Chapter 3:

Six Years Ago

Found You, My Bride [will be posted later]

It's graduated from Lunaland Royal Academy at the age of eighteen. The royal tests every young person who has reached the age of fifteen, noble or not, in an annual examination.

It is not compulsory to take this exam, but the prestige of the families of the children who take the exam increases. Again, regardless of noble or not, the royal opens education funds for every student who passes the exam and pays for three years of education and shelter.

Lunaland Education System aims that to bring every citizen to a certain level of education. So, this system is praised and recommended to other kingdoms by the great emperor.

Royal children must attend this school no matter how qualified and tutored they are. So I did, too. And I ran into her on the last day of my last year in the academy. You're supposed to have met someone you've seen though. I didn't know how accurate it would be to say that I met her because I hadn't seen her but heard her voice.

It was after the graduation ceremony. My belongings had already been sent to the prince's palace by the servants. However, I found it appropriate to hand over the books that I did not deliver to the school library first hand and went to the library.

The corridors of the academy were empty, as there was a break between the semesters. The only thing that disturbed this nostalgic atmosphere was my footsteps. Another thing that spoiled the ambiance was the giggles coming from the library.

While I was thinking why laughing sounds are heard in a place where there should be silence, "It's really fun to have the opportunity to break the rules in a room with strict rules," said a voice. So I understood why the library is noisy.

A female group was trying to make a funny memory by taking advantage of the graduation ceremony and the school recess. Even though it's an insult to the library, I like the idea. I decided to wait outside the door for a while and not spoil their little joy. I leaned against the wall right next to the door and waited, eavesdropping on their conversation.

(The italics are my thoughts at that time. Those in bold are her sentences.)

"Girls, we brought food in, but we have to make sure we don't leave even a crumb before we leave."

"Yeah! If the teachers understands something was eaten in the library, they can use magic to find the rule breakers and we're done."

"I didn't say it for just that. We can have fun doing these secretly in an environment where one should be quiet and not eat anything, but we shouldn't disrespect the library either."

This sentence intrigued me. They were the words where I started to distinguish the voice of the girl who said those from other voices. I guessed there were six or seven girls there.

"Aww! You're always so tactful, my friend." With this mocking , all girls chuckled.

"But by not going to the graduation ceremony, we proved that we do not have a senior fiancé or a boyfriend to congratulate and bid farewell to his graduation."

Here we start the typical girlish talk! Sorry ladies for eavesdropping! If they knew the prince could hear their talking, I wonder how they would react lol.

"I would like to see Sir Wonright for the last time in the ceremony, though."

"You can see him in a party in future."

"And his fiancé, too!" 

"You don't have to be so cruel!"

They burst into laughter. If they were talking about Haruel while talking about Sir Wonright and Haruel knew there was a fan of him in this school, he would be so happy about it. Because he always thinks that he is not popular enough. I wish this girl can be braver to confess.

"But she is right, Elene. You can see him in future. For example you are going to be able to give him a gift in next hunt festival."

"No way!"

"Why not? The important thing is to show your interest in him to him, right? This is not an absolute confess. You determine your next move by measuring his reaction to your gift."

I like this girl's mindset.

"Do you think this will work?"

"It'd worth to try."

"I would like to give celebration flower to Prince Eadred! And I start regreting to stand the ceremony up."

"There is no way for me to wait those fans of him to give gifts. I'm sure he left the ceremony halfway, too."

Yeah, you're right, my lady. And right now, I can hear you.

"But... But I heard His Heighness didn't have a fiancé yet. Maybe he would fall in love with you when you presented your gift or wished luck for him with your beautiful voice."

LOL no! I don't fall in love so easily.

"I don't believe I have the qualifications to be the crown prince's wife-to-be."

"What do you mean? If he falls in love once, of course he will make you his queen."

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Sometimes being a lover and being a fiancé can be different things."

"I get what you mean."

"But I don't."

"His Heighness can fall in love with any girl. But this kingdom needs a queen is qualified in many things. To be hardworking, to know the royal manners, to be beautiful aside, she should have a superior political knowledge, education in terms, social skills and a sense of right. Above all, she has to have excellent magic ability. Not just any girl..."

"I get it now."

"Our royalty legitimizes monogamy. Nobles are not allowed to have mistresses, either."

"The crown prince may not be able to choose the person he falls in love with like everyone else. After all, the crown prince has to make queen the one who benefits the country, not the one who pleases himself. The queen of his heart may not be the queen of the kingdom. I think this is a very sad fate. He will be the strongest ruler of a kingdom but he won't be free to choose his wife."

"You make it sounds like a sad story! I believe His Heighness will find happiness with our future queen. She will be the best woman in this kingdom after all."

"Like DD! Right?"

I didn't realize at first that DD in the question was a nickname, because of my surprise at the great empathy in words I heard.

"No way!"

So I realized that the girl nicknamed MD is an empathetic girl who spoke rationally and touched my soul.

"Why not? Is it because the false prophecy that if the prince of the kingdom chooses the wrong queen, the queen will die and the kingdom will come to an end?"


"Exactly! I think you're the best fit to be a queen. Your grades, your beauty, your magic... You're very good with everything, but I don't understand why you didn't come to the fore. It's like you're deliberately hiding yourself."

"She is right! You deserve to be queen most! Yu're better than other noble ladies who wants to be queen."

"Are you serious? Do they think being a queen is a thing to be happy? They're mind is in the air."

"You are exaggerating."

"You will have to deal a lot of things. Other jealousy royal women, a lot of schemes, national problems... A perfect queen is needed during sitting on the throne. Then she can be divorced but she has to continue what she has to do. She can't trust anybody except herself. No friends. A husband who doesn't really love you..."

"What do you want then?"

"You will regret to ask this question, my friend."

I wouldn't want a life like that. I'm going to live a silent and peaceful life in my home. When I become the head of the family, I will spend money on things I want to research and benefit this kingdom in such a way. Whenever I want I will go out and travel the world."

"Ah, here we go again. That's why we call you DD!"

Then they took action. They walked out the door slowly, taunting the girl who had counted her idealistic dreams and walked away.

They didn't notice me as I was standing right behind the door that opened outwards and casting myself a tiny invisibility spell. I, on the other hand, stood for a while leaning against the wall, even though the door closed by itself. I turned my head and looked after the girls. I couldn't see them clearly because the corridor was slightly dim.

LOL no! I don't fall in love so easily.

These were my words a few minutes ago. I fell in love very easily with a girl I hadn't seen before, only heard her voice and learned about her little plans. Her words touched my soul, her way of speaking made me believe she was made for me, and her dreams amused me.

I'm sure everywhere she shows up, she can receive compliments that she could be an ideal queen. She has the skills to be the most suitable queen for this kingdom and she purposely hides it for her peaceful life. She will leave me alone with our responsibility.

But I didn't want to waste time thinking about it here and getting excited. I followed them quickly. I wanted to see who she was. However, they would have secretly returned from the way they had secretly come to the library when I lost track of them.

Since that day, I have been looking for the owner of that voice in my time left from the crown prince and I still haven't found it. That's why I have become the single crown prince mocked by other princes.

You sly and cocky little lady! I'm going to find you and make you fall in love with me! Wait for it!

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