Chapter 3:

Day 1

Grimm: Life or Death

Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life, posing as "Calitri Li Fonti" at Asphodel Meadows High School. The morning sun shone brightly, illuminating the path I had chosen. Armed with a false identity, I hoped to navigate the complexities of high school and forge connections with the living, all while concealing my true heritage.

Stepping into the school's main office, I encountered the counselor—a friendly face who unknowingly held the key to my new life. Nervous but determined, I introduced myself as Calitri, the new student from Italy. Thankfully, my supposed background as an Italian student seemed to earn me some initial respect, keeping prying questions at bay.

As the counselor handed me my class schedule, I marveled at the calculated simplicity of my father's plan. Each class was carefully chosen to mask any suspicions, ensuring that my academic journey would remain inconspicuous.

The first day's schedule was light, with only three classes—English, Science, and History. The English class felt familiar, as I had spent considerable time among humans, learning their language and culture. However, Science and History were entirely new terrains, unexplored territories that intrigued and challenged me.

As the day progressed, I quickly settled into the rhythm of high school life. Each hallway held a plethora of faces, potential connections, and intriguing stories waiting to be told. Yet, amidst the sea of students, there was one face that stood out from the rest—hers.

Before I could even realize what weight on my life that entity held, the dismissal bell had rung, leaving me to go home. Feeling both accomplished and empty after encountering her,  I now have to tell Father about my day at school. What am I going to tell him, I'm starting to lose my mind and go blank, all I can think about is her. I can't let Father know, I don't know how he'd react over it, it's probably nothing anyways, I most likely won't even see her again, she'll just disappear into the crowd, a lost face in the sea of people.

Finally, I arrived home and found my father patiently waiting for my return. He looked at me with an expectant gaze, his keen perception hinting at his anticipation to hear about my first day at school. Yet, as I stood before him, a wave of uncertainty washed over me. How could I possibly explain the profound impact Lily had on me? How could I articulate the strange mix of emotions that stirred within my heart?

"I'm back, Father," I finally managed to say, my voice betraying a hint of hesitation.

"Ah, how was your first day, Calitri?" he asked, a faint smile on his lips.

"It was... interesting," I replied, choosing my words carefully. "Everything went smoothly, and the classes seem fine. I think I'll manage."

He nodded, seemingly content with my response. But there was more to my day than I was willing to reveal. My father knew me well, and he could sense that there was something I wasn't saying. However, he respected my boundaries, knowing that some things were best left unsaid. He also understood that I was comfortable and strong enough to handle some things on my own, and being in this new environment, he wanted to give me some more freedom to grow and prove myself.