Chapter 37:

The Veil Lifts

Fangs and Facades

The sun was just beginning to rise when Akane walked into her mother's office at Yamazora High School. The room was empty and silent, a hollow shell echoing with the memory of a woman who had once been a towering figure of authority. But to Akane, it was a painful reminder of her own past, a past she was eager to burn away.

"Hello, Ellie," she cooed, picking up a faded plush elephant toy that had been tossed carelessly on the floor. "You were forgotten, just like me..." Her voice echoed in the empty room, taking on a chilling edge.

The office was filled with relics of her past life. Drawings she had done as a child, pictures of her and her mother from a time when things were simple, before the monstrous thirst had taken over her. She looked at them with a mixture of anger, sadness, and a strange sense of nostalgia. She was not the same person anymore.

A manic laugh bubbled up from her chest as she tore the plush elephant apart, stuffing flying everywhere. "She left us, didn't she, Ellie?" she muttered, her voice taking on an acidic tone. "She left us for them... the golden twins."

Her mother had never shown any special connection to the twins, Yuna and Mika, but in her unstable state, Akane's subconscious had twisted the facts. She believed her mother had a special bond with the twins, a bond that had ended with her mother's death at Yuna's hands.

The shrill ping of her mother's laptop snapped Akane out of her reverie. An email notification popped up on the screen - 'Security Update.' A wicked smile curled on her lips as she clicked on the email.

The twins had no idea what they were up against. They had no idea about her newfound capabilities. The thought made her laughter echo throughout the office. The game was just beginning.

A somber mood hung over Yamazora High School. The usual buzz of conversation and laughter was absent, replaced by the collective grief of the student body returning after a week's hiatus. The recent loss of their superintendent and classmate, Rika, hung heavy in the air.

Mika and Yuna walked through the school gates together, their faces unreadable but their hearts heavy. They weaved through their classmates, acknowledging their condolences and well-wishes with forced smiles and nods.

"Yuna, Mika," Haruka, a fellow classmate approached, her expression sympathetic. "I can't believe what happened... it's all so terrible."

"Thanks, Haruka," Yuna managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "We're just trying to cope."

As they were about to move on, a chillingly familiar voice rang out. "Yuna, Mika!" The twins stiffened, turning slowly to face Akane. She was walking towards them, appearing as nothing more than a mourning student on the surface. But they knew better.

"Akane," Yuna acknowledged her, her voice guarded.

"I'm... getting by," Akane responded, her eyes darting between the twins. "That's all we can do, isn't it?" Her voice was eerily sweet, the hidden threat lurking beneath not lost on either twin.

The rest of the school day was a tightrope walk. The twins navigated interactions with Akane, keeping their guard up while maintaining a civil facade. Their conversations were an unsettling dance of veiled threats and implied hostility. Akane was playing a dangerous game, one they were forced to participate in.

At one point, Akane cornered Yuna in a hallway, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Enjoy the tranquility while it lasts, Yuna," she hissed, a malevolent glint in her eyes. "It's always calmest before the storm."

By the time lunch rolled around, the tense atmosphere had settled into an uneasy routine. Akane was holding court at a nearby table, surrounded by students expressing their condolences. Every once in a while, her gaze would flick towards the twins, a sinister smile playing at the corner of her lips.

Akira and Saori joined the twins at their table, their expressions mirroring the concern and wariness etched on Mika and Yuna's faces.

"I saw Akane corner Yuna in the hall," Saori mentioned quietly, her eyes flicking to Yuna. "She seemed... hostile. Do you know why?"

Yuna shrugged nonchalantly, her eyes remaining fixated on her lunch. "Probably just mourning and lashing out. It's... understandable."

Akira's brows furrowed, not completely buying the explanation, but knowing better than to pry. "We need to be careful around her, regardless."

Mika nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. "We will. We have to."

The day continued in a similar vein, fraught with anxiety and unease. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, the twins felt a small sense of relief wash over them. They had survived their first day back at Yamazora High School amidst the looming threat of Akane. But they knew that this was just the beginning. Tomorrow, they would have to face it all over again.

"Yuna, can we talk?" Mika asked later that night. They were back in their dorm, the familiar surroundings offering some semblance of normalcy.

"Of course," Yuna responded, glancing up from her textbook. "What's up?"

Mika hesitated, then sighed, "It's about Akane."

