Chapter 2:

What is wrong with me?!

Heartstrings and Horns

“And who might you be?” All eyes converged upon me as Kaede posed the question, her expectation of a suitable response palpable in the air.

Who am I? That’s was a mystery to me as well.

“I’ve come here hoping to secure some form of employment, if it’s at all possible.”

“Ah, did we actually need someone?” She glanced at Hana, seeking a response.

“Not really, actually. Um, I apologize, but we don’t have a need—”

“Yeah, man, we totally need someone, right, Akira?” The man named Kai interjected in a rushed manner, exchanging a subtle blink with the other guy, as if we couldn’t notice. It worked in my favor, so I didn’t mind much… as long as he didn’t bring up the fact that I had nearly broken his spine without even realizing it.

“Uh… Yeah, seriously, man, I owe you big time. These dominant females were really getting on my nerves. It’s about time we had some gender equality to look forward to.”

Akira stated, placing his hand on my shoulder from the opposite side of the counter.

“Sigh, it’s your shop, your call…” Hana shrugged off the entire conversation.

“Tsk…” A predictable reaction that I had somehow anticipated from Kaede.

“Oh, really?! I sincerely appreciate your generosity, and I’ll put in my utmost effort in this establishment.” I spoke, grateful that everything seemed to have resolved itself quite smoothly.

“Man, you talk in such a funny way. I dig it.” Akira chuckled.

“We still have some time. Can you accompany me for a moment, newbie?” Kai suggested, and we both exited the establishment.

“The level of eccentricity this shop is nurturing is practically criminal,” Kaede mused, pondering her own peace of mind.

“And so is the amount we owe to Kai, let’s not forget that,” Hana interjected, her words laced with a hint of acknowledgment.

“Of course, I won’t,” Kaede replied, her gaze averted, as if to shield herself from the implications of the burgeoning indebtedness.


We had been leisurely strolling in silence for the past few minutes, the quietude surrounding us. Yet, I couldn’t help but surmise the reason behind it. Eventually, breaking the prolonged stillness, Kai’s lips began to move.

“Listen, kid,” he began, his lips moving slowly. “I’ve been running this convenience store for the past ten years. In that time, I’ve encountered all sorts of people, and we’ve made memories together—some good, some sad. What I’m trying to say is, I’ve been stuck in a monotonous life, but somehow… your presence has injected a spark into it that makes me question things.”

So, this place is called a Convenience Store, huh? Looks like there’s a lot for me to learn.

“I didn’t want to ask you in front of everyone, so I brought you here,” he said, not bothering to sugarcoat his words. “How did you do that?”

“Even I am at a loss… My intention was merely to distance myself from your countenance, yet inexplicably, you vanished. If I possessed such abilities, do you believe I would willingly attract trouble into my own life?” I replied.

“Man, your accent’s just the icing over the cake. Well, I guess we can’t do much about it then,” Kai shrugged, returning to his carefree demeanor.

“Just like that?” I marveled at his swift decision-making prowess.

“We can’t change what happened, and my gut feeling tells me to let it go.”

I suppose that does make things easier.

“But seriously, how can you let a total stranger you just met work at your store? I mean, isn’t that against the usual logic for hiring?” I probed, adhering to conventional employment logic. Yet, it was evident that nothing adhered to customary standards within this peculiar shop.

“I get you, lol. You’ll understand as time goes by. For now, just enjoy yourself here,” he advised, as we meandered back to the store.

A profound sense of satisfaction washed over me, as if this encounter signaled good luck on the horizon. Right from the beginning, everything seemed to seamlessly align, as if it was meant to be. Of course, doubts lingered in the background, but those concerns could be addressed another time. Despite any uncertainties, I eagerly looked forward to the journey that awaited me, filled with exciting adventures and boundless opportunities.

But before that, where do I spend my night?! Aren’t I just a homeless wanderer as of now?

It turned out that I had no work to occupy my day, as Kai had shuttered the establishment for personal reasons. After a heartfelt plea, he reluctantly offered me a small sum in advance. In addition, he familiarized me with unfamiliar words like hotel, motel, maid cafe, and the peculiar lexicon of the city’s residents. Though I remained distant from their lifestyle, I was confident that with time, I would adapt. Nevertheless, me aside, trusting any random guy like this can really turn grim in the future instances.

I had already bid everyone a farewell and was back to exploring the city.

“This build is quite creative, I must say.” I said while walking on the pathway of the bridge.

“I pondered about my true identity, wondering what my real name could be. Are my parents anxiously searching for me? Is there someone out there desperately seeking my presence? How could I not recall such fundamental details about this world? It seems implausible to suffer from such profound amnesia.” While I immersed myself in these thought-provoking questions, a sudden jolt of shock coursed through my mind, causing me to collapse onto my knees.

“Argh! W-What’s happening?” I groaned, clutching my head in agony, and glanced ahead. Standing about fifty meters away, there was an individual perched on the bridge railing. It was evident to anyone with common sense that they intended to jump, and I realized it too.

Summoning my resolve, I rose to my feet and attempted to reach out to them, despite the insurmountable distance between us.

“Don’t—” I screamed, propelling my legs forward to run, but in an instant, I found myself beside them, asking, “… jump?”

“Eh…?” The girl turned around, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Ehhh??” I exclaimed, unintentionally causing her to lose balance and fall from the railing, all in my desperate attempt to halt my own legs…

Ataga Corliss
Vijaykumardwive Dwiv
Christian Widjaya
A. Hoshino
Pen Dora
Kami Nale