Beyond The Stars

BTS 1 (Chapters 1-574) Synopsis:118 years ago, Earth was ravaged by a major war between the forces of Heaven and Hell. Now, a young man named Zeth, who has just discovered he has magic abilities, finds himself faced with helping Heaven to prevent another invasion of Earth by Hell. Zeth and his new friends must journey through the world, different dimensions, and the divine realm to put a stop to the threats that face the world and perhaps answer the biggest question of all, what caused the conflict between Heaven and Hell in the first place? This is a journey that must go beyond the stars!


BTS 2 (Chapter 575 and onward) Synopsis: Following the defeat of the Dark Goddess and peace returning to Earth, the threat of the abyss begins to loom. Zeth, Sasha, and the other heroes must travel to other planets in the galaxy as well as the Divine World itself to find a way to stop it, or else lose the entire galaxy to the abyss.

I have been writing BTS since November 2014 and the story is still ongoing to this day. This story was inspired by battle shounen mangas. As such, it is written in a different format compared to the usual novel. I call it a "word manga". It's all in words but is formatted like a weekly manga. I'm going to post the entirety of the first 4 arcs within 4 days because the second and third arcs are overly action-heavy so posting them all at once will help the pacing. Romance is definitely a major part of this story but it won't be early in the story that the romance gets going so if you are interested in the romance part, just be patient. As a note, the story does have violence, gore, and swear words in it.
EDIT: As of Chapter 639, I changed the writing style. It's much closer to standard writing now. I'm not sure if I will go back and update all previous chapters to the new style. It would take a lot of time and I would rather spend that time writing new ones instead of changing old ones

I have been writing BTS since November 2014 and the story is still ongoing to this day. This story was inspired by battle shounen mangas. As such, it is written in a different format compared to the usual novel. I call it a "word manga". It's all in words but is form...

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Feb 03, 2022icon-views 1.4 Kicon-reaction-110
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Prisoner
Feb 03, 2022icon-views 153icon-reaction-15
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Three Travelers
Feb 03, 2022icon-views 82icon-reaction-12
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Bandits' Base
Feb 03, 2022icon-views 104icon-reaction-12
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Zeth vs Lund
Feb 03, 2022icon-views 72icon-reaction-11
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Path to Home
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 54icon-reaction-11
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Troubled Young Lady in the Forest
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 62icon-reaction-12
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The Ranks of Magic Power
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 40icon-reaction-12
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: A Midnight Attack
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 57icon-reaction-12
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Cursed Water
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 40icon-reaction-12
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Kurt vs Smog
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 53icon-reaction-12
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Mastermind of Cursed Water
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 55icon-reaction-13
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: He Who Consumes
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 35icon-reaction-12
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Emily vs Tar
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 48icon-reaction-12
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Joe vs Sludge
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 39icon-reaction-11
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Zeth and Sasha vs Crimson
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Kurt's Strategy
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 40icon-reaction-11
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Joe's Violent Weather
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Battle in an Open Field
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Emily and the Shadow Sword
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 41icon-reaction-11
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Why Me!?
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 43icon-reaction-11
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: What Lies in the Great Falls
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Sasha vs Kurmp
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 40icon-reaction-11
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Zeth vs Drought
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Poison is His Way
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 39icon-reaction-11
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Poison Mist
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 42icon-reaction-11
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Blood Magic Rising
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 43icon-reaction-11
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Guardian of the Altar
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: The Only A-Rank
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 44icon-reaction-11
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Messenger of the Dark Goddess
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 35icon-reaction-11
Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Udana's Words
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Zeth's Home City
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Story of the Divine War
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 35icon-reaction-11
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: The Poachers
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Zeth vs Grode and Raider
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: An Elevating Battle
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Raging Star Mode
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Answers About The Poachers
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Kurt vs Easia
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Grocery Store Battle
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-12
Chapter 40: Chapter 40: What Master Dom Taught Me
Feb 05, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 41: Chapter 41: Easia's Left Arm Revealed
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Kurt's Chance at Victory
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Sasha vs Alga
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Shade Blanket
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Joe vs Sen
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 42icon-reaction-11
Chapter 46: Chapter 46: The Mighty Chainsaw
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Emily vs Shotsteed
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Emily's Chances Decline
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Blood and the Shotgun
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 35
Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Emily's Blood Magic
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Heroes vs The Remaining Poachers
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 52: Chapter 52: The Poachers' Password
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 53: Chapter 53: The End of the Poachers
Feb 06, 2022icon-views 37icon-reaction-11
Chapter 54: Chapter 54: A City Recovering
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Messenger of the Dark Goddess Part 2
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Temple of the Light Goddess
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 57: Chapter 57: Temple First Room
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Hints of the Past Begin
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 59: Chapter 59: The Others See Hints Too
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 60: Chapter 60: The Light Goddess
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 61: Chapter 61: The Earth Dens
Feb 07, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Harmona's Plan
Feb 08, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Korobu and Crimson
Feb 08, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Zeth and Zaydra
Feb 08, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Mansion of Horrors
Feb 10, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 66: Chapter 66: Saykomera
Feb 10, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 67: Chapter 67: The One Who Stalks in the Darkness
Feb 11, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 68: Chapter 68: Zeth vs The Clown Doll
Feb 11, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 69: Chapter 69: Burn!