Yuna's smile dropped, replaced with a solemn expression. "Yeah, I figured as much."

Mika rubbed her arm, feeling a knot of anxiety. "How are we going to handle this, Yuna? Akane is dangerous, and she clearly wants to hurt us. We can't just ignore it."

"I know," Yuna replied, her voice steady, "But we can't go off half-cocked either. We need a plan."

Mika nodded. "A plan, right." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I just... I can't help but feel like we're running out of time."

Yuna reached over, gripping Mika's hand reassuringly. "We'll figure it out, Mika. We always do."

Their conversation was cut short by a knock on the door. "Come in," Yuna called out, releasing Mika's hand.

Saori and Akira entered, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. "We didn't mean to interrupt," Saori said, "We just wanted to see if you guys were okay."

"We're fine," Mika assured them quickly, "Just... dealing with some stuff."

Akira nodded, her gaze moving between the twins. "If you guys need anything, we're here for you. Just remember, we're all in this together."

Saori smiled, echoing Akira's sentiment. "Yeah, whatever it is, we'll face it together."

The moment was interrupted by the vibration of a phone. Mika picked it up, her eyes widening as she read the message.

"Guys, it's Akane," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "She says she wants to meet us... tomorrow night."

Yuna frowned, her gaze fixating on the message displayed on Mika's phone. "That's...unexpected," she finally said, her tone unreadable.

"Why would she want to meet us?" Saori questioned, a trace of suspicion in her voice. "Especially after the way she acted today."

"I don't know," Yuna confessed, glancing up at her friends. "But, I think it's best if Mika and I handle this alone."

"But--" Akira started, only to be cut off by Yuna.

"It's not that we don't trust you," Yuna quickly assured, "It's just...this is something that Mika and I need to resolve on our own."

"We can't just sit back and do nothing, Yuna," Saori protested, her voice uncharacteristically sharp. "Akane clearly wants something and she doesn't seem the type to play fair."

"Exactly," Akira chimed in, her expression serious. "We won't let you two face her alone."

Yuna hesitated, her gaze darting between Saori, Akira, and her sister. Finally, she sighed, a look of reluctant acceptance on her face. "Alright, but stay close. We don't know what Akane has planned."

The next night, the twins, along with Saori and Akira, found themselves face-to-face with Akane. The setting was a desolate part of town, far away from prying eyes.

"I must admit, I didn't expect you to show," Akane commented, her voice as cold as the winter wind.

"And we didn't expect to receive an invitation from you," Mika shot back, a fierce determination in her eyes.

Akane chuckled, though there was no humor in it. "Such bravado. It's almost...endearing."

She took a step closer, her gaze locked onto Yuna. "So, tell me...what's it like, being the 'golden twins'? Does it make you feel special? Superior?"

"That's... interesting," Yuna replied cautiously, her eyes narrowing at Akane's unexpected comment. "What do you mean by 'golden twins'?"

Akane’s smile widened as she reveled in the confusion on the twins’ faces. "Oh, you don't know?" she asked, feigning surprise. "What a pity. Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out in due time."

"Enough of this," Mika snapped, her patience visibly thinning. "We came here because you asked us to. If you're just going to speak in riddles, then we're leaving."

"Oh, but Mika," Akane replied, her voice dripping with mock concern. "You didn’t let me finish."

She paused for a moment, allowing the tension to build. Then, in a quieter tone that sent shivers down their spines, she added, "You should be careful who you trust. After all, even the closest of friends can turn out to be...dangerous."

Saori’s face darkened at this, her hands balling into fists. "What the hell are you trying to say?" she demanded, taking a step forward.

The response was instant. Akane's playful demeanor shifted as she moved like lightning, grabbing Saori's wrist and twisting it in a painful grip. "You should watch your tone, dear Saori," she hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously. "It might just be your undoing."

"Let go of her, Akane," Yuna snapped, her voice cold. Akane complied, releasing Saori’s wrist with a smirk.

"She's right, Saori," Yuna continued, directing her words to her friend. "We need to be careful around her."

"That's exactly what she wants," Mika stated, her voice firm. "She's trying to get into our heads, to make us doubt ourselves and each other. We can't let her do that."

"Yuna, what the hell is going on?" Saori demanded, once they had put enough distance between themselves and Akane. She was rubbing her wrist, her eyes flashing with anger. "Why the fuck is that bitch threatening us?"

