Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

[KINGDOM] - Editting

Born from wedlock, Anne had been raised in a country chateau and had never even seen the man she had to address as her father. She was always accompanied by her nanny and her servant but despite being an unwanted child - she had never been slighted. All the servants understood once she turned 20, she would be brought back to the capital to be used as a pawn like every other bastard child.

Anne was named by her mother who had been a traveller from a faraway land that had been unlucky enough to catch her father's eye, rumour had it that she was a powerful witch that had bewitched the king, and succumbing to the plague was her karma.

"I wonder who the King has prepared for the young lady" Lilian, her wet nurse commented while oiling her scalp the night before she had to return to the capital. Anne didn't reply, she stared at herself in the mirror with pursed lips, she felt scared as she had never met her father before but deeply longed for his love as she had grown up mostly without a parental figure.

"Do you think the King wants to see me?"

"Of course, he does my lady, he is after all - your father."

Her light brown eyes remained apathetic, she was old enough to know that a man who had not bothered to see her for 20 years could not possibly love her, he most likely only called her home because he ran out of children he could use.

She had steeled her resolve not to crave her father's attention as she knew she would always be disappointed, the last time she had cried about him was when she was 11 years old. She was left to her own thoughts as her servants left her room after putting out the candles, Anne sat on her bed looking out of the window. It was a hot summer night so she could see the stars up in the sky, the urge to jump off her balcony in an attempt for freedom gripped her heart. Despite never truly being free here she didn't have to live in harmony with anyone else, she was the mistress of this chateau, but once she was brought home her already weak wings would be clipped off.

A gentle breeze came in through the open windows allowing her to calm her anxious thoughts and close her eyes, she thought of her mother and felt uncomfortable, her eyes stung as tears welled up before she drifted off to sleep.

The Imperial Palace bustled with activity as the servants whispered amongst themselves about the forgotten princess that was being brought back from exile. Despite the different opinions circulating the castle, there was a sense of pity that permeated their gossip, the princess never even had a debutante but was just going to be married off to form a political alliance, with an inferior country at that.

In a large lavishly decorated room a young girl sat sobbing on the bed, her beautiful red hair spread out behind her, her petite figure trembling with each sob, watching her broke the hearts of her servants standing against the walls of her room. Despite the urge to console the young girl they held back for fear of the king, after all the girl had committed a grave sin, and it was already generous for the king not to exile her. The girl's sobs calmed down when the slender hands of an older woman stroked her back, the lady looked at her daughter with a worried expression, the woman was only in her late thirties; her skin looked young and her light brown hair was decorated with a beautiful crown of emeralds. Her ring-adorned fingers stopped patting her back once she saw her daughter stubbornly insist on being upset over this matter. She felt irritated with this stupid daughter of hers.

"My darling, why don't you stop crying now? Your father is already being magnanimous by not pursuing the matter any longer, you know you're the jewel of the kingdom you can't have relations with any man as you please." Lady Vivian said to appease her daughter.

"But mother, I love him! Father is being unreasonable!" Lucia buried her face into her pillow unwilling to give in to her mother.

Her mother's lips were pulled into her frown as she found her daughter was the one being unreasonable, what kind of princess cries over a man from an inferior lineage?

"Stop crying! Be sensible! How will a man like that be of any use to you? Since when has love been this important? Where are you learning this nonsense? From now on just stay in your room and recuperate, don't read any more of those commoner novels they're filling your head with stupid ideas!" She swiftly stood up and marched out causing the girl to cry harder feeling sorry for her current state. Was it so bad to fall in love?

The lady marched through the halls of the castle followed closely by her servants. "Mistress don't be so harsh on the young princess, you know she is the king's beloved she's just not used to the king being so stern." Her head servant commented trying to soothe her miss's anger.

"I have spoilt her too much! She will soon become the crown princess yet she actually dares flirt with a foreign envoy? Of such a small kingdom? Is she crazy?" The woman didn't bother to say anything else before she lost her temper.

"Your Highness, we have arrived at the capital."

Lillian's voice prompted Anne awake, she peered through curtains taking in the bustling sights of the capital, and she silently watched the merchants and the womenfolk haggle as kids ran around playing or running errands. Carriages passed by carrying aristocrats or rich merchants, she felt overwhelmed by how busy everything was so she averted her gaze and composed herself, the castle was only under an hour from the capital but it was hard to get through the crowd, they arrived shortly after noon despite leaving the chateau before dawn.

The castle was several times bigger than what she had imagined, she knew Celestia was prosperous but she didn't expect it to be on this scale, she felt a little intimidated but calmed her nerve, she was only meeting her father, this place was meant to be her home. Why did she feel so on edge?

Looking at Lilian who seemed to be preoccupied with embroidery she squeezed her arm tightly to calm herself down, no matter what was in front of her she believed she could face it, after all, she had been dead ever since she was born, she barely existed and spent her days indoors reading in the library, no one cared much about her or disturbed her, she had no reason to live.