Feb 11, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 70: Chapter 70: The Dark Power Within Her Heart
Feb 12, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 71: Chapter 71: The Mansion's Butler
Feb 12, 2022icon-views 21icon-reaction-11
Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Emily and Joe vs Walno
Feb 12, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 73: Chapter 73: Advanced Item Manipulation Magic
Feb 12, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Intensify The Storm
Feb 12, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Emily Alone in the Mansion
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 76: Chapter 76: Knight and Knight. Sword and Sword
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Heart of the Knights
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Shriekers of the Lower Levels
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Hidden Evil
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Zeth and Sasha vs Poleon’s Fraction
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 81: Chapter 81: The Mighty Divine Zeth
Feb 13, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 82: Chapter 82: The Divine Raging Star
Feb 14, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Kurt, Joe, and Mansion Fun
Feb 14, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 84: Chapter 84: The Troll Queen
Feb 14, 2022icon-views 43icon-reaction-11
Chapter 85: Chapter 85: The Troll Quest
Feb 14, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 86: Chapter 86: Udana’s Pursuers
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 87: Chapter 87: The Heroes Reunite
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 88: Chapter 88: "It" Comes Calling
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-12
Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Heroes vs "It"
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 90: Chapter 90: The Monstrous Mutations of “It”
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 91: Chapter 91: Dark Divine Princess and Shattering of Bones
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 92: Chapter 92: Experimentation Book
Feb 15, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Daykona's Reasons
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Heroes vs Daykona
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 95: Chapter 95: Daykona’s Mutation
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 96: Chapter 96: The Heroes Go All Out Against Daykona
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 97: Chapter 97: The Plan Goes Into Effect
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 98: Chapter 98: The Boulder Trap
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Dark Star
Feb 16, 2022icon-views 37icon-reaction-11
Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Saving Clora
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 101: Chapter 101: Zeth vs Crimson Round 2
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 102: Chapter 102: The Power of Blood
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 103: Chapter 103: Zaydra’s Desperate Attack
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 35icon-reaction-11
Chapter 104: Chapter 104: Mansion of Horrors Arc Wrap-Up
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 105: Chapter 105: The Story of a Human Boy
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 58icon-reaction-11
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Angel Sanctuary
Feb 17, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 107: Chapter: 107: Preparations for the Swamp Underworld
Feb 18, 2022icon-views 55icon-reaction-11
Chapter 108: Chapter 108: Swamp Entrance
Feb 18, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Hirro City Bar
Feb 18, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 110: Chapter 110: Battle of Drunken People
Feb 18, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 111: Chapter 111: The Search for the Drunken Divine Beings
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 112: Chapter 112: The Power Struggle
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 113: Chapter 113: Abduction at Hirro City
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 114: Chapter 114: The Mistaken One
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 115: Chapter 115: Rampage in Lady Spay’s Fortress
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 116: Chapter 116: Zaydra Infiltrates the Centipede Lair
Feb 19, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 117: Chapter 117: Commander Moss’s Secret Weapon
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 118: Chapter 118: The Final Battle of the Power Struggle Begins
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 119: Chapter 119: Keith vs Lady Spay
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 43icon-reaction-11
Chapter 120: Chapter 120: What You Do To Spiders
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 121: Chapter 121: Emily, Kurt, and Joe vs Kitipede
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 122: Chapter 122: What You Do To Centipedes
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 123: Chapter 123: Zeth Takes On All Spiders and Centipedes
Feb 20, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 124: Chapter 124: The Power Struggle Comes to an End
Feb 21, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 125: Chapter 125: The Woman Returns
Feb 21, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 126: Chapter 126: The Enigmus Project
Feb 21, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 127: Chapter 127: A Lesson, Punishment, and Crushing Sadness
Feb 21, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Rock Bottom
Feb 22, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 129: Chapter 129: The Third Altar
Feb 22, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 130: Chapter 130: Crying Spirits
Feb 22, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Enigmus War Machine
Feb 22, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 132: Chapter 132: Mysterious Boy
Feb 23, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Hashon
Feb 23, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Zeth vs Kurt. The Life of a Friend at Stake!
Feb 23, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 135: Chapter 135: The Hawk Clan Enigmus Horde
Feb 24, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 136: Chapter 136: Fighting For A Friend
Feb 24, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Fear The Raging Star
Feb 24, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Remember Yourself
Feb 24, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 139: Chapter 139: A City on the Edge of Collapse
Feb 24, 2022icon-views 38icon-reaction-12
Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Hashon’s Destruction
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 141: Chapter 141: The Dark Goddess’s Commands
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 142: Chapter 142: The Start of a Bloody Battle
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 143: Chapter 143: Kurt vs Emily. The Life of the Second Friend at Stake!
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Shotgun and Electricity
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 145: Chapter 145: Shadow and Blood
Feb 25, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 146: Chapter 146: The Home Scare
Feb 26, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Zeth vs Subject 42
Feb 26, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 148: Chapter 148: Raging Star Zothena
Feb 26, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 149: Chapter 149: The Other Factions Arrive
Feb 26, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 150: Chapter 150: Kurt and Emily vs Joe. The Life of the Third Friend at Stake!
Feb 26, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 151: Chapter 151: A Deadly Storm
Feb 27, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Keith vs Subject 7
Feb 27, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 153: Chapter 153: Clash of Non-Natural Demons
Feb 27, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 154: Chapter 154: A Heart-Ripping Experience
Mar 01, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 155: Chapter 155: Joe vs Gido
Mar 01, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 156: Chapter 156: RAG vs Bethro
Mar 01, 2022icon-views 48icon-reaction-11
Chapter 157: Chapter 157: Forceful Stars
Mar 02, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Bethro’s Ultimate Attack
Mar 02, 2022icon-views 39icon-reaction-11
Chapter 159: Chapter 159: Zeth and Korobu
Mar 03, 2022icon-views 63icon-reaction-11
Chapter 160: Chapter 160: Harmona vs Korobu. The Light Goddess Strikes!
Mar 03, 2022icon-views 35icon-reaction-11
Chapter 161: Chapter 161: Sasha vs Gen. The True Intentions of Gen!
Mar 03, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 162: Chapter 162: The Power of a Strong Demon
Mar 04, 2022icon-views 51icon-reaction-11
Chapter 163: Chapter 163: State of the Fortress
Mar 04, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 164: Chapter 164: Zeth vs Crimson Round 3
Mar 05, 2022icon-views 20icon-reaction-11
Chapter 165: Chapter 165: The Fortress Containment Cells
Mar 05, 2022icon-views 18icon-reaction-11
Chapter 166: Chapter 166: Joe vs Goro
Mar 05, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Hero Combination
Mar 06, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 168: Chapter 168: Combination Attack
Mar 06, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Biology of an Enigmus
Mar 06, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 170: Chapter 170: Emily vs Udana. Duel to the Death!
Mar 07, 2022icon-views 16icon-reaction-11
Chapter 171: Chapter 171: Shadow Sword Against Ability Sword
Mar 07, 2022icon-views 18icon-reaction-11
Chapter 172: Chapter 172: Sudden Death
Mar 07, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-12
Chapter 173: Chapter 173: Udana’s Motivation
Mar 08, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-12
Chapter 174: Chapter 174: March To Kogen's Throne Room
Mar 08, 2022icon-views 40icon-reaction-12
Chapter 175: Chapter 175: Heroes vs Kogen. The Battle to End the Enigmus Project!
