Chapter 1:


A Beginner's Guide to Destroying The World!

Well look who's met their untimely demise today. Bravo, Kaito, bravo!

Death by corporate PowerPoint presentation, now that's one hell of a way to go, isn't it?

I should get a standing ovation for that performance.

Picture yourself waking up early in the morning, like some diligent robot, just to clock in and dive into the bottomless pit of emails and mind-numbing reports. Incessantly filing this, constantly sending that, reporting to who-knows-what-management.

I can feel my soul dying a little more with each "Dear Sir/Madam."

Oh, but wait, here’s the kicker! I get bombarded with two projects back-to-back, accompanied by a chorus of colleagues giving me deadlines tighter than my sanity. I might as well have had "Stress Magnet" written on my forehead.

But hey, I'm not one to back down from a challenge, right? Oh, Kaito, you really know how to pick 'em. Work yourself to death for a company that wouldn't bat an eye even if you were replaced by a fancy coffee machine.

There I was, in the throes of corporate purgatory, presenting those oh-so-important sales projections to my esteemed coworkers. Bet they had front-row seats to the thrilling spectacle of my untimely demise.

"Kaito, you're out of this world!" they must've thought.

My illustrious career as the corporate number cruncher extraordinaire has ended. It is now dawning on me that my time has come, but now I'm left floating in the abyss, like some celestial feather.

Floating... Yeah, that's the right word for it. Floating in a sea of nothingness, just me and my post-mortem thoughts. Shouldn't there be some divine welcoming committee or a heavenly band playing my entrance music? But, nope, just crickets. Actually, not even crickets, this place is perpetually silent.

Way to go, afterlife.

Cripes! I just remembered my family! Oh, my dear family... I hope they'll be okay without me. "Oh, Kaito, why did you have to work yourself to death? It's not like the company cares or nothin’!"

You know what? I did it all for them. To support them, to provide for them. Yeah, I know, I'm such a saint.

Was it a dumb move to overwork myself past the brink and into oblivion? You bet your ass it was.

Kaito, you've outdone yourself this time. Congratulations on achieving the ultimate level of corporate martyrdom. If only that came with a company-paid vacation to the afterlife resort.

I won't let this void get the better of me. I've faced spreadsheets from hell, deadlines from outer space, and office politics that could rival any j-drama. I'll figure this out.

Because in the afterlife, there are no take-backsies.

"What a profound revelation, young Kaito," A disembodied, feminine voice speaks out from behind me. The voice sounds kinda amusing, kinda annoyed, but at least it's not hostile. Can't complain about that in this bizarre situation.

Then, out of the blue… er… black, the void decides to throw a party or something.

Shapes and colours start swirling around me, and I can't help but jump a little.

"Kaito Yabashi," the voice begins.

Oh, great, she even knows my full name. Goddesses are funny like that, keeping tabs on all the poor saps like me.

“You are very fortunate.”

Fortunate to die prematurely? You gotta be kidding me, right? I know my job sucked harder than a vacuum cleaner in a tornado, but this... I kicked the bucket before even hitting 30! My life was barely getting started, and now I'm stuck in this cosmic limbo with a to-do list that's gonna stay unchecked forever.

"Your entire life was spent as an outcast at all levels of school, with barely anyone to talk to. Then you gave in and sold your soul to a company that treats you like livestock. Your first life was already over the day it began," the voice says calmly.

First of all, ouch. That little reality check stung a bit. Secondly, did she say 'first life'?

So I'm not really 'dead' then, am I?

"You're absolutely right, Kaito," the voice says again, delving into my thoughts.

"Hey! Get out of my head! How did you know what I was thinking!?" I protest.

This celestial stalker really knows how to make a guy feel special.

"It's quite easy, dear Kaito, when you think about it," she responds, putting me somewhat at ease. "And besides, I've known you forever. What else have you got to worry about?"

I pause, going over her words. I do have a lot to worry about, actually. But at least she knows me, which is a bit weird, but I'll roll with it. She's a voice somewhere out in the Aether...

All evidence points to...

"A Goddess!" I exclaim.

I'm glad she thinks that. Somehow, she's managed to see what nobody else ever could. I'm not sure if that makes her intelligent or foolish for being so hopeful in someone like me.

