Chapter 11:

Lone Star

Dominion's Paradise: IF

Through the cathedral's cramped halls, Daichi continued pacing towards the so-called "main lobby", which was presumably a hub where Adventurers gathered. It could be an area ripe for researching further details about Paradise, or potentially finding a guild to join. Sure is crowded around here though, urgh. 

As he turned a corner and passed by a cafe area, Daichi spotted three large, banner flags hanging above in the passageway: a red flag depicting two lions biting into a shield, a green flag showing a strange pink flower, and a white flag displaying an elaborate steel cross. There were no indicators of what they represented, but Daichi could just ask around later.

He nudged around a group of conversing Adventurers then traveled through a set of double-doors. A spacious, dark chamber illuminated only by candlelight greeted him. Every window was either covered or shuttered, giving off the sense it was nighttime. Multitudes of different people lingered around: a couple making out by a decorative statue, a group of gruff men chatting by bookshelves, a little girl eating a sandwich on her mother's lap, and an old man sitting by himself at a table—countless others as well. Daichi strode past everyone, taking note of all their idiosyncrasies.

Wow. Guess Dominion really did gather all sorts of people for this experiment. It’s mostly people around my age but I’ve seen a couple seniors already; kids and middle-aged folks too. Why the discrepancy though?

Further in, a plethora of long dining tables took shape. Adventurers gathered around them discussing the day’s events or their upcoming quests. Elsewhere, a few shelves lined the walls filled with books detailing Paradise’s various flora and fauna. Between two shelves hung a painting of a mesmerizing, green-haired girl adorning an extravagant dress. Bountiful frills lined her hot-pink dress that accentuated her studded tiara. 

He peered closer. The painting had a soft, orange glow thanks to several candles beneath it. Daichi guessed she was this world’s Dominion and its princess. It’s true—she was almost a dead ringer for the real Dominion he'd met before, down to the small but defined nose. However, this appeared to be a younger Dominion, like a teenage version of her.

Why the discrepancy though!

Only frustrations piled up whenever new questions arose before old questions could be answered. For the past few days, it’d been nothing but an entourage of unanswered mysteries. He looked up again and stared deep into Princess Dominion’s mesmeric, pink-iris eyes, as if the answers he sought were buried somewhere within.

“She’s pretty cute, huh? Too bad she’s flat chested compared to the real thing.”

Huh? Daichi turned to his side. An Adventurer wearing mage attire fashioned like a cowboy’s stood next to him, chewing on something vigorously. A wooden sheriff’s badge clung to his vest as he adjusted his makeshift cowboy hat then slung his arm around Daichi.

“Ya' know, I tried asking actual Dominion if she’d let me smash in exchange for going through all this isekai crap— no dice. So I come down here and learn there's a fun-size Dominion, but even with zero rack she's probably still way above our league, haha."

The cowboy mage reeked of booze and had a drunk stupor in his eyes. Without warning, he spit whatever he was chewing on out then plopped a new one in his mouth. Vigorous, wet chewing noises commenced. 

This guy is seriously gonna be annoying. “No, I don’t see her like that." Daichi nudged himself out of the grip and wiped off his shoulders. "I was just thinking of something else."

“What else is there to think about when you’re gawking at a gorgeous girl? Well, I guess I’d be surprised to see a painting of her still intact too."

Daichi turned back towards him. “Why's that?"

The cowboy knelt over and adjusted one of the candles that'd petered out. “I dunno big details, but apparently NPC’s don’t like her. Short version of the story: Some old legend predicted the arrival of Adventurers, and said what king daddy had to prepare for. Old man died a few years before we got here, so Princess D inherited the throne and all the preparations that needed to happen.”

“Preparations? What kind?” His curiosity had peaked. 

“Lots apparently. You know we can literally farm their currency right? Well, so their economy didn’t collapse into inflation nation, the princess passed tons of new laws and regulations. NPC’s weren’t too pleased even if it was for their own good; reputation's been in the gutter since.”

Daichi’s opinion on the man changed. Maybe I can find out more important lore through him. “So NPC’s dislike Princess Dominion enough to destroy any effigies of her?”

The cowboy mage stood and dusted himself off. “Probably yeah. She passed humanitarian stuff to improve her image, but they all backfired. Only reason this painting is still intact is 'cuz it’s mostly Adventurers in here."

So there's some sort of caste system in place? Daichi rested his hands in his pockets to further ponder. “If the NPC’s really hate her that much, shouldn’t they hate Adventurers even more? It sounds like we’re the root cause of everything yet she’s shouldering all the blame."

“Hold on, I know a chick that’s more into this stuff than me.” He scanned the dim room around him. His hazel eyes soon fell onto a small group in the lobby's opposite corner. “Hey Sanae! Get over here, girl!"

