Chapter 15:

Into The Raid

Dominion's Paradise: IF

Only a few steps inside and Daichi's footsteps were already echoing down the Raid's long tunnel. Cave walls all around were coated with pointed crystals that shone with various hues of blue, illuminating a wide passageway. Makoto led the guild deeper within as he popped another Wombat into his mouth.

“Right, quick game plan run down, kid.” He started walking backwards. “Standard Dungeon clearing formation is two tanks in the front, two damage dealers behind them, two long-range attackers behind those, and a healer in the back. Easy peasy."

"Where would I fit in there then?" Daichi pacing just behind said. "I'm not much of anything."

"Excellent observation! You're useless, so we gotta alter the formation: just chill with Sanae and watch our backs. Hide beside our cute healer—real manly of you, huh?"

"Sorry for being a burden?" I mean I really am kinda useless right now.

"Forgivvensh," Makoto said while chewing vigorously. He tightened the strand securing his cowboy hat to his chin. "This is pretty much a straight walk to the boss unlike other Raids, which have puzzles or traps everywhere. Barely any enemies in here too, so once you hit level 10 we’re gonna beeline to the big baddie. Got it memorized?”

It seemed like a sound strategy, but Daichi still had reservations about beating the boss even after Makoto and Hiro’s earlier impressive display. The urge to book it out of there was still ever present, but Sanae by his side gave him confidence. If something seemed amiss, he knew she'd tell him. Probably.

“So there’s no threat of regular enemies taking us out then?” Daichi asked. “The warning before we came here did say—”

“What? Huh?" Makoto stomped towards Daichi and wagged a finger in his face. "Ya' think we’re losers? That're just gonna wander around and get butchered by some Goblins? Sike!"

"I was just asking a questio—"

"Question smues'tion! We’re pros bro—different story for you though, ahaha!"

"There aren't any Goblins here," Sanae nearby said. Her face cringed on the creature's name. "But they wouldn't be an issue anyway."

"Heh, the kid is gonna wish it was just Goblins in here," Makoto snickered. "But if you're ever feelin' scared, I give you permission to latch onto Sanae!"

Ah, man! He's putting me on the spot! All Daichi could do was fidget his hands and make an awkward chuckle.

"I-I'd rather you not, but . . ." Sanae's cheeks dyed themselves a rosy pink. ". . . if there actually is danger, you can stay close to me."

Makoto rammed two fingers in his mouth then whistled a catcall. "Wowza, kid! She basically invited you over while her parents aren't home! Movin' up in life!"

Both Daichi and Sanae were blushing too much to even look at each other. They were standing side by side like they were just dared to kiss one another. Daichi fidgeted with his scroll holster while Sanae pretended to admire her white staff.

"Gosh I am a fiend! Ahahaha!" Makoto pulled out a revolvewand then lifted it high up like a sword. "Let's roll out then, fellas!"

The rest of Lone Star got into proper formation. Hiro led the frontline alongside a paladin knight wielding an ornate shield. Makoto took a DPS slot next to two other powerful mages, while Daichi and Sanae remained in the back as instructed.

As everyone ventured further within the cave, the once low ceiling gradually heightened. Large stalactites hung overhead as they all stared down Lone Star's members walking below.

Kinda creepy in here. But Daichi looked to his side and was immediately soothed by Sanae's presence. She was stoic, confident, and most of all, dazzling. He felt inclined to start some small chat.

“So, have you guys ever cleared a Raid’s third floor?” Daichi asked her. It was a legitimate question whose answer could reassure him. 

She looked in his direction and held up a finger. “Just one: Domino’s Raid up north, but that’s the easiest Raid so it doesn’t mean much."

“Was it still tough?”

“Well, Makoto died so yeah, pretty close fight." Sanae lowered her voice somewhat. "We brought him back at a Revive Tree right after though.”

"Geez, he died?" Guess there's a plot twist for everything. "Can't imagine him as someone that would just shake that off though."

“Hehe, I think he was more mad about not getting the final hit in."

"Nothing shocking there either."

