Chapter 7:

Operation Dancefloor Romance (part 1)

The Whimsical Matchmaking Brigade

“Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but you’ve only discovered half of the truth behind the solution, my friend.”

Sato’s words echoed in Ryota’s mind like a relentless drumbeat. The haunting feeling lingered, gnawing at him, pulling him into a swirling vortex of unease. He could not shake off the persistent questions that danced in his thoughts. What did he miss? Why did he feel such bitterness at the revelation of the incomplete truth?

Lost in his internal conflict, Ryota mechanically went about his morning routine. He stumbled into the kitchen, his eyes still heavy with sleep. The scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted him, teasing his senses and coaxing him awake. With a half-hearted yawn, he reached for a mug, the warmth of the ceramic against his palms providing a comforting sensation.

As the rich aroma of coffee filled the air, Ryota’s mind continued to wander. He absentmindedly reached for a box of cereal and poured it into a bowl, the rhythmic clinking of the flakes against the ceramic creating a peaceful noise. His gaze drifted towards the window, where sunlight filtered through, casting gentle patterns on the kitchen counter.

He took a sip of the steaming coffee, its bitter warmth jolting him into a state of wakefulness. His thoughts circled back to the lingering questions that tugged at his consciousness. Why had he willingly thrown himself into the chaos of mysteries that weren’t his own? What had driven him to become entangled in the web of Hatsumi’s plight and Mai’s request?

Ryota was always a fan of mysteries. He relished the mental gymnastics, the thrill of piecing together clues and unraveling enigmas. Yet, it was always from the comfort of his armchair, sipping on a cup of tea and immersing himself in the world of detective novels. Real-life chaos had been anathema to his laid-back nature.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he took another sip of coffee. He had become a victim of his fascination, unwittingly ensnared in a whirlwind of intrigue and uncertainty. His recent actions contradicted his inherent laziness and preference for simplicity. And now, the bitterness of his incomplete solution, the one that had turned out to be nothing more than a stroke of luck, soured his morning ritual.

The comedy of it all was not lost on him. Here he was, a self-proclaimed slothful aficionado, begrudgingly caught up in the whirlwind of a mystery he didn’t care about. The irony dripped from every moment, from every step he took deeper into the labyrinth of secrets. And yet, he couldn’t deny the flicker of excitement that still burned within him, the insatiable curiosity that drove him forward. The revelation that there was another person involved in the mysterious love letters intrigued him even more. As Ryota made his way to school, his mind was consumed by thoughts of the unknown writer, sender, or admirer, the elusive figure lurking in the shadows.

He had a suspect in his mind but it was nothing more than a hunch.

The streets bustled with activity as students hurried along, lost in their worlds. The sound of hurried footsteps and the chatter of voices surrounded the young man, a comforting rhythm to his thoughts. As he entered the school gates, he headed to his locker, avoiding any distracting conversations.

With a quick turn of the key, Ryota opened his locker, retrieving his shoes. As he bent down to change into his indoor shoes, a glance to his left caught his attention. Hatsumi’s locker was just a few steps away.

The memory of the solution he had proposed flooded his mind, intertwining with the sight of her locker.

“I guess it’s my turn now.” With a resigned sigh, he closed his locker and joined the stream of students flowing toward their classrooms.


After the end of classes, Ryota and Sato gathered their belongings and made their way to the clubroom, where they expected to find Mai waiting for them. As they approached the door, a male voice emanating from inside the room interrupted their conversation. “If it’s not your then you should be more careful, sister! I’ll leave this to you,” the voice declared, causing Ryota and Sato to exchange puzzled glances and share a moment of silent anticipation before opening the door.

Inside, they found Mai already seated, accompanied by someone unexpected. It was the student council president, Aomori Yuuki, sitting beside her.

Sato, seizing the moment, cleared his throat dramatically. “Ah, greetings, president of the student council! Pray to tell, how doth the day find thee?” Sato said, his tone dripping with mock reverence.

As the student council president raised an eyebrow in confusion, Mai couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. Her suppressed giggles caused a mischievous twinkle to appear in her eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to contain her laughter, before explaining the situation. “My brother came today to deliver a letter he found,” she said, her voice tinged with amusement.

“It’s been a while, Aomori-kun,” Ryota added with a half-smile, causing a moment of confusion between Mai and her brother. The club president glanced at Ryota, her eyes searching for an explanation.

He quickly realized his mistake and repeated his greeting, this time addressing him by his first name. “I mean, Yuuki-kun, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he said, his smile widening as he tried to alleviate the momentary confusion.

Yuuki, still slightly taken aback by Ryota's slip-up, nodded awkwardly. "Ah, yes, it has indeed been a while, Asano-senpai," he replied with a tinge of embarrassment.

He then, without wasting much time, stood up and straightened his uniform. “I’ve delivered what I came for, so I should head back to the student council office.”

“It’s been a while since we hung out together. How about staying for a bit? We can catch up,” Ryota suggested.

Mai’s brother hesitated for a moment, his expression shifting from awkwardness to uncertainty. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, his eyes caught sight of Sato’s smirk.

“Is there a problem?” he asked, the change in his expression was immediate. His face contorted into a mix of surprise and slight discomfort.

Sato leaned back in his chair, his playful grin widening. He crossed his arms casually and cocked his head to the side, observing Yuuki with evident amusement. “Oh, no problem at all,” he replied. “I just found it amusing how siblings like or fall in love with the same people. Must be a fascinating dynamic, don’t you think?”

Sato stepped on the one and only land mine in the school… “Mai’s rage”.