Chapter 84:

The Triple Rage

Wolf Bloodline

With each step we took towards the palace, the soldiers stood their ground, their spears poised, instead of advancing towards us. It struck me as peculiar, for in typical circumstances, soldiers would charge forth without hesitation.

I turned to my companions, a furrow forming on my brow as I voiced my observations.

"Don't you find it odd that the soldiers aren't attacking? It's not the usual course of action in situations like these."

The General regarded me, his gaze steady as he offered an explanation.

"They won't attack. When it comes to individuals of our caliber, those deemed high-level criminals, the king selects only the finest for such encounters. And by that, I mean..."

Hiroshi's attention seemed focused on a particular spot as he interjected.


In that very moment, an arrow hurtled towards my head from the palace entrance, its velocity threatening. Acting on instinct, I snatched the arrow just in time, narrowly averting its piercing impact. Casting the arrow aside, I sought to discern its origin.

Approaching us were three figures, donned in armor. Two were young boys, while the third was a girl, wielding a bow—a clear indication of her involvement in the arrow's release.

The General addressed us once more, his voice laced with caution.

"The individuals before you are the Knights of the second Kingdom. Exercise utmost care as we approach them, for each possesses the strength of an elite soldier and wields a unique ability."

It was my first encounter with knights of this nature. Their attire boasted a sturdiness and quality surpassing that of ordinary soldiers.

Yet, it was the knight standing at the center, brandishing a black sword, who exuded an aura of unparalleled power. The paladin's power unsettled me, but outwardly I remained calm.

As they drew nearer, the knights came to an abrupt halt, and the central figure, the one with the black sword, began to speak.

"Countless times you have defied the King's orders, escaped from dungeons, and caused property damage. For these crimes you have committed, forgiveness shall no longer be extended. Surrender or taste death. These are my first and final words to all of you."

The weight of the knight's declaration hung heavy in the air, an ultimatum that brooked no negotiation.

The General's countenance betrayed his unease as he spoke.

"Perhaps you should start by explaining where you obtained the sword in your hand. That very blade belongs to the legendary black swordsman, Sarutoun."

The Knight appeared visibly irritated by the General's words, retorting sharply.

"A criminal like you has no right to utter the name of a man like him."

"I have known him for a great many years, and I believe I have every right to invoke the name of a man I consider my friend. But I am curious, why does it anger you so much when I mention his name?"

"He has been more of a father to me than a friend to criminals like you. Thus, a man of your ilk has no right to speak his name."

With those words, the Knight dismissed any further discussion, preparing to launch an attack against the General.

I moved swiftly, stepped between them, and thrust my hands forward as if in defiance of the knight's sword. We were now standing face to face, the others between us looking on in shock.

"Is this child out of his mind? Gripping a sword in that manner will only bring harm to his own body!"

The Knight exerted his utmost force, pressing against the sword. My hands grew bloodied, and my legs trembled upon the unyielding ground.

Yet, at that critical moment, the Knight turned his attention to the other female Knight, issuing a command.

"Brienne! Shoot him! Now!"

As her bow drew taut, aimed directly at me, an arrow poised to be unleashed, Hiroshi acted with astonishing swiftness, intercepting the arrow mid-air with a single shot.

The General's voice rang out, commanding attention.

"That is enough!"

Extending his hand, fingers outstretched, he uttered, "One-inch strike!"

Remarkably, the General threw a punch towards the knights that made no contact but was quite powerful, causing such a gust of air that the knights were knocked back without physical contact.

Meanwhile, my hands throbbed with pain, yet I found myself more affected by the General's display than by the discomfort.

Turning my gaze toward him, I uttered a realization.

"At this rate, we will waste precious time."

"We must make better use of the power we possess, for you possess an abundance of it," he responded, extending a helping hand to aid me in rising.

Summoning my strength, I stood upright, drawing in a deep breath. Our task now lay in defeating the Knights, surmounting their formidable presence to gain entry into the castle. It would prove arduous, but we had no choice but to confront the challenge head-on, for adversity demanded nothing less than our utmost resolve.


