Chapter 1:

A Sudden Departure

Beyond The Veil A Summoner's Odyssey

Ethan sat in his dimly lit room, his eyes locked on the glowing screen before him. The game he was playing, "Worlds of Adventure," was his escape from the mundane reality of his everyday life. With nimble fingers dancing across the keyboard, he maneuvered his character through a treacherous dungeon, battling monstrous creatures with each swift keystroke.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light engulfed the room, causing Ethan to shield his eyes. When the radiance subsided, he cautiously opened his eyes, only to find himself no longer in his room but standing on unfamiliar ground. The scent of lush vegetation filled the air, and the distant sound of birdsong tickled his ears.

"What... where am I?" Ethan murmured, bewildered. He looked down at himself and realized he was no longer in his usual attire of jeans and a t-shirt. Instead, he wore a finely crafted robe adorned with intricate symbols. A glance around revealed a vibrant, medieval-style city in the distance, towering spires and bustling market stalls.

A tingling sensation crawled up Ethan's spine as he took his first steps toward the city. Unease mingled with excitement as he cautiously approached the city gates. Guards dressed in ornate armor stood at attention, but to Ethan's surprise, they paid him no mind. It was as if he belonged there.

Entering the city, Ethan marveled at the architecture and the sights that greeted him. Merchants haggled over goods, street performers entertained passersby, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from nearby stalls. It was a world straight out of a fantastical video game, yet it felt tangibly real.

Lost in his thoughts, Ethan bumped into a hooded figure, causing both of them to stumble. The hood fell back, revealing the face of a young woman with piercing blue eyes and a mischievous grin.

"Watch where you're going, summoner," she teased, her voice laced with amusement.

Summoner? Ethan's mind raced, trying to comprehend the situation. Had he somehow become a character in the game? Before he could voice his confusion, the woman continued.

"I'm Linnea, a rogue, and I couldn't help but notice that perplexed expression on your face. New to this realm, aren't you?"

Ethan nodded, still struggling to process the reality of his circumstances. Linnea chuckled and motioned for him to follow.

"Come with me, summoner. There's much for you to learn about Aerion."

With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, Ethan trailed after Linnea, embarking on an unexpected journey into the unknown. As they weaved through the vibrant streets of the city, Linnea explained the basics of Aerion's magic, its kingdoms locked in conflict, and the existence of powerful Elemental Crystals said to hold immense power.

As they reached the central square, Ethan's gaze was drawn to a towering statue of a legendary summoner, depicted with a staff in one hand and a fiery creature by his side. The inscription below read: "Only the chosen can wield the power of the elements."

With a newfound determination, Ethan realized that his arrival in Aerion was no accident. He had been summoned for a purpose, and it was up to him to uncover the truth behind his role as a summoner and the destiny that awaited him.

As the sun set, casting a golden hue over the city, Ethan took a deep breath and embraced the path laid before him. The adventure had only just begun in this mesmerizing world of magic and mystery.

Syed Al Wasee