Chapter 4:
VISUAL SHOCK - sometimes you have to promise not to fall in love~
click, click, click…
click, click…
click, click, click, click…
My final days of summer fade out in a blur.
Most, spent hunched over my laptop trying to find what’s left of the world I came to be part of.
The rest, listening to Malicious Mister or Tuck-Bick and watching the sun dissolve over the high-rise skyline, sipping Gaijin Killers to feel better.
I brave one more day in Harajuku, to pay Richardson’s a visit, hoping a little retail therapy will help. The man himself was pleasant enough - despite rumours - but I think that was because I came dressed up and followed the rules.
Even scored some SEX POT VeNdEtTa, but upon reviewing my purchases - sigh - it all became bittersweet. Kray is no longer part of the company and the original store is gone.
Before I know it, the academic year begins in earnest.
I set out for induction wearing something smart. A real nice elegant gothic aristocrat outfit.
Gotta be dressed up to make good first impressions.
Nothing from a brand or anything, just modified items I thrifted back home. Aiming for prince, but probably just serving eccentric.
And, upon review, maybe it was overkill.
No one spoke to me throughout all of the orientation sessions.
Flopping down onto a bench in the courtyard, strategically placed in the shade, I bust out a Peaky Sweat. It’s nice to see that the hubbub of campus life is universal at least.
The to and fro of freshers, eager and alert, trying their utmost to be noticed on their university debut. The already palpable stress of seniors facing their dissertations, scuttling about after professors for every spare second, needling them with questions day one.
I guess I count as a junior now.
My year abroad sandwiched in before my final one.
I was meant to come before I started. The cliché of getting your travelling in while you’re still young, straight out of high-school.
The pandemic shut that plan down, along with everything else.
I just kept saving. Working remotely. Studying online. Waiting for the borders to reopen. Now here I am.
Even half a world away.
A haunting but familiar silhouette flits across the quad, snapping me from my thoughts, before they turn into a pity party.
It couldn’t be?!.
I sit up, alert, like a dog that recognises its master's car from down the block.
Long black hair, very long, with a hint of deep red? Check!
Standing to get a better view, I peer with more intent at the profile moving past and away from me.
Shorter than me, but still tall, and slim to the point of androgyny? Check!
I snatch up my bag, hoofing it after him before he can disappear off somewhere.
Too dressed up for everyday practicality or appropriacy in an academic setting? I mean, same, but also… Check!
That’s the hat-trick, and that’s my boy!
He’s sporting some shironuri - almost a palette swap of the outfit from LOAF - which really emphasises his ghostly pale complexion from where there isn’t make-up.
I know I’m pale, but I’m also sickly. He’s positively ethereal by comparison.
His long dark hair, completing the yurei look.
I nearly catch up just as he rounds a corner and out of sight.
I break into a quick step to bridge the gap and-
I slam straight into him.
He’s as light as a child and bounces right off me.
I know I’m not heavy, just skeletal and tall, but he’s like a bird.
I stagger back momentarily, but am quick to bend a knee and help pick up his scattered belongings.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry about that! I didn’t mean to-”
“Why are you following me?”
He cuts me off mid-sentence.
“I’m sorry?”
“You said that. What do you want?”
How am I meant to respond? Is he for real?
“I just wanted to… to?”
Floundering for a second, I start fidgeting about my person, finding his cuff in my bag.
“To return this!”
I take his hand in mine and wrap the cuff around his wrist. The poppers snapping shut with finality.
“Anyway, are you ok? I really didn’t mean to scare you or chase you or anything. I just didn- Hey! Where are you going?”
Before I can get through my explanation or ingratiate myself, he snatches his hand away, stuffs everything back in his bag, and storms off.
I jog after, but keep my distance. Too uncertain about how to break the tension and continue our interaction.
Still nearly bumping into him again with how sudden he puts the brakes on.
His voice comes out hoarse, maybe a little dry or tired. There’s a huskiness to it, but it’s still light due to his narrow frame.
“Why are you persisting?”
His Japanese is so formal, even though he’s being blunt, like a boss to an employee. It’s so grammatically perfect, it makes it really easy to follow. Like, textbook easy.
“Yes. You have not stopped following me. Why? You already returned my cuff.”
He still hasn’t even made eye contact. His glare trained right at my throat. Like a predator assessing the kill spot of some prey.
I gulp audibly.
“I… I…”
“Say it!”
I heave a heavy sigh and go for it.
“I love you-”
And almost bite my tongue, adhering to his abrupt command.
“You can’t just say you l… lo… me like that!”
He’s pulling a pose that would put Crackt to shame. Hand in front of his face, elbow extended, back arched.
I couldn’t work out what he mumbled part way through, so I straighten up and repeat myself.
“My apologies! What I wanted to tell you was that I love your style! From the moment I saw you at LOAF, I have wanted to make your acquaintance! Please be my friend?”
I bow to add emphasis… when in Rome, I mean Japan, after all.
A pregnant pause later, I look up.
His gaze of death meets my own sheepish one. Face in shadow. Hand frozen in anger in front of him.
Several more moments pass, unblinking.
My leg cramps. I wobble to one side. His eye doesn’t follow.
Is he so irate he’s passed out on his feet?
I stand fully.
He remains still.
I give him a little wave.
No reaction.
“Yoohoo! Hello? Anyone home?!.”
He must have blown a fuse and needs resetting.
It is still morning, only just, so it’s fitting at least. Works a treat too!
He snaps right out of his petrified fit of rage.
Much to my surprise, he is calm in an instant. How magnanimous!
“If you ask me so earnestly, how can I refuse. But…”
He trails off at the end, mumbling something to himself, but I’m too happy to have made my first friend to catch it!
“Oh, I should probably introduce myself! My name is Tai! I’ll be in your care!”
I throw in a little bow again to pay him due respect.
“Ah! No! No need for all that. I’m Kaor-”
He has the same name as, well… him! Dressed like he did in his prime. How can I be so lucky!
Oh, no!
He looks disappointed. He doesn’t hate Kaoru does he? No. No, he was listening to them at the concert. Maybe he doesn’t like the comparison?
It would make sense getting a bit bored of it if you hear the same compliment all the time.
“Ah! Sorry… I just get enthusiastic about these things.”
He sighs and waves my comment off.
“It’s fine. I’m just not used to it.”
His demeanour softens. Less tense and formal than before.
“What do you propose now?”
Put on the spot a little, I stumble on the follow-up.
“Err… Have you got class at the moment?”
He’s quick.
“No. I was going to the library.”
He’s free!
“Are you staying on campus too?”
His eyes narrow with suspicion.
“What of it?”
“Nothing, just…”
Ok, maybe it’s a bit much to invite him back to my room straight away, but I can’t afford to blow through my savings with cafés and stuff…
“…I was thinking it’d be cool to show you something!”
His brow furrows deeper. Was what I said really that suspect?
“I mean, I’ve brought some of my visual kei collection with me. A whole suitcase of outfits. I’d like to get your opinion on them. See if they look good enough to pass for the real thing.”
His eyes remain narrowed, then leans in, and stares through me appraisingly.
A bead of sweat forms on my temple.
He turns on a heel and starts walking in the way of the dorms. I trot to catch up, trying to probe him about the change of heart, receiving only aloof half answers in return.
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