Mar 08, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 176: Chapter 176: Darkness Awakened
Mar 09, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 177: Chapter 177: Dark Awakened Sasha vs Kogen. The Sadist Strikes!
Mar 09, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 178: Chapter 178: Kogen’s Enigmus Power
Mar 09, 2022icon-views 20icon-reaction-11
Chapter 179: Chapter 179: Destructive Clash
Mar 09, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 180: Chapter 180: Fierce Battle in the Storm
Mar 10, 2022icon-views 33icon-reaction-11
Chapter 181: Chapter 181: Kogen’s Final Phase
Mar 10, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 182: Chapter 182: Kogen's End
Mar 10, 2022icon-views 20icon-reaction-11
Chapter 183: Chapter 183: Enigmus Arc Aftermath
Mar 10, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 184: Chapter 184: Kogen and Udana in Hell
Mar 11, 2022icon-views 21icon-reaction-11
Chapter 185: Chapter 185: The Stalkers
Mar 11, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 186: Chapter 186: Setting the Stage
Mar 11, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 187: Chapter 187: Tournament Preparation
Mar 12, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 188: Chapter 188: The Chaos Tournament Begins!
Mar 12, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 189: Chapter 189: First Round. Match One - Keith vs Strong Jaw
Mar 12, 2022icon-views 36icon-reaction-11
Chapter 190: Chapter 190: First Round. Match Two - Emily vs Lizard Knight
Mar 13, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 191: Chapter 191: First Round. Match Three - Joe vs Air Flame
Mar 13, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 192: Chapter 192: Burning Storm
Mar 13, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 193: Chapter 193: First Round. Match Four - Kurt vs Swift Feet
Mar 14, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 194: Chapter 194: First Round. Match Five - Sasha vs Reptilian Saint
Mar 14, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 195: Chapter 195: Power of the Dead
Mar 14, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 196: Chapter 196: First Round. Match Six - Zeth vs Chop Claw
Mar 14, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 197: Chapter 197: Team Crimson Heart
Mar 15, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Poleon Investigation Report
Mar 15, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 199: Chapter 199: Zonbi Behind Closed Doors
Mar 15, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 200: Chapter 200: Preparing for the Second Round
Mar 16, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Chaos Dungeon
Mar 16, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 202: Chapter 202: Second Round. Match One - Joe vs Traya
Mar 16, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 203: Chapter 203: A Battle of Sharpness
Mar 16, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Second Round. Match Two - Keith vs Medusa
Mar 17, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 205: Chapter 205: Second Round. Match Three - Emily vs Papen
Mar 17, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 206: Chapter 206: Second Round. Match Four - Sasha vs Dira and Nemuri
Mar 17, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 207: Chapter 207: Sasha the Reaper
Mar 18, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 208: Chapter 208: Second Round. Match Five - Zeth vs Maskodon
Mar 18, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 209: Chapter 209: Crashing Down
Mar 18, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 210: Chapter 210: Zaydra in Pursuit of Korobu
Mar 19, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 211: Chapter 211: Preparing for the Semifinals
Mar 19, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 212: Chapter 212: Semifinal Round - Team Heaven’s Destiny vs Team Curbstomp. A Full Group Battle Commences!
Mar 19, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 213: Chapter 213: Combine and Comeback
Mar 20, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 214: Chapter 214: Momentum Shift
Mar 20, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 215: Chapter 215: Semifinal Victory
Mar 20, 2022icon-views 29icon-reaction-11
Chapter 216: Chapter 216: The Day Before the Finals
Mar 21, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 217: Chapter 217: Final Round. Match One - Keith vs Breakneck
Mar 21, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 218: Chapter 218: To Outsmart a Bull
Mar 21, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 219: Chapter 219: Final Round. Match Two - Emily vs Nasan
Mar 21, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 220: Chapter 220: Rise of an Earth Den Woman
Mar 22, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 221: Chapter 221: Final Round. Match Three - Joe vs Kudo
Mar 22, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 222: Chapter 222: Storm Lord Eyes
Mar 22, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 223: Chapter 223: Final Round. Match Four - Kurt vs Yoru
Mar 22, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 224: Chapter 224: Haunting From the Shadows
Mar 23, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 225: Chapter 225: Final Round. Match Five - Sasha vs Izado
Mar 23, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 226: Chapter 226: Death Pull
Mar 23, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 227: Chapter 227: Zeth vs Crimson Round 4. The Battle for Consumption!