A tall woman with long hair began walking across to them. The scant light made it hard to distinguish exact features from afar. While he was squinting towards her, Daichi’s eyes honed in and accidently brought up her Playercard:

[Name: Sanae

Level: 58

Class: Cleric]

Level 58? For a Cleric? That’s super high! And she’s the first pure Cleric in general I’ve seen! Must have a lot of experience if she’s managed to climb so high as a dedicated healer.

Daichi looked down at the ground as she approached, feeling ashamed of having a tutor called for him like some child.

“Yo, Sanae," he heard the cowboy mage say. "Made a new pal here. His name is uhhh . . . Daichi! Give him your big brain hospitality as thanks for putting up with me."

A feminine gasp caused Daichi to look upwards, and his eyes widened. Under the soft glow of several candles, a girl with light-purple hair wearing a Cleric robe had her hands to her mouth. She seemed shocked beyond reason. 

Daichi was partially unconscious after the Hopper incident, but he could never forget the face of the woman who saved his life.

“It’s you!” he pointed towards Sanae. “The girl from the forest! I’m so glad I ran into you again! I never thanked you for saving me back then! If there’s anything I can do to repay you—”

“I-I think you have the wrong person . . .” she stammered, trying to retreat.

"Hey, hey, Sanae!" the cowboy mage yelled. "Is that why ya' took forever to get back with my shrooms? You were out being a good Samaritan?"

"Ermmm . . ."

"Well gee-golly, why didn’t ya' say so? Since it sounds like you two haven’t already, properly introduce yourselves!” The cowboy tugged on Sanae’s hand and forced it to shake Daichi’s.

This is kind of awkward. Her hand was small and soft, contrary to her height and sharp, deep-blue eyes. She looked about two centimeters taller than Daichi but had a modest, slim figure.

“Um, your friend already said my name, but I’m Daichi," he wholesomely smiled. "It’s nice to meet and see you again, Sanae. I’d be a goner if it wasn’t for you, so thanks again!"

With a tired sigh, she let go of his hand. Her expression seemed distant, like she'd rather be anywhere else. “There's really nothing to thank me for. I just did what anyone else would have done, but if that’s all you wanted to say I’ll be—”

“Hey, don’t bail yet! We’re not done introducing ourselves!” the cowboy mage said. His eyes gleamed with childish excitement towards Daichi. “I’m Makoto! Leader of the up-and-rising Lone Star guild! Of which our lass here is a very proud member!”

Daichi took the opportunity to finally check Makoto’s Player Card:

[Name: Makoto

Level: 69

Class: Mage]

Wow, level 69, nice, he thought. But I wonder why the Playercard doesn’t say if they’re in a guild or not? Maybe it’s some privacy reason?

“Say kid," Makoto said, "you didn’t by chance come here searching for a guild to join? It just so happens Lone Star has a vacant spot at the moment! Why not join us?”

Daichi’s eyes lit up with enthusiasm, but then petered out. He recalled the receptionist Mabel's words about accepting invitations from experienced guilds:

'Unless you have great reason to trust them, I’d refuse such invitations.'

However, the woman who saved his life was part of Lone Star. And Makoto’s invitation also seemed organic, like it came about through honest conversation. More importantly, if the invitation was legit, he couldn’t pass it up. The help of a powerful guild would be invaluable in searching for Kyouko. Then again, what does Makoto gain from inviting someone weak into his guild?

“Thanks, but I’m not sure I’d be able to contribute as much as I should, so I’m gonna have to pass—”

“Woah there! Slow down, partner!" Makoto chuckled. "Who said anything about contributing? Ya' can’t do zilch at level 2! If you join we’re gonna grind you to level 10 ASAP! How about it?"

"Urg, I'm still not super sure."

"Come on! Daylight's burnin'! Are you in or not?”

Daichi glanced towards Sanae, who hadn’t said much. She looked uneasy. Was it because of him, or maybe Makoto? She did hightail it away after Daichi started regaining consciousness. Maybe she was just really shy? A dandere? Daichi wasn't quite sure why, but he'd also like a chance to get to know her more. 

He shyly rubbed the back of his neck. “If you don’t mind having me then . . ."

“Yeehaw! It’s settled!" Makoto pumped his fist into the air. "Already sent you a guild invitation! Should be getting notified in a second.”

A bell popped up in Daichi’s POV. He tapped to open an invitation for joining the “Lone Star” Adventurer guild. This was it. Either Daichi’s first success in this world or his first real mistake. It reminded him of the night in the park when he decided to reject Hanako’s confession. But his life back in reality already felt like an entire world away. 