(At the time, Inside the palace) (Mila)

The stage was set, the preparations painstakingly completed, and here I was, confined to my room, awaiting the summons to the grand wedding hall. Despite the luxurious ambiance and the air of celebration, an indescribable reluctance clung to my heart. I found myself trapped in a whirlwind of despair, a tempest of thoughts threatening to consume me entirely. Sanity teetered on the precipice of madness.

In the midst of my inner turmoil, my father, accompanied by a retinue of loyal soldiers, entered the room. His imposing figure cast a long shadow, and as he approached, his voice resonated with solemnity.

"It is time, Mila. They eagerly await our arrival," he declared, his tone weighed down by the gravity of the situation. The simple act of addressing me by my name, "Mila," instead of the more affectionate "my daughter," underscored the seriousness of the occasion.

Deep down, I understood the futility of resisting my father's wishes. No matter how vehemently I rebelled, escape eluded me. And yet, by obeying him, perhaps I could momentarily appease his troubled spirit. Perhaps it would grant me the slender chance of saving Ryuu and his companions from the clutches of that dreadful dungeon and the imminent execution.

Hence, I acquiesced, following in the footsteps of my father as we embarked on our solemn march. The pace was deliberate, each step deliberate, yet an inexplicable unease filled the air.

Outside, where once raucous voices and vibrant revelry thrived, an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings. It was as if the multitude of people had been silenced, their voices muffled and subdued. Yet, I pressed on, assuming their silence stemmed from reverence for the sacred ceremony unfolding within.

As we approached the grand entrance of the hall, my father halted me, his gaze penetrating. His voice, tinged with an undercurrent of fatherly concern, broke the silence.

"Mila, never forget that everything I have done was in pursuit of your well-being and a life of serenity. There is no ill intent in my actions; I simply long for your happiness."

Though his words hung in the air, I remained steadfast, offering no reply. A heavy silence prevailed as I waited in stoic patience, refusing to meet his gaze.

Recognizing the futility of further dialogue, my father relinquished his attempts to bridge the chasm between us. With resolute determination, he swung the doors open, revealing a sight that took my breath away.

The hall, resplendent in its grandeur, brimmed with life. Faces familiar to me as a princess mingled with those unknown, an assembly of distinguished guests. Each step I took drew the gaze of the entire gathering, their eyes fixated upon me, their thoughts unknown yet palpable.

I stood there, adorned in the resplendent bridal attire, contemplating the weight of the moment. Is this truly the essence of being a bride? I pondered, my thoughts swirling like a tempest within me. Since childhood, I had held dreams of this day, envisioning a union filled with love and familiarity. However, the reality before me felt more akin to a nightmare than the ethereal dreams of my youth.

Whispers and rumors about the prince, murmured by the inhabitants of this realm, echoed in my ears. They painted a picture of an intelligent and benevolent ruler, someone whom my father deemed suitable for me. Yet, the lack of familiarity between us gnawed at my heart. I yearned for more time, a chance to truly know him, to perhaps forge a connection and find the path to genuine affection. Alas, the hands of destiny left me with no choice but to tread this path.

In that fleeting moment, my father bid his farewell, leaving me alone with the enigmatic prince. And as if time itself were suspended, the authorized figure responsible for officiating the ceremony approached, marking the commencement of our union.

However, amidst the solemn proceedings, my attention veered elsewhere. By my side, the King of the neighboring realm engaged in hushed conversation with his entourage of soldiers. Whispers reached my ears, speaking of a breach in the palace's security, a brazen intrusion by three unknown men. Questions swirled within me. Were these the same individuals? How did they elude capture? And how did they manage to find their way here, to this momentous occasion?

Yet, before my thoughts could dwell further on these mysteries, the authorized figure called out to me, breaking the spell of contemplation.

"Princess Mila, can you hear me?"

Startled, I responded, my voice wavering slightly, "Yes!"

A gentle smile graced their lips. "Beautiful," they commended, their voice imbued with warmth. "Do you accept the prince as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Before I could utter my response, the castle quaked, as if struck by a colossal force from above. Instinctively, my gaze darted toward the largest window in the hall, and there, I beheld a sight that defied all rationality.

At first, I doubted my own senses, believing my imagination had woven a fantastical illusion. But no, it was undeniably real. A majestic ship, massive and seemingly weightless, floated gracefully in the sky, drawing closer to our very location.