Chapter 20:

Beds are scary when shared

My childhood friend ran away from home and now I have to share a room with her?!

Koyori doesn't try to talk to me again for the rest of the evening and I'm too busy trying to remember how to properly shade. I'm making good progress though. Eventually - probably after around two hours, the girl starts yawning at regular intervals which prompts me to call it a day.

"Should we continue some other time, Koyori?" I offer after yet another hearty yawn echoes through my room.

"Yeah, Yori-chan is eggs-hausted, hehehe," she chuckles weakly at her own pun while I snort into a glass of juice I'm drinking.

"You're not tired enough if you're still witty like that," I protest but another yawn of the girl speaks another language. Koyori is truly tired, hiding her drawing between the pages of the book I lent her.

"Do not peek or your favor is turned to smithereens," she warns me, gesturing around with her finger like my parents would often do.

"What if the favor I'm asking for is to look at it now?"

An evil grin manifests itself on my face as I observe Koyori squirm in an attempt to find a loophole but she's too tired to find one and I decide to have mercy on her.

"Well, as long as you're not doing anything funny tonight, I'll save it for something else."

The girl is visibly relieved, though I have one last trump card to play.

"You'll have to give it to me sooner or later anyway, it won't be any less embarrassing than it is now."

Take that Yori-chan!

"Owwie, Yori-chan can't argue with that…" she sighs before yawning again. "But now Yori-chan needs to sleep."

Yeah, you really need to but your sleepy face is kinda adorable…

For a moment I'm reconsidering to toy with her for a little longer but I decide against it. I probably shouldn't be mean to her, just in case she's still mad.

Koyori leaves the room for a bit to brush her teeth. Not knowing what to do, I feel a strong temptation to peek at her drawing without the girl knowing.

I kinda want to but if she returns sooner than expected, I'm in trouble…

My hand goes back and forth several times, touching the book and then distancing myself again. Finally, though, my curiosity can't be sated by imagining it.

Just a quick peek. Koyori will never know.

I open the book, pull out the paper and glance at it. A warm feeling spreads through my body as I'm looking at a much more refined and detailed version of her drawing from six years ago. She's captured both of our expressions perfectly. Koyori is smiling like an angel while I have a somewhat nervous expression as we're holding hands.

She even copied the brand name that's written on my cap! When did she observe me?

While Koyori and I are already fully colored, the background still needs a lot of work, although it's already distinguishable that she chose the playground to make her work particularly nostalgic.

I'll have to act surprised when she shows this to me eventually. Dang, it's such a good drawing - she's better than me…

Not a second too early, I'm stashing it back where Koyori left it. Only moments later, the girl enters the room with a yawn, beaming at me when our eyes meet.

"Kei-kun, where's Yori-chan sleeping tonight?"

Oh, crap…

Koyori reminds me quite brutally, that I should have spent my time pondering this instead of peering at her artwork. Guiltily, I'm doing some brainstorming.

Bed or sofa? I'm fine sleeping on the sofa but, knowing her, she'll probably suggest to…

"Are we sleeping together, Kei-kun?"

Yeah, called it…

Koyori's words have an impact akin to an asteroid striking our planet. I can put up with a lot of things for Koyori's sake if I so desire. Hugs are still scary but sharing a bed would be the equivalent of a global mass extinction event such as the one that put the dinosaurs to their demise.

Touching is nice in moderation and slightly embarrassing, I guess. Hugs are really embarrassing but still feel nice, I guess. The thought of Koyori getting all snuggly with me as we head off to sleep has a certain entice to it - at least according to my accelerating heartbeat. Unfortunately, it's not only too embarrassing to allow it but there's a much more grave issue at hand.

Beds are where people have sex.

My mind knows it won't happen, my body knows it won't happen. Koyori probably wouldn't even understand the underlying issue even if I spelled it out for her. And yet, under no circumstances can I allow her to sleep in the same place. It won't happen. It mustn't happen!

Koyori eyes me questioningly. My hesitant behavior must be worrying her greatly. For someone like her bearing purity and innocence in her mind, sharing my bed must seem like the most natural and wholesome solution. But for a young boy like me who has already glimpsed the world of adult pleasures, the monster under my bed suddenly seems surprisingly friendly in comparison. The girl's expectations rest upon me but I can't fulfill her request.

"L-let's rather not," I stutter under her scrutiny. "I move a lot in my sleep - I'd wake you up."

Nervously, I offer her a technical lie for the underlying issue lies elsewhere. I really used to fall out of my bed when I was younger though. Koyori doesn't want to give up that easily, arguing with me.

"I'll probably wake up once or twice anyway for a potty break, it's fine Keiichi."

No, it's not.

"There's enough room for two," she tries to persuade me but her begging voice falls on deaf ears.

'No' means no.

"Yori-chan, you can use my bed, I sleep on the sofa all the time anyway," I offer but the girl can't be convinced so easily.

"That's not the issue here…"

Sulking, Koyori approaches me a little too closely.

"It is not a real sleepover unless we sleep together, Kei-kun…"

She doesn't get it.

"That's not the issue here either," I explain apologetically as the girl strafes me with a scolding look. "You'll understand one day. Please accept it for now…"

"Bad Keiichi," she grumbles but, as long as she's making childish insults, I'm not worrying about it too much.

"Yori-chan is picking the sofa then."

Oh, is she? She must have been really cozy during her nap then.

Koyori scurries over to the back part of my room, a slight aura of displeasure surrounding her slender figure. I’m not sure whether or not I should allow the feeling of guilt to come to the surface. After all, boundaries exist for a reason.

“But Yori-chan won’t give up that easily,” she announces boldly before hurling herself onto the sofa with great force which makes me seriously puzzle about her being angry with me. “At least tuck me in, won’t you Keiichi?”

The tone in her voice seems conciliatory but a hint of a pout remains on her cute face.

Guess I should probably listen to her request.

I figure that I should at least do a little something for the girl so as not to ruin my entire progress of the evening due to my stupid fears and insecurities.

“Sure,” I confirm. I walk over to the girl, preparing cushions and a blanket again. “But no lap pillows or anything.”

“Yori-chan was about to ask…” the girl admits in slight dejection, placing her dainty body horizontally. A hint of eagerness is discernable in her expression as she eyes the blanket in my hands. She’s really looking forward to this, huh?

I blanket her as requested, being honored with a cute smile.

“There you go, silly.”

“Thanks, but you’re still a meanie,” she complains quietly which reminds me of something she said a little earlier.

“What happened to ‘Keiichi is the best’?” Now it’s my time to fake a sulky face.

“He’s still the best,” she assures, closing her eyes with a graceful expression on her face. “Nighty Night, Kei-kun.”

“Sleep well, Yori,” I reply, marveling at the sight of her about to fall asleep for a few more seconds before dimming the light, brushing my teeth, and then tucking myself in as well.

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