day.

*A building in Marshonia is being used as a base for Zeth, Sasha, Don, Ralay, and Liana because mortals can’t be taken to divine territories. The human and the cloroid are tied to chairs in separate rooms. Zeth, Sasha, Don, and Liana are in the room with the cloroid*

Don: This cloroid revealed the possible location of where their boss is.

Cloroid: I should clarify that this is based on rumors as very few have actually seen the boss.

Zeth: Is this boss responsible for the attacks on the goddesses?

*The cloroid gives them a stern look*

Cloroid: Possibly.

Don: The areas that he told me where the boss could possibly be found were under a vacant parking lot by the Mars Express Hotel, the primary power plant of Marshonia, the Titan Show Theater, and the new sports stadium under construction. I will scout those areas tonight.

Liana: All right, we will reconvene tonight. The questions we asked this cloroid today were given mostly mixed responses.

*The four of them start to leave the room. With their backs to him, the cloroid starts to smile sinisterly*

Scene 31

Narrator: That evening.

*Zeth, Sasha, Don, Ralay, and Liana meet at the base*

Don: I will begin my scouting mission.

Ralay: Okay. Just be careful.

*Don, Ralay, and Liana look at Zeth and Sasha*

Ralay: I think the two of you should get some rest for the night because you have earned it.

Liana: Yes. Let us handle things for the night.

Sasha: Are you sure?

Zeth: We are here to assist you.

Liana: We are sure. Go get some rest.

Zeth: Okay. If you are sure about that.

Don: All right, I’m about to leave.

*Don looks at Ralay and Liana*

Don: I will reach you via communication device once I am done.

*Don looks confident*

Don: I will be done with this before the night is over. A storm is coming after all.

*Zeth and Sasha start to leave*

Zeth: We hope to hear things went well.

Sasha: Goodnight. See you tomorrow.

Scene 32

*Zeth and Sasha are walking on the sidewalks of Marshonia back to their hotel-like room*

Zeth: This mission should be completed tomorrow. Don scouts tonight and then tomorrow we go in and take out the leader.

Sasha: But knowing our luck, it won’t be easy.

Zeth: If we’re just going up against mortals, they shouldn’t be difficult to take down.

Scene 33

Narrator: That night.

*Zeth and Sasha are lying in bed. They are about to sleep but Sasha starts looking at him and smiles*

Sasha: I think we should have some fun before we sleep tonight.

*She seductively smiles*

Sasha: What do you say?

*Zeth smiles back to her with an interested grin*

Zeth: I think I will take you up on that offer.

*Sasha gets on top of Zeth and they begin undressing as the view starts to pan outwards*

Scene 34

Narrator: Overnight.

*Zeth and Sasha are asleep in their bed and are nude under the covers. Zeth’s communication device starts beeping on the end table next to their bed. Zeth is awoken by it, and with his eyes still mostly shut, he tries to reach over to it. He soon is able to grab it and starts talking with his eyes still mostly shut*

Zeth: Yeah?

*Zeth listens to what the person on the other end of the line is saying*

Zeth: Uh-huh… Yeah…. Yeah….

*Zeth eyes then open wide in shock and he starts screaming*

Zeth: What the hell do you mean he didn’t come back!!?

*At this point, Sasha wakes up too and rubs her eyes*

Sasha: What is it?

*Zeth sits up with anger, fear, and shock on his face*

Zeth: How could this happen!!?

*Zeth hops out of the bed and grabs his clothes that are lying on the floor. He starts putting them on as he runs out of the room. Sasha now sits up and is covering her bare chest with the bed sheet*

Sasha: Wait, Zeth! Where are you going!?

*Sasha then gets out of bed with a view of her upper back and she quickly grabs her clothes that were on the floor and starts putting them on*

Sasha: How does he run and put his clothes on at the same time?

*Once she has all of her clothes on, she runs out of the room too*

Scene 35

*Zeth is running on the sidewalk of the city and is trying to head for their base. But on the way there, he sees a hooded person leaving a building. It’s the same clothing as the speech attackers. Zeth opens his eyes wide*

*Zeth stops where he is going and runs after the hooded person*

Zeth: Hey, you bastard! What happened to Don!!?

*The hooded person is surprisingly fast*

Zeth: (Thinking) How is he able to run so fast!?

