Chapter 15:

The Amusement Park (part 3)

Fading Scars

Once they get off the ferris wheel, Ken realizes that it's now dark.

"Shall we head home now?" he asks her, and she nods.

"Let me walk you home." He bravely extends his hand, expecting her to take it, but she doesn't, just twirling her thumbs.

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"There's no need for you to bother! I can go home by myself."

"No way. It's dangerous to be out alone at night."

"I'll be fine..."

"You can't know what could happen."


"I won't let you go home alone."

"I'll call a taxi..."

"We'll take a taxi, then." She sighs at his stubbornness.

"Can we go somewhere before heading home?" He checks the time and the notifications on his phone to make sure nobody from his family has called him yet.

"Sure. Where?"

"To the beach."

"You want to go to the beach? Mh... Fine, it's not too far from here anyway."


It takes them about twenty minutes to arrive. The beach is strangely empty.

"I remembered it wrong. It took longer than expected..." he says, standing beside her as she gazes at it.

"Let's go. Watch your step. It's not dangerous because we have sneakers on, but we could still trip." He says, making his way in front of her, and she follows, looking at the dark sea in awe.

"It's so different from the morning..." she comments.

"You prefer it in the morning, huh? It's much more fun to come here when the sun is still up."

"I've often read writers describe the night sea as 'romantic,' but... it's just to set a romantic mood, it seems." Ken looks for smooth stones that aren't too big.

"Do you want to play stone skipping?" He hands her a few stones, and she takes them hesitantly.

"How do we count the skips when there isn't even a bit of light?" Ken seems to pause and reflect for a few seconds.

"We'll just count them." Rebecca tries to see his face through the darkness for a teasing expression, but in vain because it's simply too dark. She can only make out his profile and his nose with the familiar nostril piercing. He immediately starts throwing one of the stones.

"Three skips! Your turn." He waits for her to throw the stone. "Does this sea scare you?" Just as he says that, she throws the stone, and it sinks immediately. Ken throws the second stone.

"Yes, I think it scares me." She doesn't take her eyes off it. "More precisely, the unknown scares me. But it shouldn't... I should be used to it..."

"What do you mean?" He has just thrown another stone. She looks at him, her gaze fixed on the sea. "Why am I even-" He covers her mouth with his hand to stop her from finishing the sentence. This is the last straw, causing her to burst into tears. He immediately removes his hand to allow her to breathe.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry...!" She starts repeating while Ken embraces her, burying her face in his shoulder.

"I was... I'm so scared... I don't want to be alone!"

"It's okay, I'm here with you. And I'm proud of you and everything you've done so far. I know it's been difficult, but you've been amazing. Now you just have to let me take care of you, Bibi." He picks her up, holding her as tightly as possible, and she finally stops sobbing, gradually calming down.

"Ken... are you perhaps a prince?" He lets out a big laugh, making her blush with embarrassment for asking such a silly question.

"I like being called a 'prince.' So yes, I'm a prince!" He starts walking toward his home.

"And you also like carrying me a bit too much, put me down, please..."

"Never!" And she pouts.

* * *

When they arrive at her doorstep, he sets her down to allow her to open the door. She enters and stays on the threshold, watching him as she speaks.

"Good night then," he says, and she grabs the hem of his jacket.

"I'm not sleepy, so... can you stay a little longer?" She looks at him resignedly, thinking that he might accept, but he only sees the expression of a beaten puppy and can't help but agree. Not that he wouldn't have agreed if she didn't have that expression.

"If you're not sleepy, how about I make some milk? We haven't even had dinner..."

"That's fine." She grabs a small pot, and he takes the milk carton from the fridge.

"Do you have cinnamon too?"

"Cinnamon? Uhm..." She starts rummaging through the pantry. "Here's the cinnamon..." She checks the expiration date before handing it to him. "I thought it was expired, but it's okay."

Ken makes her sit while he prepares the milk and cinnamon, taking very little time. He pours it into a cup and hands it to her.

"Drink it while it's hot."

"Don't you want any?" She asks, noticing that he didn't pour himself a cup of milk.

"I have to walk back home, and I don't want to risk sleepwalking on the way."

She starts drinking her milk.

"Come with me." He takes her hand and leads her to her bedroom.

"Lie down on the bed while you drink it." He gives her instructions, and she follows, already feeling drowsy. He sits on the floor, leaning his back against the bed, closing his eyes.

After some time, he senses that her breathing has become steady, and he turns to check if she has fallen asleep. As soon as he sees her peacefully sleeping figure, he gets up, takes the cup from her hands, and adjusts her position to make her more comfortable.

"Good night, my rose." He kisses her forehead gently, leaves the cup in the kitchen, and quietly leaves the apartment.