"Princess, we have arrived." The coachman said and she released her arm and prepared herself to meet her family.

Anne had been dressed beautifully in white silk as well as an embroidered gold cloak attached to her shoulders with what seemed like gold metal cuffs with delicate gold chains dangling off her cuffs that jingled slightly with every step she took

Her hair had been braided and done up in a bun with stray strands framing her face as beautiful custom-made gold trinkets wrapped around her brown braids. Her lips were glossy and dark with beautiful pearls decorating her dress and gold bangles around her wrists. The sunlight cutting through the throne room bounced off her beautiful dark skin showing her clear glistening eyes. The throne room came to a halt at her appearance as everyone stood watching her.

She steadily walked down the room coming to the flight of stairs before the King's throne. Anne's heart beat against her chest as her eyes stared into the King's red eyes, she gently looked away and took a deep bow, her dress adorned the floor as she knelt there. The nobles behind all bowed in welcome as she stood up before climbing up the flight of stairs steadily.

"I am home, Father."

The king had a relaxed smile on his face as he raised the staff in his hand to accept her greeting. He did not say a word to her so she stood up and walked before standing to the side next to the other children. She was the first princess of the greatest kingdom on the continent and yet couldn't stand proudly next to the king.

The first prince turned to look at her with a smirk, his red hair was tied back in a ponytail and his red eyes looked at her in contempt. "It seems like you can only dress to seduce, without propriety."

"I don't think you are aware brother, but I am the first princess, you should give me my due respect." She knew she dressed appropriately for her position and was not planning on dressing any less lavishly for his pleasure, as long as she was here she would be the first princess, what could he do to her? "Honestly, if you need some advice on how to dress for your position you can come and see me after court." She turned away unwilling to play his stupid game.

Once the king dismissed the court Anne didn't bother staying for a chat instead she followed the servants out through the side doors, but unfortunately, the first prince followed closely.

"Stop right there!" The taller man with red hair stormed towards her, the first prince.

Anne's steps came to a halt as she turned around to stare at the man with a flushed face. "Your Highness?" She was not interested in exchanging words and was planning to remain silent if he chose to insult her. She bowed her head slightly to acknowledge seniority. "Is everything alright?"

He didn't bother to exchange pleasantries and immediately raised his hand in an attempt to slap her. Her eyes narrowed as she kept a welcoming smile. "Your Highness!" Her loud and authoritative voice forced him to stop in his tracks, her smile had dropped revealing a firm and unyielding expression. "What exactly are you doing?" Her voice reverted to the soft quiet voice with no sign of anger to fear. He had not expected to be stopped in his tracks, her voice had gathered the attention of the other children and servants in the area. He felt embarrassed as he seemed like a big bully trying to attack his newly recognized sibling.

"Humph!" He walked away, she would soon be married off anyway so why did he need to bother with her? He would most likely never see her again once she married into that insignificant kingdom.

Anne turned to look at Lilian behind her who had her hands behind her back with a stiff posture. She turned away and kept walking with the servants.

Once she was left to settle down in her room, the servants bustled about moving clothes and items in and arranging them, a tailor had come to take her measurements for her new clothes, and everyone was busily helping the new princess.

She stood with her arms stretched on a short stool as the madame took any measurements she needed with what seemed like a gold measuring tape. "Brief me on the situation," She said coldly to Lilian standing stiffly behind her.

"It seems like you are to be engaged mistress" Her voice was bitter ad unwilling, Anne smiled amused with the current situation, she was a replacement bride.

"What brought on the urgent engagement?"

"It seems like there has been a scandal with the Second princess... She was caught meeting with her lover, King Aiden of Vennia, the man you shall be engaged to.

A cover-up? Vienna's royalty must be nothing compared to Celestia's royalty.

"I see, leave me be." She needed time to think, in this situation should she get married? Should fight against it? Or should she disappear altogether?

It won't be too late to leave after the marriage.

The tailor was soon finished and Lilian assigned the servants their roles, before dismissing them, some began to help Anne prepare for the welcome feast that night, despite the feast being in 6 hours they needed to start now to braid her hair down as she preferred it. Anne kept her thoughts occupied by her engagement, according to Lilian King Aiden was mostly a blank sheet, a king from a small kingdom that had to bow his head to other royal families. Despite his exceptional beauty and intellect he is known to be quiet or shy and does not leave a deep impression on anyone past his looks. He only ascended the throne because he was the only son of the former king who never remarried after the death of his Queen.

Such a man is it not best to marry him? But she wasn't planning to fight with Lucia for him so she needed to find out for herself whether he had feelings for her. and if so, would he despise getting engaged to her?

Should I run away?

She looked at her reflection in the vanity, her long brown hair had been freed and flowed freely behind her, she couldn't help but feel lit would be best if she could just get away from her father's site so he forgets her existence. 

Syed Al Wasee