Chapter 619:

Chapter 633: Killer Plants

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 633: Killer Plants

Narrator: In the hallways of the pyramid.

*Zeth, Sasha, Kurt, Pearl, Lavana, Herbie, Dusk, Kasuma, and Ivy continue their way through the hallways of the pyramid, trying to get to Daren*

*Zeth looks around at the dark gray walls that have some plant life growing on them*

Zeth: I can only wonder what kinds of secrets this pyramid has.

Sasha: If it’s truly connected to the abyss, I would assume that it must have many.

*Up ahead, a few angels are patrolling the hallway*

Ivy: Get ready. We have enemies heading this way.

Male Angel 1: Intruders!

Male Angel 2: We need to stop them!

Female Angel: I got this! Fire Whirl!

*The female angel begins spinning her whole body rapidly. She just looks like a blur of spinning fire*

Female Angel: Burn to ashes!

*While still rapidly spinning, she begins moving toward the heroes just like a top*

*Zeth steps forward with a confident smile*

Zeth: I’ll handle this.

*Ivy holds out her left arm to block Zeth’s advance*

Ivy: No. I’ll get this one. I have a quick solution.

*Ivy covers her own hand with a poison substance and then flings the poison into the spinning angel*

Zeth: Will that really work?

*Ivy smirks*

Ivy: Of course, a grunt soldier’s fire isn’t going to burn through my poison. In fact, her spinning is going to make it a lot worse.

*The female angel’s spinning significantly slows down until it stops just before reaching the heroes as she has become poisoned all over her body thanks to the spinning spreading it. Ivy then kicks her horizontally into a wall, knocking her out. The two male angels remain*

Male Angel 1: No! This can’t be!

Male Angel 2: Let’s team attack them!

Male Angel 1: Good idea! It’s time for Electric Current!

*The first male angel electrifies his hand while the second male angel starts releasing a large outburst of water toward the heroes*

Ivy: This is noth—

*Zeth and Sasha stand in front of Ivy and interrupt her. They both confidently smile*

Zeth: Sorry, but we can’t let you have all the action.

Sasha: So we will take these guys.

*The first male angel’s electricity travels through the entirety of the second male angel’s water flow*

*Zeth forms two Star Shards while Sasha forms a small Black Energy Ball. Sasha releases the ball, causing a small blast that disrupts the water flow. Zeth then throws his two Star Shards and each carves into one of the angels. Both of the angels fall onto their backs from the damage dealt by the attacks*

*Ivy smiles as she looks impressed*

Ivy: Your group may just be the difference in our uprising.

Kasuma: I’m hoping we can keep casualties to a minimum. These angels aren’t all bad.

Kurt: We will do what we can but we have to make sure we don’t jeopardize our chances at victory.

Herbie: All those angels have to do is stay out of our way. If they come to us, it can’t be helped.

Dusk: Or maybe they just can’t stand the sight of your ugly mug.

*Herbie is annoyed*

Herbie: What was that, you gloomy-looking ass!?

*Lavana sighs*

*Sasha turns around and gives Herbie and Dusk a death stare*

Sasha: Knock it off.

*Herbie and Dusk shriek and then nod with a look of fear*

Herbie and Dusk: Yes, Ma’am!

Ivy: Come on, we need to keep moving.

*They all continue making their way through the hallway but they don’t make it much further as they encounter monstrous green plants at an intersection in the hallway. The plants are similar to venus fly traps in that they have mouth-like parts to their form. But these plants have arm-like parts to them too. Light shines down from the ceiling onto the plants. The savage plants face the heroes*

Ivy: Damn! Killer Plants! These must be from that bastard’s magic!

Lavana: Let me take care of this.

*Lavana points all of her fingers at the killer plants and shoots out many bullets of lava from underneath her fingernails, the lava bullets incinerate the plants, leaving them dead. However, the dead plants begin to react to the light shining through the ceiling, and not only do they come back to life, but they also fully regenerate as if they were not damaged at all. Lavana is shocked*

Lavana: What!? No way!

Pearl: What is this light? I know that plants need light to grow but no natural light is going to make a dead plant come back to life.

Ivy: I’m honestly not sure. I would bet that it is someone’s magic.

Kurt: Kill the plants again so that I can touch the light.

*Lavana shoots more lava bullets to kill the plants again as they were about to attack. Kurt holds out his right hand underneath the light. He then steps away and closes his eyes, focusing on finding the source*

Sasha: We will find out what or who the source of this is.

*Kurt soon opens his eyes*

Kurt: I have discovered where the source is but not the who or what the source is.

Sasha: That is good enough. We need to put a stop to it because this could become problematic. I don’t care what the source is, I will put a stop to it with my darkness.

Kurt: Your best chance of reaching the source is to take a right at this intersection. It is coming from that general direction of the pyramid.

Sasha: Got it.

Zeth: Please be careful.

Sasha: I will. And I won’t let you or anyone else down.

*Lavana kills the killer plants a third time and it allows Sasha to take a right turn at the intersection*

Ivy: All right. We will take a left turn at this intersection. Let’s go.

*The others nod and then they all take a left turn before the killer plants revive. As they continue in their new direction, a trap door on the floor opens, causing Lavana, Dusk, and Herbie to fall into it*

Herbie: Oh shit!!

Dusk: Damn it!!

Lavana: Not this!!

*The trap door then immediately closes*

Zeth: Seriously!? Why do all these places that we explore almost always have to have a trap door!? (Now Thinking) At least it wasn’t me this time. (Now speaking aloud again) I think we should go save them.

Ivy: No. I believe those three can handle themselves. We have to keep moving and find Daren.

Zeth: …Okay. You’re right.

*Zeth, Kurt, Pearl, Ivy, and Kasuma continue moving through the hallway*

Pearl: I hope Daren is not as strong as Dakame.

Ivy: The way you all talk about Dakame, she must have been extremely strong.

Zeth: She was. Her Darkest of All form was brutal. It wouldn’t surprise me if Zenos and Miranda were the only ones stronger than her on any of these planets. Even with Sasha and I having Bursting Souls, we still weren’t strong enough to finish her off without help.

Pearl: Kasuma, is there any more information that you can give us about Daren?

*There is no response*

Pearl: Kasuma?

*Pearl looks behind her to see that both Kasuma and Kurt are missing. Zeth, Pearl, and Ivy are the only ones that remain from their group*

Pearl: Kasuma and Kurt are gone!

Zeth and Ivy: What!?

Pearl: It couldn’t have been a trap door because surely we would have heard them scream or something. They silently disappeared.

Zeth: This is not good…

???: Indeed. It isn’t good for you. But it is good for me.

*Zeth, Pearl, and Ivy are alerted and look ahead. They are standing at the entrance of a room that is more open with some light shining down in the center of it. The room is in the shape of an octagon. They see a male angel. He has a red cap on his head. The side strands of his dark green hair spike out a little bit. He wears a white angel uniform*

Narrator: Angel of Flora World – Wally.

Wally: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wally and I am one of Lord Daren’s strongest angels. You should probably be more concerned with yourselves than your friends.

Narrator: With the main group being split up, a new foe appears!

Chapter 633 END

To be Continued in Chapter 634: Zeth, Pearl, and Ivy vs Wally