Chapter 8:

To Kill A Monarch

Destiny Destroyers

Strategy was for wimps. That was the thought going through Dominic’s head as he rushed towards the king and jumped into the air. The axe clashed against the carpet as Lewis dodged, taking a chunk out as he raised it again. Dominic slashed sideways, and Lewis casually blocked the attack with his sceptre, pushing his axe back and causing Dominic to stumble. He then darted to the back of the room and began swinging the sceptre in a manner similar to an orchestral conductor. He pointed it to his left, right and in front of him, which caused three solid black orbs to spawn where the sceptre pointed. Lewis thrust it forward, and the orb flew towards Dominic.

Dominic threw his axe at it, and the orb exploded. The axe was flung into the other side of the room, narrowly missing Ulrich’s head.

“Shit! Did that hit anyone?” Dominic asked.

“What the fuck are you even playing at?” Lainey asked back, throwing the axe back.

“Look, I didn’t expect any of this! I’m gonna rush him! Help me out!”

Without waiting for a response, Dominic charged towards the king, with Ulrich and Lainey following after him. Lewis sent the other two bombs. Ulrich thrust his right hand outwards, expecting the fire inside to spring to life. Nothing happened. He tried again with his left hand, and nothing happened. The bomb was flying towards him, and Lainey had to summon her demon to swipe it out of the way. The demons hand blew to bits afterward, with particles trailing across the carpet.

“What are you doing, dumbass?” Lainey yelled.

“I don’t know, it just worked in Florida, so I don’t know what’s happening!” Ulrich yelled back.

“Well figure it out, dammit!” Lainey screamed.

Dominic skidded across the carpet on his knees, springing back onto his feet and jumping straight towards the king. The king merely stuck the sceptre into his stomach. Dominic felt a small explosion go off near his stomach, and he was blasted into the edge of the room before he even knew what happened.

Unfazed by any of these three, the king once again sent more bombs out, and Dominic managed to dodge them once again. Ulrich dodged and ran towards him, while Lainey dove out of the way and waited for the small demon particles to come back together. Dominic reached Lewis and waited for him to swing his sceptre. He swung it, and Dominic dodged to the left, trying to shove his axe into his face, only for him to try once again to use the same explosive sceptre trick. He heard the explosion.

And nothing happened.

Ulrich’s wrist stood between Dominic and the sceptre. His glove was smoking and the left shoulder on Lewis jacket was smoking. The shot of fire missed, leaving a visible mark on the ceiling, and leaving Lewis confused and bewildered. Ulrich was also confused, and a freezing sensation was slowly coursing through his arm.

“So you too have those abilities.” He squeaked in surprise, before quickly regaining his composure. “So you are working with that traitor.”

“There’s more of you?” Ulrich asked.

“Nah, I don’t know what he’s talking about. But hey, he’s losing!”

Lewis pointed his sceptre straight towards Ulrich. He thrust his left hand out ready to counter him again, and the staff stopped just short of his face as the shine of crappy green gems crossed his eyes.

Dominic blocked the tip of his axe with his axe, holding the sceptre in place. Ulrich gave Lewis a punch to the head with his cold left hand and charged up another fireball with his right.

But during this one, the fire wasn’t nearly as strong, and the freezing sensation only applied to Ulrich’s fingers as opposed to his whole arm. Lewis looked him dead in the eye, summoning another bomb and hurling it straight towards Ulrich.

Ulrich thrust out his right hand, and his palms started sweating. He felt a flash of heat leave his arm, and a pure thin, long strand of flame went into the kings direction. The bomb was sent flying a small way away. Ulrich charged up all of his energy into his right hand and threw it at Lewis. Lewis was barely able to shield his face from the brilliant display.

Once the fire died down, he leapt at Ulrich in a surprise attack. The sceptre connected point blank with his stomach, and Ulrich was sent flying across the room. Lainey caught him, and he wasn’t moving. She checked his pulse. Still breathing. But a small stream of fire was leaving his left hand. Lainey touched his forehead, and he was slowly getting colder.

Dominic looked at what Lewis did. What he did. And turned towards him, fury written into every inch of his face.

“Hey! You think you can just get away with blowing up my friend like that?”

Dominic ran towards Lewis, his axe clashing against the sceptre. He began slashing furiously, with Lewis being forced to take the defensive. As much as he hated to admit, this child seemed to have at least the basics of swordplay down.

Lainey noticed that the bomb he sent out was still in the corner of the room, and while Lewis sceptre was in the air, she gave him a kick to the back, causing him to lurch forward, closer to the bomb. Dominic punched him in the back of the head, and Lainey dealt the final blow with her demon. Lewis went flying into the bomb, and he went flying directly into the wall.

“Wait, did we do it?” Dominic asked.

He watched as Lewis struggled to get up. His legs looked shattered with the way they were bending. He tried to get up, but eventually fell back, defeated.

He was finally defeated.

“I concede. Do what you must. But before you kill me, just answer one final question.”

“Sure thing. Assassins honour.” Dominic nodded quietly, putting his axe into his belt.

“Who sent you?” Lewis croaked out.

“Sent me?” Dominic repeated. “Nobody sent me. I just really wanted to kill you.”

“Why, exactly?”

“Because if I can kill you, I can do basically anything.”

“I…see.” The king replied. “Well, I won’t stop you further.

Dominic thought about who was aiming for Lewis besides him as he took his axe back out. Someone with the same plans as him. Probably something political he didn’t care about.

Welp, sucks to be them.

He raised his axe for what he thought would be the last time, but was suddenly pushed out of the way, followed by a pained scream.

Dominic got up, and saw Lainey clutching her torso, on the floor, with a bloody axe by her side. Dominic quickly looked away and focused on Lewis. He’d get her medical attention later. He once again set his focus on Lewis and raised his already bloodstained axe.

And then he heard the sound of shattering glass.

Syed Al Wasee