Chapter 14:

Unmasking the Unknown

Silent Shards

The dense forest stood cloaked in an impenetrable obscurity, its depths concealing the imminent threat that lurked within. Yet, as Sylphalope's plan unfurled, a flicker of hope ignited within me. I steeled myself, ready to face the hidden enemy that lay shrouded in the enigmatic veil of fog and darkness.

Sylphalope's intricate plan took shape, and I stood resolute, my senses heightened and attuned to the impending attack. The forest's murky veil obscured my vision, yet, with Sylphalope's guidance, I relied on my sharpened senses to perceive the danger that loomed closer.

Suddenly, from five different directions, arrows sliced through the air, hurtling towards me with alarming speed. Reacting with swift reflexes, I clenched the dagger tightly in my hand, its weight a reminder of its usefulness in this unfamiliar world. My senses honed, I relied on intuition and instinct as I deftly deflected and pierced each incoming arrow with precision.

Time seemed to distort as I fluidly shifted from one defensive stance to another. The dance of combat melded with the misty atmosphere, my body moving with a grace I had never known before. Each strike of the dagger became an extension of myself, a tangible manifestation of my unwavering determination to protect and survive.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a rapid flurry of arrows relentlessly advanced, their trajectory impossible to evade. Sylphalope's urgent voice echoed in my mind, instructing me to dodge and intercept the imminent threat. Drawing upon every ounce of strength and agility, I lunged forward, narrowly evading the lethal projectiles. In a seamless motion, I deflected one of the arrows with a swift stroke of the dagger, preventing it from piercing my vulnerable flesh.

Alas, my efforts were not entirely successful. Two arrows found their mark, piercing my abdomen with searing pain. An anguished cry tore from my throat, a raw expression of the agony that surged through my body. Collapsing to the ground, I clutched my wounded stomach, the world around me blurring in a haze of pain and disorientation.

Through bleary eyes, I caught a glimpse of a figure drawing closer—a specter draped in darkness, its face obscured but radiating a perverse satisfaction. The figure's voice reverberated through the air, a chilling proclamation of their sadistic triumph.

"Finally, I've killed! Finally, I've taken a life."

Amidst the chaos and the figure's sadistic proclamation, my heightened senses detected the sound of approaching footsteps. Three sets of footsteps grew louder, and a surge of relief washed over me as I realized Piro and the others must be among them. Determination surged through my veins as I summoned every ounce of strength to stand, assuming a defensive position despite the throbbing pain in my wounded abdomen.

As Piro and the others reached my side, concern etched across their faces, Piro's voice resonated with a mix of worry and frustration. "Why did you come here? Your wound looks grave," she said, genuine concern lacing her words. Kael and Elysia hovered nearby, their fear palpable as they assessed the situation.

Meanwhile, seemingly unperturbed by our presence, the figure attempted a hasty escape, taunting us with a threat to return and finish what they had started. Yet, my eyes caught sight of something peculiar—a manifestation of another version of myself, clutching the dagger and pressing it against the figure's neck. The doppelganger, which had been standing near Piro, dissipated into nothingness.

In that moment, clarity dawned. Sylphalope had seized control of my body, employing a special technique we had devised—a plan that allowed for the temporary manifestation of a duplicate. With the two versions of myself sharing the same essence, we executed the plan to catch the figure off-guard, gaining the upper hand.

A wicked grin curled upon Sylphalope's lips as she addressed the figure, her voice exuding newfound confidence. "So, how did it feel, mysterious dork, to face your own hallucination?" she taunted, savoring the surprise etched upon the figure's face. Sylphalope's strength and control in this moment were a testament to our shared bond and the power of her guidance.

Sylphalope relinquished control, allowing me to reclaim command over my body. However, sensing an opportunity, the figure attempted a swift escape. Reacting swiftly, Piro stepped forward, her voice firm as she cast a spell, freezing the figure in place. Conscious but immobile, the figure stood trapped by Piro's spell.

The tension lingered in the air as I removed the eclectic patterned dress that concealed the figure's true identity. To my astonishment, beneath the disguise stood a young lady, radiating an air of beauty and grace. Her elven ears stood out prominently, and upon closer inspection, I noticed a burn mark marring her delicate neck. Elysia, her face filled with disbelief, whispered, "Fiona."

Piro, known for her directness and lack of filter, wasted no time in addressing the situation. Turning to Elysia, she questioned, her voice probing, "Do you know this figure?" Elysia, her fear still palpable, began to tremble, unable to find the words to respond.

Sensing her distress, Kael interjected on her behalf, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "Even if she does know, this has nothing to do with her. Let's not jump to conclusions."

Desiring to diffuse any potential conflict before it escalated further, I approached Piro and offered a suggestion. "Instead of asking Elysia, why not direct your questions to Fiona herself? She may hold the answers we seek."

Piro regarded me with a mix of curiosity and skepticism, but recognizing the wisdom in my proposal, she nodded in agreement. We gathered around Fiona, ensuring she remained restrained and unable to escape. Fiona met our collective gaze, her eyes a blend of defiance and fear. As the weight of our stares bore down on her, she took a deep breath, her voice trembling but filled with newfound determination.

"I was given a license," Fiona confessed, her words laced with both regret and conviction. "A license to kill anyone who has committed an unforgivable act."

Her revelation hung heavy in the air, leaving us stunned and speechless. Fiona's words unveiled a darker side, hinting at a web of secrets and personal motivations we had yet to fully comprehend.

This revelation left a bewildered expression upon my face as I muttered, 'What does that even mean?' The implications of such a license weighed heavily on my mind, stirring a mix of confusion and concern.

Fiona, sensing my perplexity, continued her confession. She divulged that one of the regional government authorities had been responsible for spreading these licenses, granting individuals the authority to take the lives of those who had committed unforgivable acts. Intrigued by the concept, Fiona had succumbed to the allure of such power, leading her down a path of killing.

Upon her arrival in her hometown, she was confronted with a series of unfortunate circumstances. Specifically, her close companion Elysia had eloped with her romantic partner, causing a tense atmosphere in the town. Such actions were considered morally unacceptable and particularly unforgivable for Fiona, who happened to be the mayor's daughter and possessed the authority to enforce lethal consequences. Fiona searched for Elysia and her lover, upon finding, she decided to kill them.