Mar 23, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 228: Chapter 228: Blood Magic Intensity
Mar 24, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 229: Chapter 229: Bloody Destruction
Mar 24, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 230: Chapter 230: Consumption
Mar 24, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 231: Chapter 231: Why I Hated You
Mar 24, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 232: Chapter 232: Whole Again
Mar 25, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 233: Chapter 233: Command of the Crow Beak Divine Killers
Mar 25, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 234: Chapter 234: Vengeful Guardian
Mar 26, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 235: Chapter 235: The Horrid Truth
Mar 26, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 236: Chapter 236: The Brother I Never Knew
Mar 27, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 237: Chapter 237: Reign City Shootout
Mar 27, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 238: Chapter 238: Beginning of Corruption
Mar 28, 2022icon-views 21icon-reaction-11
Chapter 239: Chapter 239: Substance of the Cave
Mar 28, 2022icon-views 48icon-reaction-12
Chapter 240: Chapter 240: Deity of the Divide
Mar 28, 2022icon-views 21icon-reaction-11
Chapter 241: Chapter 241: The Cloaked Man
Mar 29, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 242: Chapter 242: The Mortalment Ancient Scriptures
Mar 29, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 243: Chapter 243: Master Dom vs Goma
Mar 29, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 244: Chapter 244: Protection Failure
Mar 30, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 245: Chapter 245: Salina vs Haunch
Mar 30, 2022icon-views 37icon-reaction-11
Chapter 246: Chapter 246: Decision of Fear
Mar 30, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 247: Chapter 247: Goma’s Tri-Heads
Mar 31, 2022icon-views 26
Chapter 248: Chapter 248: Big Explosion
Mar 31, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 249: Chapter 249: Fighting for His Life
Mar 31, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 250: Chapter 250: The Night the Sky Cried
Apr 01, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 251: Chapter 251: Zeth vs Goma
Apr 01, 2022icon-views 26
Chapter 252: Chapter 252: Harmona vs Hamura, Korobu, and Gentorious
Apr 01, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 253: Chapter 253: Blood Form
Apr 02, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 254: Chapter 254: The Regretted Decision Part 1 – The Door
Apr 02, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 255: Chapter 255: The Regretted Decision Part 2 – Vengeance
Apr 02, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 256: Chapter 256: Haunch's Counterattack
Apr 03, 2022icon-views 23icon-reaction-11
Chapter 257: Chapter 257: Blood Form of the Light and Five Demon Hearts of the Human Clash
Apr 03, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 258: Chapter 258: Star Dust
Apr 03, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 259: Chapter 259: Mountain Peak Battle
Apr 04, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 260: Chapter 260: It’s Not Fair
Apr 04, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 261: Chapter 261: Hell’s Portal
Apr 04, 2022icon-views 29
Chapter 262: Chapter 262: Heaven’s Guardian
Apr 05, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 263: Chapter 263: A Long Time Passed
Apr 05, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 264: Chapter 264: Hall of the Gods
Apr 06, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 265: Chapter 265: Our Master
Apr 06, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 266: Chapter 266: Family Visit
Apr 06, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 267: Chapter 267: Obtain the Fourth Altar
Apr 07, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 268: Chapter 268: Pirate Attack
Apr 07, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 269: Chapter 269: He Who Was Lost
Apr 07, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 270: Chapter 270: The Hooded Ones
Apr 08, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 271: Chapter 271: Vampire Conspiracy Theory
Apr 08, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 272: Chapter 272: The Resistance
Apr 09, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 273: Chapter 273: Battle To Liberate Kenzo
Apr 09, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 274: Chapter 274: Strength of the Vampires
Apr 10, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 275: Chapter 275: More Power or Civilian Safety?
Apr 10, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 276: Chapter 276: Vampire Combination Attacks
Apr 10, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 277: Chapter 277: Regrouping
Apr 11, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 278: Chapter 278: Kenzo Liberated!
Apr 11, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 279: Chapter 279: Wolves and Crows
Apr 12, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 280: Chapter 280: The Vengeful Daughter
Apr 13, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 281: Chapter 281: Vampire Squad Delta
Apr 20, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 282: Chapter 282: Team Zeth vs Vampire Squad Delta
Apr 20, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 283: Chapter 283: Emily’s Ancestral Form Takes on Vampire Squad Delta
Apr 20, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 284: Chapter 284: Ancestral Form’s Flaws
Apr 22, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 285: Chapter 285: Team Takedown
Apr 22, 2022icon-views 27
Chapter 286: Chapter 286: A Difficult Roadblock
Apr 23, 2022icon-views 27
Chapter 287: Chapter 287: Zaydra’s Team vs Zepto and the Insane Sane
Apr 23, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 288: Chapter 288: Zepto’s Closed Eyes
Apr 23, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 289: Chapter 289: Evasive Measures
Apr 26, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 290: Chapter 290: The Story of a Critical Battle Part 1 – Vampire of Origin
Apr 26, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 291: Chapter 291: The Story of a Critical Battle Part 2 – Kazan’s Curse
Apr 27, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 292: Chapter 292: Leonis and Misha. Two Council of Demons Members Face-to-Face!
Apr 27, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 293: Chapter 293: Snow Zone and Dark Zone
Apr 27, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 294: Chapter 294: The Difference Between Us
Apr 28, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 295: Chapter 295: All Hail The Vampire King
Apr 28, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 296: Chapter 296: Breakout
Apr 28, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 297: Chapter 297: Prison Battle
Apr 30, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 298: Chapter 298: Monsters of the Dungeon
Apr 30, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 299: Chapter 299: The Largest Monster
Apr 30, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 300: Chapter 300: Zeth and Sasha… Together… Forever… Their Love Finally Blooms
May 03, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 301: Chapter 301: Reaper Power Unleashed
May 03, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 302: Chapter 302: Out of the Rabbit Hole
May 04, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 303: Chapter 303: The Vampire Queen Makes Her Move
May 04, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 304: Chapter 304: The Vampire Queen’s Power
May 19, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 305: Chapter 305: Vampire Livestock
May 19, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 306: Chapter 306: Elite Rematch
May 19, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 307: Chapter 307: Delta’s Anger
May 20, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 308: Chapter 308: Holding Off
May 20, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 309: Chapter 309: Joe’s Blood Magic
May 20, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 310: Chapter 310: Elite Victory
May 21, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 311: Chapter 311: Daniel’s Story
May 21, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 312: Chapter 312: Unexpected Help
May 22, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 313: Chapter 313: Zonbi vs Leonis. Clash of the Queen of the Undead and the King of the Vampires!
May 22, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 314: Chapter 314: Explosion Zone
May 22, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 315: Chapter 315: Momentum Blast
May 23, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 316: Chapter 316: Mirror Image Zone
May 23, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 317: Chapter 317: Blow For Blow
May 23, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 318: Chapter 318: Reinforcements
May 24, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 319: Chapter 319: Bed Trap
May 24, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 320: Chapter 320: Nameless One vs Misha
May 24, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 321: Chapter 321: Bedroom Battle
May 25, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 322: Chapter 322: Confrontation in the Mountains
May 25, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 323: Chapter 323: Rumbling Mountains
May 25, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 324: Chapter 324: Pure Vampire Power
May 26, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 325: Chapter 325: Sanctum Vampires
May 26, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 326: Chapter 326: Battle Against The Sanctum Vampires
May 28, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 327: Chapter 327: Stages of Vampirism
May 28, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 328: Chapter 328: Vampirism of a Hero
May 28, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 329: Chapter 329: Good News and Bad News
May 29, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 330: Chapter 330: Castle Assault
May 29, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 331: Chapter 331: Vampire Cannons
May 30, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 332: Chapter 332: All Against One
May 30, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 333: Chapter 333: The Vampire That I Wish Wasn’t
May 30, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 334: Chapter 334: Father and Son Confrontation
May 31, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 335: Chapter 335: Zeth vs Kyle. The Momentous Battle Between Father and Son!