Daichi tapped on the “Accept” prompt, opening a new Menu area labeled “Guild Hub.” In it, chibi avatars of all seven Lone Star members walked around inside a replica Guild House. Daichi tapped on his own chibi, making it giggle and bringing up his Playercard. Out of curiosity, he attempted to tap on Sanae’s chibi but—

“Welcome to Lone Star, kid!” Makoto wrapped his arm around Daichi’s shoulders again, causing his Menu to close. “We gotta make you an asset to the team so time to get going. Ya' ready?”

“W-Where are we going?” Daichi replied. This guy seriously reeks! The heck is he chewing on?

Makoto spit out and stuffed another brown cube into his mouth. “We’re heading to a Raid Dungeon! Get hyped!"

“A Raid?” Sanae blurted from the side, the first thing she’d said in a while. “That’s too much for him to handle! Even the first floor would be bruta—”

“First floor? That’s pussy stuff! We’re going straight to the third floor!"

“H-Huh?" she stammered. "That’s too much even for us to handle!”

“Yup! Be a darlin' and keep Daichi company. I’m gonna rally the boys and let 'em know we got a new buddy.” Makoto meandered to the group of four in the far off corner and left the duo alone.

Ah, geez. Daichi had trouble lifting his eyes off the ground. The two new teammates drowned in an awkward silence, enhanced by a nearby couple feeling each other up on a bench. Was Daichi actually feeling shy? He’d never had trouble talking to girls before. Maybe he was just overwhelmed with all the topics he wanted to discuss?

Daichi snuck another glance towards Sanae. Her white Cleric outfit was reminiscent of an arch priestess' he'd seen before in games. Sanae's robe had several layers to it, tapered with an elegant cerulean lining within. Long sleeves cutely hid portions of her hands, making Daichi wonder what her weapon of choice was. 

“So, uhhh . . . Makoto sure is something, huh?” Daichi nervously chuckled. Why am I so cringe?

“Y-Yeah, haha. He's something, probably, yeah."

He looked up to try meeting her eyes. “Do you think he’s a good guild leader?”

“Makoto is just—eccentric,” Sanae said in a flat tone. She started looking towards the exit way behind them. “Sorry, I’m gonna head to the latrine really quick. I’ll meet up with you guys later, 'k?"

Sanae scampered off without giving him a chance to respond. Her expression looked conflicted, almost pained. What was going through her mind?

A minute passed. Within the dim chamber, Daichi noticed a group of burly young individuals approaching him led by Makoto. Among them a black-haired man in hide armor towered above the rest, easily two meters tall.

“Hey, hey! Where’s Sanae? Don’t tell me you already confessed and sent her running! Ahaha!" Makoto tipped the brim of his cowboy hat up. “She likes playing hard to get but you’re gonna have a real hard time getting that one! I would know!"

Daichi didn’t know how to respond. Maybe he really did send her running. "Urg . . ."

“But hey, don’t sweat it! Here, have a Wombat.” Makoto grabbed Daichi’s hand and dropped a tiny, brown cube into it.

“Huh? What's this?”

Makoto sneered. “It’s the good shit. I had Sanae collect shrooms that she grinds up and makes these chewy treats out of. They’re supposed to heal you a bit, but they give a nice high too, on top of being whiskey flavored so I never get tired of ‘em!"

So that's why he perpetually smells like booze. "What's with their name though?" Daichi rotated the cube around between his fingers.

"Eh? Probably called Wombats ‘cause they look like wombat crap—square. Funniest shit I swear."

Not exactly appetizing, but I'll save it for later. He slipped the Wombat into his pocket. “Thanks. I’ll probably pop one in when we finish the Raid.”

“Finish the Raid? Hahaha! "Makoto howled. "Bro, we’re only gonna poke our head in and level you up, 'cuzz you’re too weak to help out! In 'n out, twenty-minute adventure, yeah."

Sanae soon returned into the room with a calm and collected expression. She waved shyly at Daichi as she approached. Even with only trace amounts of light around them, several interested men couldn't resist gawking in her direction. One even whistled a catcall. 

“Well the gang’s all here,” Makoto said. “Sanae, since you’re big brained, babysit our new friend on our way to the Raid—and teach him stuff. We got a bit of a walk ahead of us.”

"Mm! No problem!" she nodded. A wholesome smile graced her face when she inched closer to Daichi. "Stay near me, 'k?"

"Y-Yeah! Let's get going then."

But in his head, doubts and worries swirled within him. Joining Lone Star is the right thing to do. This is what I have to do. For Kyouko. For mom. Daichi followed his new friends out as they all exited the dim, candle-lit room into the Guild House's hallway. There was no turning back anymore. 