*Zeth throws some Star Shards at him but the hooded person has no trouble dodging them while keeping up his speed*

Zeth: No way! Damn it! Stop, you bastard!!

*Zeth is not able to get close but is able to keep the hooded person in his sights. He eventually chases the hooded person into a sports stadium that is under construction (but looks close to completion)*

Scene 36

*When Zeth gets onto the field of the stadium, he doesn’t see the hooded person*

Zeth: Where did he go!?

*Zeth then looks up at the top of the stadium and his eyes open wide*

Zeth: What the hell is that!!!?

*Sitting on the top of the stadium is the 7-foot-tall bird beast monster that doesn’t have a head. The bird beast spreads its wings and starts making disturbing noises. The top of the bird beast’s neck has an abyss in it. Zeth notices the abyss and starts having haunting flashbacks of Korobu*

Zeth: That is… an abyss. It’s just like Korobu!

*The hooded person is then seen on top of the stadium too and stands next to the bird beast. The shading is too dark to see the hooded man’s face*

*The hooded man then starts talking*

Hooded Man: So, Zeth, we finally meet face to face.

Zeth: How the hell do you know who I am!?

Hooded Man: News of what transpired on Earth 14,000 years ago spread far and wide in the Divine World.

*This startles Zeth*

Zeth: You’re not a mortal, are you? Just who the hell are you?

*The hooded man ignores Zeth’s question*

Hooded Man: You want Don? Here, have him.

*Don suddenly comes out of the abyss of the bird beast. However, a red magic string is attached to him that connects him to the abyss*

Hooded Man: Don has become a nice puppet. In fact, I think he will be quite useful.

*Zeth has a look of despair on his face*

Zeth: Don! Speak to me!

*There is no response from Don. Instead, Don does a super-fast dash and punches Zeth in the face, causing him to stumble back*

Hooded Man: It’s useless. Now that Don has been taken by the abyss, his freedom is gone. Only the abyss itself can decide to release him.

*Zeth looks angered at the hooded man but then continues trying to reason with Don*

Zeth: Come on! Please! You have to snap out of it!

*This has no effect as Don starts continuously punching Zeth. Zeth doesn’t even try to resist the punches*

*Don kicks Zeth upward which then is immediately followed by him getting above Zeth in the air and slamming his elbow down on Zeth’s back. The hit knocks Zeth flat into the ground, causing it to crack around the impact*

*It starts to rain as the storm approaches*

*Zeth stands up and the rain begins to soak him as Don lands back on the ground and stares at him*

Zeth: Come on, Don…

*Zeth begins slowly running toward Don. He pathetically tries to punch Don but they aren’t fast and are easily dodged*

*Don then interrupts Zeth’s punches with his own punch, causing Zeth to stumble back. Zeth retaliates with a jumping swipe-kick. Don blocks the kick with his arm and then grabs Zeth’s leg. He throws Zeth back against the lower wall at the bottom of the spectator seats*

*Don starts forming an orange magic ball in his right hand*

Hooded Man: It’s admirable that you don’t want to hurt your friend. But will you do it at the cost of your own life?

*Don releases the orange magic ball*

Zeth: That’s his Star Bounce Ball!

*The ball hits the ground and bounces off of it with even more power as it heads toward Zeth*

*Zeth clinches his teeth in a sort of panic. He kicks the ball back at Don as the power of the attack increases again. Don uses his arm and swipes it away at a diagonal angle. However, with quick speed, Don reaches the ball again and kicks it diagonally at Zeth*

*Zeth was taken by surprise and is hit directly to the side which knocks him to the other end of the stadium where a small explosion goes off*

*Zeth comes out from the attack with visible wounds on his body*

Zeth: *huff huff* Please, Don!

Don quickly reaches Zeth and punches him in the chin which causes Zeth visible pain*

Zeth: Gah!

*Zeth tries to counter with a punch but Don blocks the punch with his own punch and then grabs Zeth, turns around, and then slams him down on the ground*

Hooded Man: What a futile effort.

*Don then kicks Zeth away. Don reaches Zeth quickly and gut-punches him*

*Zeth coughs up some blood and tumbles around on the ground before coming to a stop. He slowly tries to stand up and tears start to flow down his face as the rain continues to soak him*

Hooded Man: You are friends, but one of you will die here tonight in this storm.