May 31, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 336: Chapter 336: He Who Knows
May 31, 2022icon-views 27
Chapter 337: Chapter 337: Who is the Spy?
Jun 01, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 338: Chapter 338: Kyle’s Skill
Jun 01, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 339: Chapter 339: Vampire Zeth
Jun 01, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 340: Chapter 340: Kazan’s Influence
Jun 02, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 341: Chapter 341: Blazing
Jun 02, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 342: Chapter 342: Advance to the Ritual
Jun 02, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 343: Chapter 343: Sasha vs The Darkness Vampires
Jun 03, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 344: Chapter 344: A Dark Magic Awakening
Jun 03, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 345: Chapter 345: The Black Devil
Jun 03, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 346: Chapter 346: Reuniting
Jun 04, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 347: Chapter 347: Battle of the Volcano
Jun 04, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 348: Chapter 348: The Ritual
Jun 04, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 349: Chapter 349: Releasing Hatred
Jun 05, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 350: Chapter 350: From The Grave
Jun 05, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 351: Chapter 351: Stop the Ritual!
Jun 05, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 352: Chapter 352: The Return of Kazan
Jun 06, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 353: Chapter 353: Kyle’s Story Part 1 – Depression and Answers
Jun 06, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 354: Chapter 354: Kyle’s Story Part 2 – Plan in Motion
Jun 07, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 355: Chapter 355: He Who Surpassed Royalty
Jun 07, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 356: Chapter 356: Fight The Vampires Together!
Jun 07, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 357: Chapter 357: The New Combination Attacks
Jun 08, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 358: Chapter 358: Because You’re Wrong
Jun 08, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 359: Chapter 359: The Vampire Royalty Falls
Jun 08, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 360: Chapter 360: Kyle vs Kazan. Battle Against The Vampire of Origin!
Jun 09, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 361: Chapter 361: The Power of Blazing
Jun 09, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 362: Chapter 362: Mountains Will Crumble
Jun 09, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 363: Chapter 363: Kazan’s Full Power
Jun 10, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 364: Chapter 364: Harmona and Kyle, Fighting Together Again
Jun 10, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 365: Chapter 365: Lava Flow Battle
Jun 10, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 366: Chapter 366: Golden Shine Lights The Way
Jun 11, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 367: Chapter 367: Battle in Zeth’s Subconscious
Jun 11, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 368: Chapter 368: Golden Attack
Jun 11, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 369: Chapter 369: Vampire Saint Mode
Jun 12, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 370: Chapter 370: Vampiric Angel
Jun 12, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 371: Chapter 371: Sacrifice
Jun 12, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 372: Chapter 372: The End of Kazan
Jun 13, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 373: Chapter 373: A Father’s Final Words
Jun 13, 2022icon-views 29
Chapter 374: Chapter 374: Vampire Kingdom Arc Aftermath
Jun 14, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 375: Chapter 375: Welcome Back!
Jun 14, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 376: Chapter 376: The New Look Council of Demons
Jun 15, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 377: Chapter 377: Important Discussion
Jun 15, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 378: Chapter 378: Who is Dayna’s Mother?
Jun 16, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 379: Chapter 379: The One I Want to be With
Jun 16, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 380: Chapter 380: A Romantic Date to Remember
Jun 17, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 381: Chapter 381: The Night Creature
Jun 17, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 382: Chapter 382: Werewolf Havoc
Jun 17, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 383: Chapter 383: Zeth vs The Werewolf
Jun 18, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 384: Chapter 384: Plan to Invade Basiege
Jun 18, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 385: Chapter 385: The One of the Black Mist
Jun 18, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 386: Chapter 386: A Welcoming Family
Jun 19, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 387: Chapter 387: House Trap
Jun 19, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 388: Chapter 388: The Werewolf Horde
Jun 19, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 389: Chapter 389: The Mystery of Dayna’s Blood
Jun 20, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 390: Chapter 390: The Mother Revealed
Jun 20, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 391: Chapter 391: Battle Against the Werewolves
Jun 20, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 392: Chapter 392: A Three Battle Front
Jun 20, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 393: Chapter 393: The Hell That Creeps Back
Jun 21, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 394: Chapter 394: Harmona’s Anger
Jun 21, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 395: Chapter 395: Scared of Her Own Shadow
Jun 21, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 396: Chapter 396: The Monster Within the Goddess
Jun 22, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 397: Chapter 397: The Savage Lion Strikes
Jun 22, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 398: Chapter 398: Double Star Blitz
Jun 22, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 399: Chapter 399: All for the Plan
Jun 23, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 400: Chapter 400: The One Who Can Bring The End
Jun 23, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 401: Chapter 401: The Deity of The End
Jun 23, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 402: Chapter 402: Sonzen vs Zenos
Jun 28, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 403: Chapter 403: What Happened Nearly 300,000 Years Ago
Jun 28, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 404: Chapter 404: Calm Before The Dark Matter Storm
Jun 28, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 405: Chapter 405: Dark Matter Spreads
Jun 29, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 406: Chapter 406: The Woman’s Secret
Jun 29, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 407: Chapter 407: The Difficulty Only Goes Up From Here
Jun 29, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 408: Chapter 408: Nowhere is Safe from Corruption
Jul 01, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 409: Chapter 409: Problems With Wildlife
Jul 01, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 410: Chapter 410: Starring in a Zombie Movie
Jul 01, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 411: Chapter 411: A Store and a Storm
Jul 03, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 412: Chapter 412: Those Who Once Poached
Jul 03, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 413: Chapter 413: An Unexpected Request
