In the realm of teenage love, complications are bound to arise. Especially so, for a secret otaku like Naruse Haruhi! Despite being a popular high school student, leading a very normie-like life, he harbors a deep secret: his unwavering passion for all things otaku. However, when Hayasaka Ichika, a fellow enthusiast, uncovers his hidden obsession, she seizes the opportunity to manipulate him. Blackmailed into a fake relationship, Haruhi must assist Ichika in appeasing her father and potentially escaping an unwanted arranged marriage! Together, they embark on a thrilling three-month journey of deception and pretending. Amidst the whirlwind of their geeky charade, will their initial pretense blossom into something genuine?
[Present-Day - Chance Encounter]
Blackmail awaits… Hop on!
[Present-Day - Chance Encounter]
Blackmail awaits… Hop on!
Author | |
Genre | ComedyRomanceSchoolSlice of Life |
Updated | Jan 11, 2024 |
Chapters | 49 |
Writing Status | Finished |
Word Count | 73,876 |