Yuna sighed, running a hand through her hair. She glanced at Mika, who nodded subtly, giving her the go-ahead. "Akane's a fucking vampire," she said, her voice steady.

Akira burst out laughing. "You're shitting me, right?" she asked, looking around at their serious faces. Her laughter died down as she realized they weren't joking.

"You're fucking serious?" she asked, her eyes wide with shock.

Yuna nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. We think she's one of the blood-sucking bastards involved in the attack."

"But that's... insane," Akira said, struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"We think she blames us for her mom's death," Mika chimed in. "The crazy bitch is convinced that we're somehow involved, even though we're not."

"And why the fuck would she think that?" Saori asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "What reason would she have to believe we had anything to do with it?"

"We don't fucking know," Yuna replied, shaking her head. "Maybe she's just looking for someone to blame. Maybe she's just fucking crazy."

Akira was silent for a moment, her brows furrowed in thought. "Wait a minute," she said, looking at Saori. "Are you saying all those stories about the school being attacked by monsters... are fucking true?"

Saori looked at Yuna and Mika before turning back to Akira. "Yes," she said, her voice soft. "The stories are fucking true. The blood, the gore, the violence... it all fucking happened. Monsters are fucking real, Akira. And it seems like we've gotten ourselves in the fucking middle of it all."

"Okay, okay..." Akira stuttered, taking deep breaths. "Let's just... take a step back here. Vampires are real. That much I can grasp, I've been fucking dreaming about them. But you're saying that Akane... is one of them?"

Yuna nodded, her gaze hardening. "We can't prove it yet, but everything points to that. The way she spoke, her threats... it's not just the grief talking."

"But why the fuck would she think you two had anything to do with her mother's death?" Akira asked, her eyes darting between Yuna and Mika.

"We have no fucking clue," Yuna admitted, her fists clenched. "Akane is unstable, volatile. She might be projecting her own guilt onto us."

"Or maybe she's just fucking insane," Mika added, her voice tight.

Akira was silent for a moment, processing everything. Then, she turned to Saori, her gaze pleading. "And you knew about all this?"

Saori swallowed, nodding slowly. "I've known about the existence of vampires for a while," she admitted. "Yuna and Mika asked for my help after the attack... we've been trying to investigate, figure out who was behind it."

"And you didn't think to fucking tell me?" Akira's voice was shaky, hurt etched in her expression.

"I... we were trying to protect you," Saori replied, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Akira's face twisted in disbelief, then hardened. "I can fucking take care of myself," she snapped, storming off down the corridor.

"Fuck..." Saori muttered, staring after her, the guilt clear in her eyes.

"We'll deal with that later," Yuna said, resting a hand on Saori's shoulder. "For now, we need to focus on Akane. If she is a vampire, she's a fucking threat to everyone in this school. We need to figure out how to stop her."

Saori took a deep breath, composing herself after Akira’s abrupt departure. "Akira, wait!" she called out, jogging after her.

Akira stopped and turned, her expression cold. "What is it, Saori?

"Listen, all those stories about disappearances, the gruesome murders happening around the city... It's not just random violence. It's vampires. Yuna, Mika, and I have been investigating this for months."

"You've been what?" Akira looked taken aback. "And you're just telling me this now?"

"We were trying to keep you safe," Saori explained, her tone earnest. "We didn't want to involve you unless we had to. I'm sorry for keeping this from you."

"You think I can't handle myself?" Akira retorted, her voice rising.

"No, that's not it," Saori replied, shaking her head. "It's just... dangerous. We didn't want you to get hurt."

Akira was silent for a moment, then she sighed. "Okay. Show me this 'investigation' of yours."

Saori nodded. "Follow me."

She led Akira through the school, down into the basement where they had set up a makeshift workshop filled with maps, photos, notes, and a variety of weapons. Saori switched on the lights, illuminating the room, revealing their months of work.

"This..." Akira began, her gaze sweeping over the room, her eyes wide. "This is insane."

"We've been tracking vampire activity for months," Saori said, guiding Akira to a map pinned to the wall. "Every mark here represents a vampire sighting or attack."

Akira was silent, her gaze fixed on the map. She looked overwhelmed, yet there was a glint of determination in her eyes.

"Welcome to the world of vampire hunting, Akira," Saori said, her voice a somber echo in the underground room. "I promise you, it's not as exciting as it sounds."