BTS 1 (Chapters 1-574) Synopsis:118 years ago, Earth was ravaged by a major war between the forces of Heaven and Hell. Now, a young man named Zeth, who has just discovered he has magic abilities, finds himself faced with helping Heaven to prevent another invasion of Earth by Hell. Zeth and his new friends must journey through the world, different dimensions, and the divine realm to put a stop to the threats that face the world and perhaps answer the biggest question of all, what caused the conflict between Heaven and Hell in the first place? This is a journey that must go beyond the stars!
BTS 2 (Chapter 575 and onward) Synopsis: Following the defeat of the Dark Goddess and peace returning to Earth, the threat of the abyss begins to loom. Zeth, Sasha, and the other heroes must travel to other planets in the galaxy as well as the Divine World itself to find a way to stop it, or else lose the entire galaxy to the abyss.
I have been writing BTS since November 2014 and the story is still ongoing to this day. This story was inspired by battle shounen mangas. As such, it is written in a different format compared to the usual novel. I call it a "word manga". It's all in words but is formatted like a weekly manga. I'm going to post the entirety of the first 4 arcs within 4 days because the second and third arcs are overly action-heavy so posting them all at once will help the pacing. Romance is definitely a major part of this story but it won't be early in the story that the romance gets going so if you are interested in the romance part, just be patient. As a note, the story does have violence, gore, and swear words in it.
EDIT: As of Chapter 639, I changed the writing style. It's much closer to standard writing now. I'm not sure if I will go back and update all previous chapters to the new style. It would take a lot of time and I would rather spend that time writing new ones instead of changing old ones
I have been writing BTS since November 2014 and the story is still ongoing to this day. This story was inspired by battle shounen mangas. As such, it is written in a different format compared to the usual novel. I call it a "word manga". It's all in words but is form...
Author | |
Genre | ActionAdventureMagicRomanceShounen |
Updated | May 05, 2024 |
Chapters | 657 |
Writing Status | Ongoing |
Word Count | 692,581 |