In an instant, it becomes much clearer where the voice is emanating from. Standing before me, in all her glory, is a beautiful lady who could pass as human if she really wanted to. Her light blonde hair falls gracefully down her back, her face exuding symmetry, and her eyes resemble a clear ocean blue.

Also her body is kinda bangin'.

As I think this, she shoots me a confused and flustered look. Right, she can read minds. I forgot.

"Kaito," her voice resonated, like it carried the weight of ancient wisdom.

"I have heard your thoughts and felt the turmoil within you. Not only that, but also your willpower to support something of value to you makes you exceptional. In the realm where light and darkness converge, you hold immeasurable significance because of these traits. I am Amaraia, the embodiment of life's vibrant embrace."

The embodiment of life's vibrant embrace? Sounds like she's got a pretty impressive job title up there in the divine ranks. Amaraia, the wise and profound one, bestowed upon me the honour of being significant in the cosmic dance of light and darkness.

It's quite the pep talk, I must admit.

And to think, all this time, I thought my significance was limited to my spreadsheet skills.

She said something about turmoil within me or something.

The thing is, I don't feel much turmoil within me, except perhaps the existential angst, which you'd think is a fairly normal thing to experience when one dies.

I mean, who wouldn't have a moment of "what's the meaning of it all" when they find themselves in the great unknown, right? But turmoil? Nah, not feeling it. Just your typical cosmic confusion and a touch of subtle dread.

"As a goddess, I can sense even the slightest emotions within mortals," she begins, floating closer to me. “There's a good chance you don't feel your turmoil as intensely because you've bottled up those feelings throughout your life. Am I correct in my assumptions?"

“Yes.” I say somewhat dejected.

I'm not exactly the poster child for emotional openness. I've always been more of a keep-it-to-myself kinda guy. But hey, who needs to wear their heart on their sleeve when you can have a stoic facade, right?

I guess she's got a way of peeling back those layers and poking at my emotional baggage. Not exactly a fun trip down memory lane.

Might I add, this is probably the longest and deepest conversation I've had in ages, and it's with a goddess.

Perhaps confiding in someone wouldn't be such a bad idea. Amaraia seems nice enough, even if she's got her celestial quirks.

"We don't have much time left together, so let me get straight to the point," she begins.

Well there goes that chance to open up.

"As I mentioned before, Kaito Yabashi, you are about to embark on a new journey, a second chance at life. This journey will likely alter both your life and fate in ways beyond measure."

She floats around me.

“However, before you embark on this journey, you must learn about the convergence of souls. No matter which path you go down and whom you encounter along the way, your paths will diverge and multiply. It only gets more difficult as you progress so choose wisely."

"Where am I going? I mean, the world I'll be living in..." I ask, suddenly feeling very excited at this idea. This is like stepping into the pages of a fantastical manga or getting sucked into my favorite anime!

Amaraia smiles gently. She most likely is listening to my thoughts intently, and responds, "Your journey in this afterlife will take you to an entirely new world, a realm ruled by the sword, enchantment, sorcery as well as a diverse crowd of individuals each with their own goals and dreams or lack thereof. There is much for you to learn at first, but I believe you'll have no trouble with that. I know how quick of a learner you are. Are you ready, Kaito?"

"Hold on, wait! No fair! I still have loads more questions!"

Reality takes a wild spin, and Amaraia makes her quick exit like a celestial Houdini. Is this how the reincarnation party starts? A good ol' dizzy spell to kick things off?

My head feels like it’s been clobbered a bunch.

"Hey! Wait! Will I be alone in this new realm? Is there at least magic! How am I even supposed to adapt to this world!?"

Crap! She didn't hear me!

"You can't just fling me into a new world like this!" I shout out to no avail.

My surroundings spin faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, I lose control and crash to the ground. However, I don't feel the impact. It's like a cosmic whirlwind tossing me around, leaving me disoriented and bewildered. But oddly enough, there's no thud, no pain, nothing at all.

Instead, I abruptly awakened, drenched in a cold sweat, as one would after experiencing a nightmare.

After a few quick glances around, I realize I'm sitting up in a bed, surrounded by the elegance of a gothic style bedroom.

I bring my hands closer to my face and notice they're... much smaller and younger looking.

Yup, I'm definitely in another world, and boy, I'm definitely not the same person I once was.

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