Chapter 2:

The Dueling Field

Ethereal: Sweet Moment in My Eternal Life

Next day, Io heads to the university and arrives thirty minutes early as always. Waiting for the class to start inside of an empty classroom, he started to draw again. He has a dream, one day he can become an artist so he can deliver his crazy idea that is loved by everyone and his name known through his artworks. In the middle of drawing, a familiar voice can be heard from a distance.

“Good morning Io! Wow you really come so early.” Greets Alet.

“Haha yeah, I like to come as early as possible. I would rather wait here than have to be late.”.

“I like your spirit, what did you draw? Can I see it?”.

“Ahh no I… it’s not done yet.”. Said Io while covering his sketchbook.

“Hey, your face is all red. Are you okay?”.

“I-I’m okay.”

After answering to Alet’s question, he quickly put away his sketchbook inside his backpack. “That was a close call, I can be dead if she finds out I was drawing her.” Said Io inside his mind. After their conversation, Alet’s friend greets her from behind. While Io still trying to calm his mind. “Why my heart is beating so fast? I always adore a lot of other people beauty but this… this is different.”. There is a unique thing that only the Siluma did when they fall in love. They will mark their lover where this mark can only be seen by other Siluma. Even the Caplas who has magic, they can’t even trace or see this mark. At this rate, Io still haven’t mark Alet with his mark. He only gives his mark when their relationship growing closer and closer until they get married.

The clock shows eight o’clock, Ms. Claire enters the class and starts the lesson. Today they will practice a duel. Everyone gets to choose their opponent. Everyone, especially the boys, wants to duel against Alet since she is popular for her powerful magic and she is also great at fighting in close combat using her magical sword. Before she decided, he saw Io sitting alone while nobody even wanted to talk to him. She remembers that both the Manushas and the Caplas hate to duel with the Silumas with their overpowered body strength. The bullets from the Manushas gun can be easily dodge by them.

“Sorry boys, I think I’m going to duel against Io.”. Said Alet while turning her back.

Everyone is shocked by her response, some of them even said that she can be killed if trying to duel with him.

“Well, if you guys think I’m as strong as you said, why are you guys so worried?” That statement silences every boy that surrounds Alet. Without any word Alet left them and approached Io at his desk.

“Hey Io, would you like to duel against me?” Asked Alet with a confident tone.

“Sure, is it okay with you?”.

“It’s fine, in fact I want to know what it feels like to duel someone strong like you from the Silumas.”.

“All right then, be prepared because I will not hold back.”.

“You really are full of spirit, I like that. You should also be prepared, I will not hold back either.”

After all the students had their duel partner, Ms. Claire guided them to the training ground located in the back of the university. This practice aims to see every single potential in every student. Since this class already knows the basics of combat, they already have their own weapon. The training ground is a giant field with dirt as the base of the field and covered with a strong glass roof. Next, each student changed into the sports clothes they already had available in their respective lockers in the locker room. The sports uniform consists of a top piece with a navy collar and navy shorts with two stripes on each side. After changing to a sports uniform, all of the students gather at the side of the training ground.

“All right, is everyone here? Good. Now I will explain to you how this training works.” Ms. Claire's voice can be heard from the middle part of the field.

“Your uniform will protect you from all the attacks that are going to hit you. You will still feel the attack but you won't be hurt since it creates a shield around your body. You will fight each other until one of you can’t stand up again. I want to see all of your potential, so please do your best. Imagine this is a real battle, any question?”. Ask Ms. Claire.

“If there is no question, please take all your weapons.”. Said Ms. Claire and she cast a spell that summoned every student’s weapons that glowed with a white light as they appeared.

Every student is using a magic wand, a sword, a shield, a bow, and a sword. Except for Io, that has nothing but a pair of metal knight gloves.

“Hey look at that, what can you even do with only a glove” said one of the students to their friend.

“Gear up everybody! For the first pair please come forward.”. Said Ms. Calire as the first pair walked to the middle of the field.

The first pair are from the Manusha against a student from the Capla. For the student from the Manushas, she uses a semi-automatic pistol and a dagger while the other uses a magic shield with a hammer.

“Let the duel begin!” shout Ms. Claire.

The Manushas student moves very fast, running towards her opponent.

“Wow, she is fast. Hmmm interesting.” Said Io as he watched the duel.

“Yeah, she is my friend. Her pistol and dagger combo never fails to meet its target.” Said Alet confidently.

“Right, I can see that. Look at him, he only blocks her attacks using his shield.”

While she is running and shooting, suddenly a hammer falls from the sky.

“What!? When did he throw that?” Io can’t believe what he just saw.

“Oh, that’s a classic trick that the Caplas use. We block every incoming attack while casting a teleportation spell to send our weapon from any out of sight angle.” Alet explain.

“Huh, that’s a very nice trick.”.

That hammer hit its target in one blow. Looks like she can’t even stand again after that hammer hits her.

“All right, that’s enough!” Shout Ms. Claire. “Hmm… She is fast and great at attacking, but she still lacks information of her surroundings. This is going to be one of my lessons to give, how can she even be defeated in one blow anyway? Ah whatever.” Ms. Clair is really taking notes of what happens, even though all the students know the basics of combat, some of them are still clumsy with their strategy in a duel. They usually work in groups to defeat a single opponent.

“Next up!” Shout Ms. Claire and her eyes are filled with excitement as Io and Alet walk toward the field.

“Remember guys, imagine this is a real battle. So show me all you have.” Once again Ms. Claire reminded all of the students.

“Ready Io?”


“Begin!” shouted Ms. Claire giving cues.

Io started to jump straight toward Alet. A sound created by Alet’s sword blocking Io’s punch. “So fast!” Said Alet inside her head. She swings her sword to make distance between her and Io. She starts throwing a fireball using her hand. Seeing a fireball flying towards him, he dodge it by jumping to the side. Before he can stand his ground, another fireball already makes its way. Having no other option, Io crosses his hands to block it. Knowing her fireball meets its target, Alet smiles for a while. But that smile went away after the smoke cleared. She sees Io still standing there like it was nothing that hits him. Not giving him a chance, she keeps throwing fireballs to make Io tired from dodging it. “I guess my fire balls weren't enough to stop him.” Thought Alet.
