Chapter 28:
Love, Manga & Blackmail: A Secret Otaku's Countdown To Romance!
Tap, tap, tap…
A man walks into a dark corridor, clutching his flashlight tightly, steps weary, and almost… mechanical.
“Hey, d-don’t go there!”
Ichika cries, as the man moves forward yet again. Well I’m guessing he’s a man, through his tone of breathing and the shadow he casts. First person games don’t usually give you a clear view of the playable character anyway.
“Sh, let’s see…” I say, moving the character up against a wall scribbled with gibberish and drawn with… blood.
After a gruelling few moments of trying to appease Ichika to forget all about what she had discovered, I presented to her an offer she couldn't refuse.
Within my reach, I had the latest Resident Schoolmate copy of the famous horror franchise.
Such an avid gamer like Ichika, wouldn’t dare refuse. Thus, I used the ultimate trump card. Crisis averted…
And so, the adventure was afoot.
“Ah, I don’t wanna read…”
Ichika gulped, hugging a pillow close, as some text popped up probably as translation.
Ah, menu-kun? Wait wrong novel, again…
“You’re seriously scared, Ichika nee-san? What a wimp…” Kotone sighed, rolling her eyes.
How can a 10 year old not be scared of the hottest horror game of the year?
“How can a 10 year old not be scared of the hottest horror game of the year?”
Ichika muttered, clearly on the same wavelength as me.
“I-I’m not afraid, Kotone-chan, haha…” She finally giggled slightly, trying to play her clear shaking, off.
“Yeah, sure. Maybe you should spend a few more points on persuasion next time…”
While Kotone had no chill, I advanced even further into the dark corridors of what used to be a school.
It was a very simple horror game. Search for clues about a murder, and run away if you spot the ghost of the victim. Its ambience was very eerie however, and it put even me, let alone Ichika, on edge.
Of course, the fact the lights in the living room were off, and the backdrop of the night from our window wasn’t making it any less easier to cope with the dread.
“Haruhi, wait, maybe you should search over there?”
“Nah, already did—“
Just as I was lining a corner, and speaking nonchalantly, I saw the figure of a ghost rushing down the hallway at incredible speeds.
In a split second, me and Ichika both bellowed out like a pair of scaredy cats.
My first instinct was to jump up, yet I found it in me to whirl the character round and run too. We couldn’t be caught!
Suddenly, my eyes, fell into darkness.
Ichika was still screaming.
“You idiot! You’re supposed to cover YOUR eyes! Not mine!”
It seemed she wouldn’t listen. The result? The ghost ultimately destroyed us.
“Pathetic.” Kotone chimed in, stifling a yawn.
“Yes, father…”
“Of course, don’t worry.”
Ichika spoke the three classic replies, while on the phone with her father.
It was getting rather late, and since I couldn’t walk her home, I suggested she stayed the night here at my place today.
Well, we were technically a couple. At least as far as her parents were concerned.
Ichika hung up, nodding to herself.
It seemed those dreadful five minutes it took her to persuade her father had paid off.
“All clear, sergeant!” Ichika gave me a wink, and I saluted from the couch.
“Over and out, lieutenant.”
Kotone had already gone to bed, and now only Ichika and I remained in the living room.
“Uhm.” One very obvious problem though, remained still.
My room was a mess, and in this legless state that I found myself in, I couldn’t really do much about it. Other than hide my po— sacred stash, that is.
What was I to do? Make her sleep on the couch? That would be rude to her as a guest.
Make her sleep on my bed while I sleep on the couch? Well, that’s way more plausible, but would she wanna sleep on MY messy room all by herself in the first place?
More importantly, what if she went snooping around for my stash….?
Okay enough about dirty magazines.
I needed to make a decision.
“You sleep here.” I declare, having thrown every unwanted item in my closet, and presenting Ichika, THE bed.
My bed.
“But… what about you?” She looked over to me, arching a signature brow. She was wearing one of my old shirts and a pair of sweatpants I used to wear back in my first year of high school.
Despite looking like a hobo, I’d say she also looked cute. Dainty and small as she was.
“Eh, couch is fine.” I shrugged.
“But… you’re injured. You should be more comfortable.” Ichika argued, looking quite uncertain.
“Couch is plenty comfy, trust me.” I handed her a freshly washed pillow, and moved to the living room again, blanket slung over my shoulder.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask…” I yawned, while Ichika stood tongue-tied fiddling with her thumbs.
A blush adorned her face, and her expression was rather perplexed, but she didn’t say a word.
She managed to spell out, but stopped.
“G’night, Ichika.”
I hummed, and went on my way.
I managed to hear her say, as I went over the couch, rested my leg atop the armrest, and covered myself in a thin blanket.