"Yeah. Me and Hiro have a combo we use as a last resort, since it has a chance to kill us too. But without it, Domino would have wiped us all out.”

“Hmmm . . .” Daichi looked ahead towards Hiro, easily spotting him in the formation's front. The hulking figure and enormous sword on his back were hard to miss. “Makes sense. You two seem pretty close. Not surprised you work well together.”

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, cutely blushing somewhat. “Hiro’s a good person. He always stands up for me when Makoto pushes things too far. And he’s strong, he’s thoughtful, he’s rational, and he has a sensitive side.”

Oh. “W-Wow. Sounds like a reliable guy, haha."

“Mhmmm! And he's usually MVP too, which is when you get the most damage on a boss. MVP's get the lion’s share of EXP, so that’s why he's really high-leveled—he's incredible!"

Daichi watched her eyes gleam with every mention of the muscular Berserker. For some reason it created a sinking, disappointing feeling inside him, but he did well to hide it. “You two known each other for a while then?”

“Yep, since I started adventuring with Lone Star about a year ago now, though I’d already been in Paradise for a year before I joined."

So she’s survived for a long time, huh? Probably wasn't too far off from being a Day One. “What were you doing before you joined the guild then?”

Sanae stopped in her tracks and gripped her pearl pendant. A bleak, melancholic look perturbed her delicate face. “Sorry, I’d rather not talk about that. It’s just a bit personal."

“Oh—alright. Sorry for bringing it up.”

An awkward silence overtook the air between them just like in Outset. Daichi didn’t like it.

“Before coming to Paradise,” he said as they walked, “I was getting ready to graduate from high school, while trying to visit my sister in the hospital every day I could. It wasn’t easy, but I had a friend that motivated me to try my best, and tagged along with me on hospital trips. I'd probably be an angsty mess by now if it wasn't for her, haha."

Her expression changed from forlorn to cheerful. “You’re both lucky to have each other then! That kind of relationship is definitely mutual. I’m sure she’s out there right now waiting for you to wake up, because she needs you as much as you need her.”

Does she really though? He'd never understood the reasoning for her infatuation. Years of him being consumed with conspiracies should have pushed her away, if anything. But she'd stuck around like only the most loyal friends would. Even now she was probably visiting him and his hospitalized sister every day. What've I ever done to make Hanako like me so much? Maybe it'd be better if she just moved on and looked for someone els

“YO LOVEBIRDS! You’re falling behind!” Makoto yelled from far ahead in the tunnel. “Shared EXP ain’t gonna count if you ain’t in our range!”

"O-Oh, right!" Daichi yelled back. He gave Sanae nearby a nod, then they both raced to rejoin their formation.

After several more minutes of walking, Hiro in front raised a fist to his side, signaling everyone to halt.  A tense atmosphere spread through the formation as Makoto went ahead to investigate. Both men converged outside a tight corridor that funneled deeper inside.

“Alright, folks. Ready up!" Makoto turned around to address everyone. "Once we walk through here, we’re probably gonna run into baddies. Daichi, don’t attack unless you absolutely gotta. Keep in mind you’re a walking handicap.”

“If you want, I can summon a Furbolt to scout ahead—”

“No need,” Makoto shook his head. “Enemies up here are big brained, not smooth brained like Hoppers. They won’t give their position away for just a summon.”

Dang, I haven't fought against anything yet besides Hoppers! But if stronger enemies can critically think, imagine what the boss himself is like . . .

“Just stay close to me,” Sanae reassured from his side. She held a firm, confident grasp on her ornate staff. “If you get in trouble, I can cast a barrier or some enhancers on you.”

“JuSt StAy CLoSe To Me.” Makoto approached and mocked her, making sure to clang his heavy cowboy boots that chimed two spurs. “That’s fine and all darlin’ but keep your focus on us in the front. If we get taken out, you guys in the back are worm grub."

Lone Star’s members readied their weapons. The air around didn’t reflect that of confidence, but of uncertainty. Even Sanae now looked like she needed reassurance more than Daichi. All he could do was equip his tome and put on the most optimistic face he could.

And he braced himself for the worst. 
