Chapter 20:

Announcement and Author's Note

Dragon X Digital Dream

Hello there! If you're reading this, thanks for sticking with me this far. I know it's been a bit of a long and meandering ride for both of us, but I'm glad to have people enjoying my work.

Before anybody panics at that rather ominous beginning coupled with a sudden update like this, don't worry! DXDD isn't going to be cancelled. However, I'm going to be going on a trip later this week, and preparations for it have been keeping me very busy, so there likely won't be any more updates from now until I'm home again.

As such, I've been taking what time I do have to look over what I've already written, and make some decisions. While I've made a lot of progress, I'm still far from done with this volume, and with only a month or so left in the contest, I really don't think I can finish this entry in time to submit it -- least of all in these little bite-sized chapters.

Which brings me to the next issue. Especially in recent chapters, there's a lot of minor bits of dialogue and information I've had to cut to keep my word count down -- information which I feel, in hindsight, would really help tie this arc together a lot better, even if it would make my chapters a bit longer in the process.

As such, with all these considerations in mind, I'm posting this notice to let people know that I will be dropping out of the Honeyfeed contest, and taking some time to edit and expand on some of the more recent chapters, likely starting around Chapter 14 or 15 or so, and get them up to par with the rest of my work.

Once that's done, it'll be back to regular updates -- though, with larger chapters in mind, I'll likely be making my updates twice a week instead of three times. It just gives me more time to work over things and make sure I'm satisfied with the quality before the release day comes.

In any case, thank you all very much for reading, and I hope to see you again in a week or so!


DXDD Volume 1 Cover

Dragon X Digital Dream
