Chapter 91:

The Lost Comrade (Hiroshi)

Wolf Bloodline

The enraged fox seethed with a fury more potent than ever before, its fiery anger evident in the piercing gaze that emanated from its eyes. There was no turning back for either of us now; our paths were intertwined in a deadly dance where survival meant either our demise or the demise of the other.

My trusty handguns, once reliable companions, had been drained of their ammunition, leaving me with no choice but to rely on the rifle in my grasp. Methodically, I set about the task of reloading its bullets, realizing that I had expended more than half of my ammunition in a desperate attempt to catch the fox off guard. However, the cost had proven to be substantial, and the remaining bullets were now scarce.

"This is becoming quite the ordeal," I muttered under my breath, frustration tainting my words. Adjusting my hat, I cast a keen gaze upon the fox, observing its smug grin as if it relished the impending confrontation. The animal breathed heavily, its excitement palpable.

"I've never encountered an individual as eager to embrace death as you," it wheezed, tauntingly.

"The notion of being eager to die is mere drivel," I retorted, my voice laced with defiance. "From the moment we enter this vexing world, we begin the dual journey of life and death. It is why I harbor no fear of the inevitable. Instead, my concern lies in the actions I'm currently executing upon you, rather than the moment of my own demise."

Wiping a trickle of blood from its chin, the fox responded, its tone tinged with surprise, "It astonishes me that you willingly confront the dichotomy of 'life' and 'death' in such close proximity. However, your recklessness in assuming that I alone have erred is staggering. With each passing second, you and I inch closer to our mortal limits. I am merely attempting to discern which of us possesses the superior aptitude for it."

As the seconds ticked by, the fox's claws and teeth sharpened, their lethal potential growing exponentially. Every passing moment awakened the beast within, akin to a ravenous creature driven by primal instincts. Its strength appeared to surge, and in the blink of an eye, it readied itself for another round of combat, swiftly closing the distance between us. This time, it moved with a speed that dwarfed its previous agility, leaving me little time to react.

With lightning reflexes, I aimed my rifle at the fox, determined to land a decisive shot. However, to my dismay, every bullet I fired was intercepted effortlessly by the creature's palms, reminiscent of pebbles halted in mid-air by an invisible force.

As the fox closed in on me, I swiftly wrapped my scarf around my face, concealing my identity while using my foot to shatter a vial containing a potent poison bullet. The toxin dispersed rapidly, enveloping the vicinity in a hazy fog. Amidst this ephemeral curtain, the fox blindly lashed out with its paws, unaware of my evasive maneuvers. I had distanced myself from the chaos, taking advantage of the diversion.

Though I attempted to impair its vision by dispersing the poisoned projectiles around the fox, it proved impervious to their toxic effects. Ceasing its futile strikes, the fox inhaled deeply, exhaling with force. In a single breath, it banished the poisonous fumes that clung to the air, leaving no trace of the noxious cloud.

Now, I stood as an unmistakable target, vulnerable and exposed. In an instant, the fox caught sight of me and lunged towards me, delivering a devastating punch that found its mark. The impact sent me hurtling backward, blood seeping from my mouth as pain wracked my body. The force of the blow drove me crashing into a nearby tree, leaving me gasping for breath, my movements hampered.

My energy waned, and the notion of self-preservation seemed increasingly distant. Yet, with unwavering determination, the fox relentlessly closed the distance between us, its claws digging into the ground, propelling it forward. A sinister smile adorned its face, an eerie indication that it intended to conclude this harrowing encounter swiftly, with a single, decisive move.

I, too, knew I had to act, but the task ahead seemed insurmountable in my weakened state.

"I am unaccustomed to a scenario where the hunter becomes the hunted," the fox taunted, a sadistic joy evident in its voice. "But your demise will bring me great satisfaction."

Lifting its paw, poised for a final strike, the fox's attention was abruptly diverted by a resounding blast from above. A deafening bugle call echoed through the sky, causing the creature to turn its gaze skyward, fixated on a passing ship.

"It appears they have captured their prey," it mused, briefly distracted. Yet, just as it refocused its attention on me, a sense of urgency crept into its voice. "I must return to the ship before the smoke engulfs it. So, we-"

Seizing the opportunity, I seized control of time, making my escape without hesitation, leaving the fox's words hanging in the air, unfinished.

"I hope Ryuu has better luck with his enemy than me," I whispered, my voice carried away by the wind.


(Meanwhile, Another Part Of The Forest) (Ryuu)

The collision we endured left both of us gravely injured, but in the face of adversity, I emerged victorious. Although the pain surged through me relentlessly, I refused to let it hinder my progress. My priority was to aid the others without any further delay.

However, in that very moment, a resounding bugle blast echoed from the ship floating in the sky. Its thunderous echo reverberated throughout the palace, commanding attention.

Why would they sound the bugle without cause or purpose?

Perplexity filled my thoughts as I beheld the soldiers retreating, hastening back to their ships. It seemed as though they had received an urgent summons, compelling their withdrawal. Glancing towards the vessel, my gaze locked upon the female elite soldier who had previously crossed paths with Hiroshi. She had returned, but an enigma enveloped her purpose.

"What brings her over yonder?" I asked myself.

Then, comprehension dawned upon me, unraveling the reason behind their abrupt return. When I looked carefully at her shoulder, I saw Mila on the enemy's shoulder unconscious and bound, a captive in the clutches of the enemy. The implications extended beyond Mila's capture; it signified the failure of our comrades who had valiantly aided us. The casualties incurred, I dreaded to contemplate. Alas, there was no time to dwell upon such matters.

Without a second thought, I sprinted towards the departing ship, heedless of any obstacles. Vaulting over tree branches, scaling their heights, I endeavored to close the distance. Yet, the ship gradually receded from its original position, challenging my pursuit. My breath waned rapidly, hindering my speed. Every passing second weighed me down, diminishing my pace.

Was this the culmination of our efforts? The end of everything we had fought for?

No. Countless alternatives still remained, waiting to be explored.

Summoning my last reserves of strength, I channeled all power into my legs. With unwavering focus, I launched myself towards the ship above me. In that fleeting instant, Captain Barlog held the general by the throat, his grip unyielding. He lifted him up and threw the general off the hovering ship. The unconscious general was involuntarily approaching the ground rapidly.