Jul 04, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 414: Chapter 414: Rejoined At Last
Jul 04, 2022icon-views 16
Chapter 415: Chapter 415: Zombie Cooperation
Jul 04, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 416: Chapter 416: Heroes vs The Giant Zombie
Jul 05, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 417: Chapter 417: Grim Reality for the Eagle Clan
Jul 05, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 418: Chapter 418: Recruitment Offer
Jul 08, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 419: Chapter 419: The Dark Matter Clan
Jul 08, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 420: Chapter 420: To Overcome Dark Matter
Jul 09, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 421: Chapter 421: The Dark Matter Training Begins
Jul 09, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 422: Chapter 422: Dimension of Deities
Jul 10, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 423: Chapter 423: Ebo’s Belief
Jul 10, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 424: Chapter 424: Training Advancement
Jul 11, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 425: Chapter 425: Dom’s Investigation
Jul 11, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Official Members
Jul 12, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 427: Chapter 427: First Mission
Jul 12, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 428: Chapter 428: What The Hawk Clan Was Looking For
Jul 13, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 429: Chapter 429: Zeth’s Regret
Jul 13, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 430: Chapter 430: Remembering
Jul 15, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 431: Chapter 431: Zeth vs Randle
Jul 15, 2022icon-views 51
Chapter 432: Chapter 432: So Young Yet So Powerful
Jul 15, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 433: Chapter 433: Lacking Understanding
Jul 16, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 434: Chapter 434: Poleon’s Past
Jul 16, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 435: Chapter 435: A Grim Emergency
Jul 16, 2022icon-views 20icon-reaction-11
Chapter 436: Chapter 436: Corrupted Reapers
Jul 18, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 437: Chapter 437: Zenos Invades Hell! Dakame vs Zenos
Jul 18, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 438: Chapter 438: A Passed Down Secret
Jul 18, 2022icon-views 16
Chapter 439: Chapter 439: Staff of the Heavens
Jul 19, 2022icon-views 34icon-reaction-11
Chapter 440: Chapter 440: Farewell, Dark Goddess
Jul 19, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 441: Chapter 441: Zeth and Sasha vs Poleon
Jul 19, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 442: Chapter 442: To Give and To Receive
Jul 20, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 443: Chapter 443: Dark Star and Light Hell
Jul 20, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 444: Chapter 444: Appearances
Jul 20, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 445: Chapter 445: Something Is Different About Them…
Jul 21, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 446: Chapter 446: Poleon’s Last Stand
Jul 21, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 447: Chapter 447: Reaper Corruption Arc Aftermath
Jul 23, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 448: Chapter 448: Plan to Invade the Dimension of Dark Matter
Jul 23, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 449: Chapter 449: A Father’s Concern
Jul 24, 2022icon-views 31
Chapter 450: Chapter 450: City of Darkness Fighting Begins
Jul 24, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 451: Chapter 451: The Second Battle Begins
Jul 24, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 452: Chapter 452: Kogen vs Deity of Arrows
Jul 25, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 453: Chapter 453: The Heroes Assault the City
Jul 25, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 454: Chapter 454: Sandy Maze
Jul 25, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 455: Chapter 455: The Aura King
Jul 26, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 456: Chapter 456: Sasha, Joe, and Keith vs The Deities of Lightning and Rock
Jul 26, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 457: Chapter 457: Who is the Storm Lord?
Jul 27, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 458: Chapter 458: A Thief’s Power
Jul 27, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 459: Chapter 459: Putting Out A Flame
Jul 28, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 460: Chapter 460: The Terrifying Ghost and Headless One
Jul 28, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 461: Chapter 461: Higher on the Food Chain
Jul 28, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 462: Chapter 462: Moving Forward
Jul 29, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 463: Chapter 463: Zonbi vs Husk
Jul 29, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 464: Chapter 464: Encountering New Opponents
Jul 29, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 465: Chapter 465: Secret of the Monster
Jul 30, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 466: Chapter 466: Greater Sadistic Darkness Awakened
Jul 30, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 467: Chapter 467: Desperate Vampire
Jul 30, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 468: Chapter 468: Hamura vs Rayna
Jul 31, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 469: Chapter 469: The Middle Girl – Lost and Alone
Jul 31, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 470: Chapter 470: Rayna’s Determination
Jul 31, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 471: Chapter 471: The One That Keeps Dreaming
Aug 01, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 472: Chapter 472: Focus of The End’s Eyes
Aug 01, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 473: Chapter 473: Face to Face with The End
Aug 01, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 474: Chapter 474: Zeth’s Sorrow
Aug 02, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 475: Chapter 475: Vengeful Roar
Aug 02, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 476: Chapter 476: Vengeful Tears
Aug 02, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 477: Chapter 477: At Long Last
Aug 03, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 478: Chapter 478: Miranda and Zeth
Aug 04, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 479: Chapter 479: Origins of the Divide Part 1 – Love Between Light and Dark
Aug 04, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 480: Chapter 480: Origins of the Divide Part 2 – Coup D'état
Aug 04, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 481: Chapter 481: Origins of the Divide Part 3 – Fury and Sadness
Aug 05, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 482: Chapter 482: Battle of Legendary Deities
Aug 05, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 483: Chapter 483: Crossing Weapons of the Gods
Aug 05, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 484: Chapter 484: Soul Power
Aug 06, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 485: Chapter 485: The Weakness
Aug 06, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 486: Chapter 486: That Time I Looked At The Sky
Aug 06, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 487: Chapter 487: The Passage of Will
Aug 06, 2022icon-views 15
Chapter 488: Chapter 488: The End of The End
Aug 08, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 489: Chapter 489: Mystery of the Storm Lord
Aug 08, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 490: Chapter 490: The Storm Lord
Aug 08, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 491: Chapter 491: Joe vs Jackson. Battle to Become the Storm Lord!
