Chapter 35:

Erika & Cal Go on a "Trip"

The Skeleton & The Idiot Sorceress

"I can't take this, we gotta do something about her!" Cal Said.

Erika, who was still covered in the Mushquatch's fecal matter, was starting to attract flies.

"That stream from earlier should flow up this way. She can wash off there." I said.

"No! I'm not going back in the water." Erika protested.

"You reek. You can't just sit with that filth on you. Are you afraid of water or something?"

"Yes, I already told you earlier I can't swim."

"Okay fine, we won't go to the stream."

That was a lie...


I shoved her into the water.


Cal tossed something to her.

"You guys are jerks! I'm done with this stupid dumb place!"

That was ironic coming from someone, who just a few days ago wanted a more exciting quest. Not to mention, she's the reason we had to be here in the first place.

"Okay that's great Erika. Make sure you use that bar of soap I threw at you." Cal said

"Where did you get soap from?" I asked.

"I just made it."

"That quickly?"

"Of course, as an alchemist, making a simple bar of soap is child's play. You just mix some salts and oils and various natural materials... then if you apply the law of equivalent exchange..."

He started babbling about alchemy for a good 20 minutes without pausing. I tuned him out after the first few seconds.

Erika eventually finished washing and drug herself back to shore.

"Great… it's going to take forever for my clothes to dry again." She sighed

"When we set up camp, I'll start a fire. You should dry off pretty quickly."

She looked at me and held up her hand, showing me the glowing seal.

"If you ever do that again, Mr. Arno, I won't hesitate to use this on you."

"Alright, fine, I won't do it again."

That was another lie. I was almost certain I would have to do it again.

"I know a place we can set camp up at." Cal said.

We followed him not too far from where we were at to a cave that's entrance was fairly hidden by some giant mushroom stalks.

"I found this cave during my first expedition here. We should be relatively safe from the dangers outside for the night." He said.

"Great. Do you have anything we can burn for a campfire?" I asked.

"One sec, I'll be right back "

He left for a few moments and came back with an armful of dried out mushroom tops.

"Here, light these up Arno. These should burn nicely."

I flicked a spark from my finger tips. The pile went up instantly. It burned surprisingly hot.

"I wish I had some alcohol right now. Some rum would go well with this fire."

"Is drinking the only thing that's ever on your mind?"

"Of course not. I think about attractive girls like Erika too."

"Cal, I'm not in the mood for your *BLEEP*!" Erika snapped.

"Woah! What did I tell you before, girl. You shouldn't use language like that!" I said.

"I don't know what it means, but it obviously gets across how I feel to you guys."

Cal just laughed.

I whispered to him.

"Don't egg her on. I don't need her to develop any bad habits."

Erika sat balled up with a pouting look on her face.

"Okay, I'm just messing around. I'll lea-... Is it just me or did that fire just turn green?" Cal said.

"What are you talking about? It's just a regular fire." I respond.

"There's n-no way. That fire is definitely green... A-and is it me or did this cave suddenly get a lot brighter."

"What are you ta-... wait, what kind of mushrooms are these?"

"Ha! I f-feel all tingly inside. It's like I'm p-part of a rainbow."

Cal was completely tripping out.

"Girl! Don't brea-."

"Hee hee. Wh-when did y-you get so small, Mr. Arno?... I-I have to say you loo-look really good in pink."

It was too late. She had inhaled the smoke too. Hopefully the mushroom's effects wore off soon. Until then, I'd have to make sure the two of them didn't leave this cave.

"Hey Er-erika. You wanna build a fort?"

"Y-yes! That s-sounds so cool!...but wh-what are we gonna build it with."

"Th-there's a p-pile of purple bricks ov-over there."

"Oh yeah, you're right. Goo-good idea, Cal."

There were no purple bricks. The two of them acted like children, as they built their imaginary fort out of imaginary bricks.

"Look at the c-castle we built, M-mr. Arno. It's ginormous."

Erika pointed at pile of rocks on the cave floor.

"Oh yeah, that's great."

I wasn't sure how to respond so I just went with it.

"I-its even g-got a dungeon. Sp-speaking of d-dungeons and c-castles, you wanna hear a secret, A-arno." Cal stuttered.


"G-gino kidnapped some p-prince guy and h-has him locked up at the m-mine. Shhhh, You can't tell anyone though."

That was an unexpected piece of information. It seems the Western Mafia are the ones that kidnapped the crown prince.

The two of them paced around the cave, playing pretend for a few more hours until Erika finally crashed and fell asleep. I imagined it would probably be the deepest sleep of her life. Cal however stayed up a bit longer. He wandered off alone in a corner of the cave.

"I-is it really you, again? I haven’t seen you since the first time I was here."

It seemed He was speaking to some imaginary person. In all honesty, it was kind of eerie.

"I still don't get how you're here. I thought you and master were gone."

He started tearing up.

"I'm sorry, things ended up how they did, but you're here now. You can stay this time, right?... Those two over there are Arno and Erika. I think you'd get along with them really well... What's that?... You have to go now... You'll come back again, right? Right?"

After that he passed out.

I don't know what that was about, but I think there were a few things I was going to have to pry out of him in the morning.

Taylor J
Mario Nakano 64