Chapter 5:
Ethereal: Sweet Moment in My Eternal Life
Sitting alone after reading that letter, the sound running water feels louder. Before Alet has a mixed feeling after reading it, a knock on the front door catches Alet’s attention. “Who is it? I should open the door.” Alet stands up and walks toward the front door and opens it.
“Hello Io, It's been- Wait, who are you?” A feline with green fur asked in confusion as he had never seen a visitor in Io’s house in a while.
“I’m Alet-“
“Sniff sniff, Ah! You must be Io’s girlfriend!”
“What with this guy!?” Alet was shocked.
“What are you talking about!? What do you want!?” Alet speaks with a higher tone and her face blushing a little.
“Sorry for being rude haha… I’m looking for Io. Oh by the way my name is Flyn, I’m Io’s best friend. I was walking by this street and saw the lights were on, so I decided to say hi to him.” Flyn explained cheerfully.
After a while, Io get out of the bathroom and see Alet at the front door.
“Who is it?” Asked Io.
“Ah there he is, hello there!” Shout Flyn as he waves his hand.
“Flyn!? Hey! come inside, I believed you just meet my friend Alet.”.
“Hmmm your friend or “friend” ehe…” Flyn joked as he entered and closed the front door.
After entering the house, they sat on a L shaped sofa.
“Ah… It's been a while since the last time I visited you. Where have you been?” Asked Flyn.
“I went to Capla’s city. I also planned to move there” Answer Io.
“Heee… why? You hate it here?”
“No, I decided to learn some magic and weapon crafts at Quinn University.”.
“Oh, you can study there!? I thought the Silumas were unable to learn there.”.
“Yeah, maybe I’m just lucky. And the other thing, I want to regain myself after the death of my parents.”.
“That is a great decision you make, I’m telling you. You choose to go somewhere unfamiliar and start there. You really are brave.”.
“Haha you it’s nothing you know, anyway-“.
“Umm Io, can I use your bathroom?” Alet cutting their conversation.
“Oh right! Yes you can. I already put the towel and some clothes inside, feel free to use it.”.
Alet stand up and walk toward the bathroom.
“Bro, you really have a good taste.” Teases Flyn.
“What the- we were just friends. I just met her in class yesterday.”.
“Aha, look at your face, it turns red ahahaha… Let me tell you my naive and lousy friend, she has your scent all over her. After she opened the door for me, I noticed it for the first time.”.
“Huh!? Oh no, what have I done.”.
“Io got a girlfriend, Io got a girlfriend.”. Flyn making fun of Io loudly.
“Grrrrr… come here you!”.
“Ahahaha, ouch ouch, okay okay, I’m sorry I’m sorry. Haaa…. Good for you then.”.
“What do you mean?”.
“She is the one that is going to help you regain yourself. I can see it in my vision. I’m kinda jealous though.”.
“Hey! Be careful there, you already had Fiona. Don’t you dare cheat on her.”.
“No, of course I won't cheat on her. I’m just jealous about your future.”
“What about it?”
“I can see you are the one that is going to change the world. Let me remind you my vision never lies to me. I said I can’t see your future the last we met, but after I see Alet’s eyes I already can see it. Also I’m jealous that you get to choose Io as your fake name.”.
“Fake name? Isn’t it my nickname?”.
“Right, you really don’t know about it.”.
“Is there something I don’t know about?”.
“Okay then, I’ll tell you what happened since you are already in your twenties. This will be the perfect time.”.
“Go on.”.
“The four Silumas never fake their names, including you. You get hit by one of the beasts that we fought four years ago. That damage heals rapidly but the beast’s curse erases some of your memory. During your coma, your body shrinks to a baby. One day, Fiona, Reine, and I decided to give you to a married couple that didn’t have the ability to have a child. On that day, Reine said to them from now on, please call this child Io. If you make a mistake by calling him Dione or Ruba, before he hit his twenties, you will activate his peak state and kill both of you in the blink of an eye. After Reine gave the married couple warning, we left you with them.”.
“W…what? No way, you are scaring me now.” Said Io with a trembling voice.
“It’s true, this is the reason why you are still able to remember your real name, Dione Ruba.”.
“You can’t be serious!? What about the book the Legend of Io? Is that a lie this whole time?” Io’s voice raised as he couldn't believe what he just heard.
“No, it wasn’t a lie, Reine noticed that after the journalistic team decided to write our stories, after the beast’s raid, your peak state was activated after one of the journalistic members called you by your real name. Reine stops you before you kill him, after that incident suddenly you lost consciousness and was reported to be in a coma.”.
“I can’t believe this. After all this journey nobody is calling me with my real name.” Io felt betrayed by everyone around him.
“There there, I know this is not going to be easy for you. In fact, you still got us and I always got your back.” Said Flyn petting his back.
“What about my parents death? Is that also my fault?”.
“No it’s not, your parents fall victim to accusations made by one of the Caplas who hated them to work at the Capla’s research center. Your parents sacrifice themselves to fix a broken energy reactor and suddenly the reactor explodes.”.
“Grrrr… I will never forgive the Caplas!”
“Calm down Io. Remember what your parents said about not hating them.”.
“Y-you right. Huff I don’t want to break my promise to my parents after reading their last letter.”.
“There you go, you know what, looks like Dione that I know will revive soon.”.
“Yeah… Thank you for telling me the truth , I feel relieved after knowing what happened. I guess I’ll accept Io as my name, I think it suits me. Also sorry for causing so much trouble.”. With all his heart, Io tries to forget about the past and move on.
“No need to be sorry, that is what best friends do. That name does suit you, thanks to Reine for giving you that name.”.
“Can I ask you what Io name means?”.
“Ahh your name means, how should I say this. It means a flower, Reine said this when you shrink into a baby “Sooner or later when the time comes, you will bloom like a flower.”. Gosh she's such a genius.”.
“A flower? Well, it has a good meaning but doesn't it sound too feminine?”.
“Oh, come on, we are the Silumas. We can shape shift you know hahahaha.” Flyn laughed with a proud tone.
After Flyn and Io finish their conversation, Alet is still inside the bathroom, she overheard their conversation. “That means, I really become the real Io- no Dione Ruba apprentice! What a dream come true!” say Alet happily. After a while, she comes out from the bathroom. They started to chat to each other, become acquainted, and ordered pizza to celebrate Io's acceptance into Quinn University.
After a mini party. Flyn said goodbye, he is also going to give an old friend a visit. Closing the door, tuning off the lights, Io brings out his motorcycle. It is an automatic motorcycle with black and orange colour with a simple and elegant body, this motorcycle has a low frequency sound when the engine starts.
“All right, get on Alet, I'll take you home.” Says Io. Alet gets on the back part and they head back to the Capla’s City.
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