Aug 09, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 492: Chapter 492: Power With Weakness
Aug 09, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 493: Chapter 493: Opening Strike
Aug 09, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 494: Chapter 494: The New Storm Lord
Aug 10, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 495: Intermission Side Story - The Light of One (Part 1)
Aug 10, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 496: Intermission Side Story - The Light of One (Part 2)
Aug 10, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 497: Intermission Side Story - The Light of One (Part 3)
Aug 11, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 498: Chapter 495: Servant and Princess
Aug 11, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 499: Chapter 496: The Divine World Calls
Aug 12, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 500: Chapter 497: One Final Date Before the Chaos
Aug 12, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 501: Chapter 498: Let Rise the Flames of War
Aug 12, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 502: Chapter 499: Battle of Angel Sanctuary
Aug 13, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 503: Chapter 500: Zaydra vs Kopmon
Aug 13, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 504: Chapter 501: Three-Connected-Terror
Aug 13, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 505: Chapter 502: Kopmon’s Core
Aug 14, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 506: Chapter 503: The Warfronts
Aug 14, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 507: Chapter 504: A Scarred Past
Aug 14, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 508: Chapter 505: Zentano vs Shade
Aug 15, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 509: Chapter 506: The War in the West
Aug 15, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 510: Chapter 507: Nairo’s Request
Aug 15, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 511: Chapter 508: Fight to the Brink
Aug 16, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 512: Chapter 509: Unleashing the Souls
Aug 16, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 513: Chapter 510: The War Spreads Throughout Harmone
Aug 16, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 514: Chapter 511: Battle of Kunasha
Aug 17, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 515: Chapter 512: The Clan’s Arrival
Aug 17, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 516: Chapter 513: Repentance
Aug 17, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 517: Chapter 514: Losses
Aug 18, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 518: Chapter 515: Zeth is Furious
Aug 18, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 519: Chapter 516: Eye for an Eye
Aug 18, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 520: Chapter 517: Struggles in the Central and South Regions
Aug 19, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 521: Chapter 518: All Out in the Northeast Region
Aug 19, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 522: Chapter 519: Noble Sacrifices
Aug 19, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 523: Chapter 520: Supreme Cannon
Aug 22, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 524: Chapter 521: Zonbi’s Confidence
Aug 22, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 525: Chapter 522: Undead Dance
Aug 22, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 526: Chapter 523: Defending Their Home
Aug 22, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 527: Chapter 524: The Ultimate Troll
Aug 23, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 528: Chapter 525: Kopesh’s Hell Culture
Aug 23, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 529: Chapter 526: Burn Kopesh to the Ground!
Aug 23, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 530: Chapter 527: Sins of the Father
Aug 24, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 531: Chapter 528: Memories of the Three
Aug 24, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 532: Chapter 529: Assault on Ground Zero
Aug 24, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 533: Chapter 530: Zentano’s Honor
Aug 26, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 534: Chapter 531: The Battle Throughout Reign City
Aug 26, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 535: Chapter 532: Zonbi and Sean vs Shade
Aug 26, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 536: Chapter 533: The Undead Dragon
Aug 26, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 537: Chapter 534: When Sorrow Fails
Aug 28, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 538: Chapter 535: Sasha and Salina vs Sherra
Aug 28, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 539: Chapter 536: Mind Battle in the Haunted Park
Aug 28, 2022icon-views 31
Chapter 540: Chapter 537: Death Ride
Aug 28, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 541: Chapter 538: A Turn for the Worse
Aug 29, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 542: Chapter 539: Battle of Vengeance – Kurt vs Gen
Aug 29, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 543: Chapter 540: The Aura God
Aug 29, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 544: Chapter 541: Gen’s Changing Forms
Aug 29, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 545: Chapter 542: Repaid
Aug 29, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 546: Chapter 543: Letting Go of Restraint
Aug 30, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 547: Chapter 544: Take Down the Dark Dragon!
Aug 30, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 548: Chapter 545: Doubts in the Mind
Aug 31, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 549: Chapter 546: The Last Stand
Aug 31, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 550: Chapter 547: Linked by Destiny
Sep 02, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 551: Chapter 548: Harmona and Dakame – Light Goddess vs Dark Goddess
Sep 02, 2022icon-views 26
Chapter 552: Chapter 549: Goddess Blood
Sep 02, 2022icon-views 24
Chapter 553: Chapter 550: Monstrous Goddesses Collide
Sep 02, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 554: Chapter 551: Hamura’s Shocking Truth – Sasha vs Hamura
Sep 04, 2022icon-views 70icon-reaction-11
Chapter 555: Chapter 552: The Girl and the Monster
Sep 04, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 556: Chapter 553: Purple Flames
Sep 04, 2022icon-views 27
Chapter 557: Chapter 554: Hamura’s Ultimate Power
Sep 04, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 558: Chapter 555: Farewell to the Curious
Sep 04, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 559: Chapter 556: Destined Battle – Zeth vs Korobu
Sep 05, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 560: Chapter 557: The Soul and the Abyss
Sep 05, 2022icon-views 26
Chapter 561: Chapter 558: The True Abyss
Sep 05, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 562: Chapter 559: Shades of the Destined Battle
Sep 05, 2022icon-views 27
Chapter 563: Chapter 560: Endgame
Sep 05, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 564: Chapter 561: March to the End
Sep 07, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 565: Chapter 562: The Final Battle Begins – Zeth and Sasha vs The Dark Goddess
Sep 07, 2022icon-views 20
Chapter 566: Chapter 563: Fighting Together to the End
Sep 07, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 567: Chapter 564: Darkest of All
Sep 07, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 568: Chapter 565: Hopelessness
Sep 09, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 569: Chapter 566: Bursting Soul Unleashed
Sep 09, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 570: Chapter 567: Soul Blows
Sep 09, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 571: Chapter 568: Peace Be To The Damned
Sep 09, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 572: Chapter 569: The Time of the Ultimate Collision
Sep 09, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 573: Chapter 570: Destroy The Dark Goddess!!
Sep 10, 2022icon-views 23
Chapter 574: Chapter 571: The War is Over!!
