Chapter 621:

Chapter 635: No Sight. No Sound.

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 635: No Sight. No Sound.

Narrator: An update on Lavana, Herbigon, and Dusk.

*After falling through the trap door in the floor, Lavana, Herbie, and Dusk find themselves in a very large room and there are killer plants throughout the entire room. The plants are salivating. The bones of their previous victims are also scattered throughout the room*

Dusk: Well, this is… something…

Lavana: Hey, uh, Herbie, I don’t suppose that you could talk these plants down, could you?

Herbie: They are not my plants but I suppose I could give it a shot.

*Herbie grabs the attention of all the killer plants*

Herbie: Hey! All of you plants! I am a master of plants so I command you to listen to me and cease your aggression!

*The killer plants start creeping closer to them*

Herbie: Ooookay. As I suspected, that didn’t work.

Dusk: And you call yourself a plant-specializing demon. Do better next time, leafy boy.

*Herbie looks angrily at Dusk*

Herbie: Me controlling other peoples’ plants would be like you being able to control other peoples’ darkness! It’s not going to happen! Don’t act like you could do better, jackass!

Lavana: Stop acting like children and focus on the situation at hand!

Dusk: That’s exactly what I was going to do.

*Herbie smirks*

Herbie: My plants are far superior to these ones!


Narrator: An update on Kurt and Kasuma.

*Kurt and Kasuma are in a highly vertical room with platforms around that also gradually go up higher. Standing in front of them is the winged angel, Simon*

Kasuma: Simon…

Simon: Intruder, you are quite rude for interrupting my business with Kasuma.

Kurt: My name is Kurt. I’m not going to let you harm her!

Simon: You do seem attached to her. You were quite perceptive at that moment.

*Simon flashbacks to what happened*

*Back when Kurt and Kasuma were still walking through a hallway with the other heroes, a slight gap opens in the wall and Simon silently grabs and pulls Kasuma into the gap. Kurt is the only one who notices and quickly grabs onto her so he ends up being pulled in as well. The gap then closes without a sound. There was no noise made so none of the other heroes noticed*

*The flashback ends*


Simon: Your friends must be panicked, wondering where you went. If they are still alive by the time I’m done with you, I will present your corpse to them.

Kurt: Don’t underestimate me! I’m quite skilled in combat!

Simon: Huhu! I’m sure you are. But it takes more than being skilled in combat to handle my fighting style. You see, most of my enemies die without ever knowing I was there.

Kasuma: You don’t have to do this, Simon! Among Daren’s top soldiers, you always seemed to be the one most likely to question his ways! Those outside the walls of these pyramids are right! Daren is a tyrant!

Simon: Silence! Daren may not be the most pleasant of leaders but he led us to victory over Hell! His leadership is why we are still alive!

*Simon adjusts his glasses and then moves his left hand forward and his index and middle fingers are pointing up*

Simon: Kasuma, as well as you, Kurt, consider this your execution.

*Simon starts to vanish from view. There is no sound from him either*

*Kurt looks around the room but doesn’t see Simon anywhere*

Kurt: Where did he go!?

*Kurt notices that he didn’t hear himself say anything*

Kurt: My own voice isn’t audible at all!?

*Kurt looks at Kasuma. She has a serious look as she is saying something but her voice is not audible at all*

Kurt: I can’t hear her voice either! (Now thinking) Did he make me deaf or did he make us silent? I have no idea which it is yet!

*Kurt suddenly takes massive damage as he falls to his knees and coughs up blood. He then feels a lot of pain in his neck as he is knocked into a wall. Kasuma looks terrified but soon, she too is knocked into a wall. Kurt sits up and coughs some more*

Kurt: (Thinking) I can’t see him or hear him! How am I supposed to fight him!?

*Kurt begins flying up higher in the room and he starts randomly trying to punch and kick the area around him. Suddenly, he feels a hard hit against the top of his head that knocks him down to the floor. He is in significant pain but he slowly stands up*

Kurt: Damn it!

*Simon is standing on a platform and looks down at Kurt. Though, he still remains invisible to Kurt’s and Kasuma’s eyes*

Simon: (Thinking) He has survived all of my attacks so far. I guess he is legit after all.

*Simon looks down at Kasuma*

Simon: (Thinking) One hit was enough to make Kasuma barely able to move. She never was much of a fighter so I shouldn’t have to worry about her putting up much of a resistance.

*Simon looks at Kurt again and notices him doing something. Kurt has activated his Aura Field and it surrounds his entire body*

Kurt: (Thinking) If he is attacking me with physical attacks, he will get automatically attacked when he enters my Aura Field!

*Simon stares at Kurt’s Aura Field*

Simon: (Thinking) That appears to be magic of the aura. I would be foolish to get in too close without knowing what it does.

*Simon uses his hand to break off a small piece of the floor and tosses it into Kurt’s Aura Field. Once it enters, a whip of aura automatically attacks and destroys the small piece of the floor. Kurt is alerted*

Kurt: (Thinking) I saw that! It wasn’t him but he must have thrown that! Based on where it came from… He’s up there!!

*Kurt launches an Aura Whip up to the platform. Simon just barely gets out of the way in time. He flies higher up*

Simon: (Thinking) Yes, he is quite perceptive indeed. But I am glad I tested that power. A direct attack would have resulted in me getting attacked instead. He may actually be a challenging opponent.


Narrator: Back with Sasha.

*Sasha walks into a medium-sized room alone*

Sasha: This should be where the source of that light is. There isn’t anywhere else it could be in this direction. But, what could the source be?

*Something humanoid suddenly drops down from the ceiling behind her. She has a serious look on her face as she almost instantly turns around and pierces it with the index and middle fingers of her right hand. The thing bleeds but then just disappears*

*Sasha looks confused*

Sasha: What?

???: Impressive response.

*Sasha is alerted and looks up to see someone sitting on a ledge near the ceiling. That person is Grant*

Sasha: Who are you?

*Grant drops down from the ledge and lands on the floor. He speaks with a calm demeanor*

Grant: My name is Grant, the son of Light God Daren.

*Sasha opens her eyes wide*

Sasha: So, you’re the formidable Grant I have heard about.

Grant: I’m surprised you have heard much about me. Not many demons have met me and lived to tell the tale.

Sasha: I will say though that I’m not impressed by that surprise attack. It left a lot to be desired.

Grant: That? That was nothing more than a dummy I created to test your strength. I do not want to underestimate my opponents. I can tell that you are incredibly strong. I definitely won’t be underestimating you. Let’s begin.

*Sasha gets in a fighting stance but Grant does a short dash at a fast speed and does rapid hand movements that string a bunch of light rays around different parts of Sasha’s body. All of the light rays heavily damage Sasha and leave blood wounds across her whole body*

Sasha: Aaahh!!

*Sasha falls to her knees in pain as some blood drips onto the floor*

Sasha: (Thinking) Unbelievable! This is some of the worst pain I have ever felt! I can’t believe how much this hurts!!

Narrator: Sasha runs into the mighty Grant, she is learning quickly just how strong he is!

Chapter 635 END

To be Continued in Chapter 636: Boom Guy’s Endless Arsenal