Chapter 32:


Dreams of Reality

14th November 2456

       I've been having some weird thinking sessions lately. Since this school year started, but I haven't realized it until now. It starts to affect me more and more. It's things like how dangerous it is just living by itself. Every time you step outside, something or someone might do something to you. They might want to hurt you for no reason, and people like that are running around in the world.

       The worst part is you don't have to go out. What if the phone that I have on my nightstand just explodes for no reason? It sounds silly and this is less likely to happen, but what stops some random dude from pulling a knife and stabbing you in the street as you walk past?

       Maybe it's because of the internet. Hearing how someone did this and that on the other side of the planet, all the time made me paranoid. It's hard not to think about it when it pops into your head out of nowhere, for example when I am planning what I want to do, and suddenly I am thinking about what kind of life-changing event could happen. I am so tired of it already. It's not me exploring options, but more like being forced to do so.

       It crossed my mind a few times that this might not be normal. Maybe everyone has to
live like this now. Because it's all true. No matter what you do, where you are, there is the possibility of it happening. I've heard in the news how people more often take the law into their hands and do as they see fit, which is why crime has increased over the decades. Some might use "self-defense" as an excuse to commit a crime, but a lot of people actually defend themselves when they need to and then they get charges for it.

       I am no expert, but it seems weird that you get punished for protecting something. I also heard that in some countries instead of prison time, you get fined instead, and somewhere might not get into any trouble depending on the situation. But that is really rare I believe. There is also the question if it's actually real. It's hard to find the truth. Imagine if a random stranger would find you dangerous for whatever reason, and that person would just beat you up because they felt threatened. That's not a world where I will want to be. I hope that instead of allowing people to do as they please, they will teach them how to solve problems without violence.

Wow. I really got into this one.