The only illumination was that coming from my own room.
The now meek Ichika, was quiet, and I heard her rustling about before she lied down too.
A girl… sleeping on my bed.
The thought made my heart race, although it wasn’t the first time.
I had gotten lucky during my first years of high school, yet something about Ichika being that one, made my mind go blank.
Why am I feeling this way?
I grumbled, and shut my eyes.
Soon I heard the clicking sound of the lights turning off, meaning Ichika was about to doze off too.
On my bed. Wearing my clothes.
I gave my pillow a good smack. Why wasn’t it as comfy as I remembered?
Sleep, Haruhi. Sleep.
Trying to think of Lilia-chan and Pingin, I closed my eyes once more.
I opened my eyes to a familiar voice, right as I had clocked out for good.
My eyelids were heavy, and the lack of light in the room wasn’t particularly helpful in deciphering who the culprit was.
Yet the blurry image before me managed to form in the shape of a very recognisable face.
“Ichika?” I muttered, seeing her face practically next to mine.
She didn’t reply to my call, instead nodding slightly, her loose blonde hair bopping with her.
“Why are you all up on my face?”
Groggily I asked, her face suddenly turning red all at one.
“Oh, I… ah, eh-tooo….”
“Words please…” I sighed, as Ichika’s gaze wavered and she broke eye contact.
“I ah…” She gulped, steeling her resolve. “I’m scared.”
“Come again?”
“I’m… slightly scared… okay?”
“Well if it’s only slightly…” I shrugged, opting to roll the other way and resume my beauty sleep. Faces this good don’t grow on trees, after all.
“No!” Ichika almost shouted, tugging at my sleeve. “No…” She repeated lowering her tone.
“I’m scared. Not slightly. That game from earlier… was rather scary and you know…”
With another sigh, I resigned myself to my fate. What crazy offer did she have, that would make her fear relevant to me?
“Voice your demand, peasant.”
“I…” Her blush reached all the way to her ears, illuminating her face like a lamp in the dark. “I wanna sleep with you.”
“Come again?”
“Let me sleep with you?” Ichika scrunched her eyes into thin lines, bringing her palms together. “Please?”
What was this? Was I still dreaming?
“Are you… possessed or something?”
“Stop… talking about possession…” Ichika shook her head frantically.
She really was a scaredy cat. Did that horror game affect her THAT much?
My instinct was to say no, and send her back of course. I wasn’t no simp, and tonight was too hot and stuffy to be pressed up against someone.
“You do realize this is extremely stupid, right?”
I sighed, while Ichika was curled up in a ball beside me, hogging the thin blanket.
“No, it’s not… Your bed is scary… Couch is way better.”
“How’s my bed… scary?” I wanted to punch myself in the face for agreeing to this, but I still found it in me to question.
“The white sheets remind me of that… ghost.”
You have to be kidding… This girl’s gone off the deep end.
She pressed her back slightly against my shoulder, as I looked up at the ceiling in silent contemplation.
“You better not assault me… or anything, okay?” Embarrassed Ichika muttered.
“You do realize you just used the most generic tsundere phrase of all time with a straight face, right?”
“I do…” She gulped. “I always wanted to say that someday, hehe…”
Ichika giggled, muttering to herself.
Of course, when she talked about sleeping with me, she only meant sleeping in the same bed as me.
Not that I had gotten the wrong idea or anything.
“Isn’t this breaking the rules?” I mused, while Ichika flinched.
“No kissing or hand-holding… Nobody said anything about… Sleeping together.”
“Okay, you better not touch my hand while we’re sleeping together, then…” I sighed once more.
Wow, what a stupid rule. No wonder Chapter 2 Ichika came up with it.
“S-S-Shut up… I’m trying to sleep.”
She pressed herself up against me further.
“More like trying to seduce me…”
I felt like I was talking too much, and yet I already knew why.
Why was my heart beating so loudly? I could practically hear it beating against my chest, hammering against my eardrums in a steady, fast pace.
Why was I so… nervous?
Did Ichika really make my heart and mind react in such a way?
I tried to shake all that off, since the girl in question had gone quiet. Completely still, her breathing almost evened out.
Was she falling asleep?
I wish I could take a look at her, but my leg propped up like that, and the position we were in, such a task almost seemed herculean.
I stopped myself momentarily.
What was I even thinking?
Shutting my eyes once more, I became aware of a very plausible fact.
I probably wouldn't be sleeping much tonight.
Suddenly, Ichika stirred.
“Uhm, yeah?”
Was something wrong? Could she have heard my heartbeat? I mean it was loud… but not THAT loud…
“I need to use the bathroom…”
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