*Zeth continues to get beat up by Don as he is losing his will to resist. He contemplates it all in his head as Don continues attacking him*

Zeth: (Thinking) Why? Just why? Why did this have to happen!? Don is a good man! I don’t want to kill him!! He doesn’t deserve this!!! Damn it all!!

*The situation is putting Zeth in severe mental pain as Don continues to beat him up*

Hooded Man: Zeth, you don’t have to suffer this physical pain. All you have to do is kill Don. His life for yours. It’s an easy decision, don’t you think?

*Don comes in for another attack, but suddenly, Don finds himself getting punched hard in the face by Zeth and it knocks him back. Zeth is heavily crying as he does his punch*

Zeth: Don! I have come to only one conclusion!! Death would be preferable to being some monster’s puppet!!!

*Don stands up after Zeth’s attack as the storm has now settled in and lightning and thunder go off around the area*

*Zeth goes into Raging Star Mode*

Zeth: I’m going to free you from this horrible nightmare!!

*Zeth rushes toward Don while still crying*

Zeth: I will free you from this monster!!

*Don releases another Star Bounce Ball at Zeth but Zeth easily knocks it back toward him at a very high speed and blows right into his gut. Zeth then lands a punch in Don’s face. The two combined attacks blow Don back into a wall, causing it to crumble down on him*

*Zeth starts forming a Raging Star Blast in his left hand as he continues to cry, but then Don blasts himself out of the rubble and launches toward Zeth, and lands a punch in his face. It causes Zeth’s Raging Star Blast to stop forming. Don lands more punches before Zeth starts blocking them all and then gut punches Don to stop his punches. Don coughs up blood*

*Zeth then uppercuts Don to knock him upward. Zeth jumps up to start punching Don some more before he kicks him diagonally downward to knock him back to the ground. Zeth lands and reforms his Raging Star Blast. He still cries*

Zeth: I’m sorry!!!

*Zeth releases his Raging Star Blast as Don tries to stand back up. Don takes a direct hit from the Raging Star Blast which causes a powerful blast*

*After the smoke clears, Don is on his back with heavy wounds*

*Zeth’s Raging Star Mode ends as he walks up to Don. The red magic thread connecting Don to the abyss dissipates*

*Zeth looks down at Don. Don is only able to mutter some words*

Don: You did the right thing…

*Don then dies*

*On the top of the stadium, the beast bird opens a portal*

Hooded Man: That’s one down. Four to go.

*The hooded man and the beast bird go in the portal and it then closes*

*As Zeth looks down at Don’s dead body in front of him, Sasha’s words from 2 years ago start to go through his head*

“100,000 years and that’s a long time… even for us…”

*The words continue to play through his head and they become more intense*

“100,000 years. 100,000 years. 100,000 years. That’s a long time… even for us… Long time…. Long time… Even for us… For us… us…”

Zeth: He will be restored in… 100,000 years…

*Zeth starts breathing heavily*

Zeth: But… That’s too long! 100,000 years is too long!!!!

*Zeth starts hyperventilating as he cries out in sorrow extremely loudly*

*Sasha and Liana show up to the stadium and find Zeth crying in front of Don’s dead body. Sasha and Liana have a look of dread as they go up to him*

Zeth: S-Some b-bird monster started c-controlling D-Don and then in o-order to f-free him…….

*Zeth starts hyperventilating again as he says the next part*

Zeth: I killed him!!!! I killed him!!!! It was me!!!!!!

*Zeth starts to collapse and Sasha grabs him in a hug and cries with him*

Sasha: Please don’t blame yourself!

Liana: I agree with her. This isn’t on you!

*Zeth’s hyperventilation causes him to pass out*

*Sasha starts carrying Zeth on her back while Liana grabs Don’s body. They start walking out of the stadium*

Sasha: I am concerned about what Ralay’s reaction will be.

Liana: I know. I fear a reaction similar to Zeth’s. The enemy just dealt us a big loss.


Author's Note: A note about the dark headless bird monster. Design-wise, it's not that different from that one enemy type in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess which are called Shadow Kargaroks. It wasn't inspired by that enemy but I realized after I made it that the design was similar to the design in my head of the bird beast.

The chapter names of the chapters covered in this part:

Chapter 597: The Bait Speech

Chapter 598: The Martian Inquisition

Chapter 599: Suspicious Suspects

Chapter 600: A Bad Sign

Chapter 601: The Puppet

Chapter 602: Sad But True

Chapter 603: Sorrow