Chapter 5:


A Boy Showed Up At My Door (Unexpectedly) On a Summer Morning?

Him in my bed, my bed on him. This moment was one of complete beauty.

I had never thought such a presence would graze me, I never thought myself as one of weak will... a strong mind but a contrast in the abilities of the heart... I had never conceived myself of any faults, I was remarkable, completely and utterly unmatched... I never thought little of myself, such of competing quality to myself defied the boundaries of limitless perfection. Perversion was a feat I should have never faced, everything benefits from my mind, a sidetracked mind is usually of little harm, a sidetracked mind such as mine is the bane of everything in existence... the thoughts I have fuel the world...

What is a car without fuel?

A car without fuel?


What is a car without fuel?


My own self-indulgence threatened the longevity of this planet and the humanity it’s collected. One such as myself shouldn’t flinch, shouldn’t question themselves when presented with what’s desired... I must hold onto my mind! I won’t let him take hold! For myself, and humanity!

It felt nice to indulge in my thoughts once again, from this point on, I wouldn’t waver! I wouldn’t lose myself! Heh, even though he was sleeping right beside me! Even though he was very cute and sleeping right beside me! Perhaps the Gods granted me with a power of resistance... I knew they had!

“Mmmph...” He mumbled.

He was certainly prone to making cute noises... thoughts like those are gay... I couldn’t stop myself from having them... but I most definitely can stop myself from acting on them! He shifted in his sleep, why had I allowed him to share my bed? Was it my confidence speaking? Must I prove resistance to myself? He was closer to me now; he was facing me; he pushed his leg out to the point of touch... His skin was so smooth! Was the oil good for him? I hadn’t a need to apply any creams to combat dryness, without stench he truly was perfection...

“Mmph... you’re still awake?” He mumbled.

GAH! He’s awake? If he knew my state of restlessness was a fault of his own... I would be humiliated!

“No... I... Ehh...?” I began my speech prior to him wrapping his arms around me... he brought me in his embrace! He sheltered me in his arms!

“KYAAAAA!!!” I thought to myself.

Me in his arms, his arms on me, this moment was one of complete absurdity! He held me in his arms, it was warm, absurdly warm! He was already half asleep, the idea of any movement from him... it seemed unlikely... did I even want him to move? Shall I stay embraced in his embrace? Shall I stay gay?

 Only one solution came to mind... one alone... these feelings wouldn’t cease... nor could I trust my will to not act on them... I’m sure such thoughts wouldn’t pass a pure mind... rejection was the one way forward, if certain of inability, then certain of letting go... I must tell him! I must let go! 

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