Sep 10, 2022icon-views 28
Chapter 575: Chapter 572: The Successor
Sep 11, 2022icon-views 33
Chapter 576: Chapter 573: The New World
Sep 12, 2022icon-views 50
Chapter 577: Chapter 574: Welcome to the New Era (Last chapter of ACT 2/End of Beyond The Stars 1)
Mar 15, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 578: Intermission One-Shot Chapter - Baby Hayden's Adventure
Apr 14, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 579: Intermission Side Story - Death Incarnate (Part 1)
Apr 14, 2023icon-views 22
Chapter 580: Intermission Side Story - Death Incarnate (Part 2)
Apr 15, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 581: Intermission One-Shot Chapter - A True Beginning: Zeth
Apr 16, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 582: Intermission One-Shot Chapter - A True Beginning: Sasha
Apr 17, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 583: Chapter 575: Looking to the Future (First Chapter of ACT 3/First Chapter of Beyond The Stars 2)
Apr 18, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 584: Chapter 576: The Visit After A Long Time
Apr 19, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 585: Chapter 577: To Begin Exploring Hell
Apr 20, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 586: Chapter 578: For Rats, The Bell Tolls
Apr 21, 2023icon-views 19
Chapter 587: Chapter 579: The Forest Terror
Apr 22, 2023icon-views 21
Chapter 588: Chapter 580: Zeth and Sasha vs Herbigon
Apr 22, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 589: Chapter 581: Dusk, The Darkness Demon
Apr 23, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 590: Chapter 582: Zeth and Sasha vs Dusk
Apr 23, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 591: Chapter 583: Herbigon and Dusk
Apr 24, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 592: Chapter 584: The Grave of Rot
Apr 24, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 593: Chapter 585: The Volcano Demon
Apr 25, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 594: Chapter 586: Sasha vs Lavana
Apr 25, 2023icon-views 19
Chapter 595: Chapter 587: Sadistic Intimidation
Apr 26, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 596: Chapter 588: Hell Exploration Arc Wrap-Up
Apr 27, 2023icon-views 19
Chapter 597: Intermission One-Shot Chapter - Alone in the Storm
Apr 28, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 598: The Martian Inquisition Arc (Part 1)
Apr 29, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 599: The Martian Inquisition Arc (Part 2)
Apr 30, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 600: The Martian Inquisition Arc (Part 3)
May 01, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 601: The Martian Inquisition Arc (Part 4)
May 02, 2023icon-views 21
Chapter 602: Intermission One-Shot Chapter - The Waves of the Deep Mind
May 03, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 603: Chapter 617: Foreboding
May 04, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 604: Chapter 618: Time Capsule of Past Enemies
May 05, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 605: Chapter 619: The Korobu Mystery
May 06, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 606: Chapter 620: The Galactic Travel Spaceship
May 07, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 607: Chapter 621: Stargazer
May 08, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 608: Chapter 622: Return To Mars
May 09, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 609: Chapter 623: Entering a New Solar System
May 10, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 610: Chapter 624: Flora World
May 11, 2023icon-views 20
Chapter 611: Chapter 625: The Light Tyrant
May 12, 2023icon-views 54
Chapter 612: Chapter 626: Sewer Rat
May 13, 2023icon-views 22
Chapter 613: Chapter 627: Poison Ivy
May 14, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 614: Chapter 628: Queen of the Sewer Rats
May 17, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 615: Chapter 629: Allies To An Uprising
May 20, 2023icon-views 22
Chapter 616: Chapter 630: To Begin An Uprising!
May 21, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 617: Chapter 631: An Intelligent Enemy
May 22, 2023icon-views 21
Chapter 618: Chapter 632: Joe and Emily vs Boom Guy
May 25, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 619: Chapter 633: Killer Plants
May 26, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 620: Chapter 634: Zeth, Pearl, and Ivy vs Wally
May 27, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 621: Chapter 635: No Sight. No Sound.
May 28, 2023icon-views 21
Chapter 622: Chapter 636: Boom Guy’s Endless Arsenal
May 29, 2023icon-views 24
Chapter 623: Chapter 637: Boom Guy’s Story – A Man Who Couldn’t Let Go
Jun 04, 2023icon-views 33
Chapter 624: Chapter 638: Live as a Soldier. Die as a Soldier.
Jul 20, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 625: Chapter 639: An Opening in the Vines
Jul 21, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 626: Chapter 640: Grant’s Incredible Power
Jul 24, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 627: Chapter 641: Essential Magic Detection
Jul 25, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 628: Chapter 642: The Battle Against The Light Tyrant Begins!
Jul 31, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 629: Chapter 643: Simon’s Story — An Angel That Struggled To Gain Respect
Aug 01, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 630: Chapter 644: Subjugation is Right! Subjugation is Wrong!
Aug 07, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 631: Chapter 645: Crystals and Vines
Aug 08, 2023icon-views 13
Chapter 632: Chapter 646: All I See Is Crystals
Aug 09, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 633: Chapter 647: The Stakes of Stopping the Light
Aug 14, 2023icon-views 13
Chapter 634: Chapter 648: The Story of How Grant Got His Scar
Aug 15, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 635: Chapter 649: Understand the Abyss Threat!
Aug 16, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 636: Chapter 650: Purple Fire of the Beast
Aug 21, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 637: Chapter 651: Light Refraction
Aug 22, 2023icon-views 17
Chapter 638: Chapter 652: Emotional Scream
Aug 27, 2023icon-views 15
Chapter 639: Chapter 653: When the Light Shuts Off
Aug 29, 2023icon-views 16
Chapter 640: Chapter 654: Autonomy Violation
Sep 19, 2023icon-views 23
Chapter 641: Chapter 655: Daren’s Full Power
Sep 19, 2023icon-views 18
Chapter 642: Chapter 656: Death From The Inside
Apr 07, 2024icon-views 50
Chapter 643: Chapter 657: A New Era for Flora World
Apr 08, 2024icon-views 22
Chapter 644: Chapter 658: Flora World Expedition Report
Apr 09, 2024icon-views 25
Chapter 645: Chapter 659: Deity of Suns
Apr 10, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 646: Chapter 660: New Year’s Celebration
Apr 11, 2024icon-views 24
Chapter 647: Chapter 661: Shipwreck
Apr 12, 2024icon-views 14
Chapter 648: Chapter 662: The Dark Captors
Apr 13, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 649: Chapter 663: The Blue-Eyed Dark Divine Being
Apr 14, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 650: Chapter 664: The Barrenness of Planet Pylon
Apr 16, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 651: Chapter 665: Project Sputnik and Ronzic’s Scarring
Apr 18, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 652: Chapter 666: The Fate of the Stargazer’s Crew
Apr 20, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 653: Chapter 667: The Power of Merging Magic
Apr 22, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 654: Chapter 668: Working The Fields
Apr 27, 2024icon-views 14
Chapter 655: Chapter 669: Planting The Seeds of Rebellion
Apr 28, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 656: Chapter 670: Lavana vs Gravo
May 05, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 657: Chapter 671: The Story of Gravo and Boulder Demons – The Suppressed Ones
UpdatedMay 05, 2024
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count692,581
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