Chapter 7:

Program 7: Disquietude State ~ The Consternation of an Overloaded Function

Sister Sensei (S++)

A few days had passed since Sora had managed to create a simple program that allowed the user to enter a number and guess a number between a range of values. Even though it was simple in the code it used, the program was his first step in understanding programming languages. While he read through a chapter in his book, Hime was busy looking over the grades of the class on her phone. Turning to his sister, he pointed to a section he was a bit confused about.

“Hey sis, could you explain arrays to me? This still is a bit confusing.”

Hime sat up and moved closer to Sora.

“Okay, what exactly are you having trouble understanding?”

“This part. Are arrays strings or integers? I’m just confused by what exactly they are and that index thing I keep hearing about in videos.”

Grabbing a nearby piece of paper and pencil, Hime started to draw out a diagram to better illustrate the concept.

“An array allows for the storing of values of the same data type. So, let’s say this book of yours is a variable and we have two more just like it. While you could hold onto them all day, it is easier to store them in a backpack, right?”

“Yeah. I get that.”

“While this is a bit dumb, let’s say the backpack can only store programming books.”

Hime began drawing a simple two-dimensional box and labelled it as ‘backpack’.

“In RPG terms, arrays are like an inventory, be it a hero or the party.”

“So, this inventory can hold ‘items’ in the inventory. Those ‘items’ are either integers or strings?”

“Mhm. Now, your next question was about array indexes, right?”

“I don’t quite understand how this works.”

“Basically, indexing is where the values are within the array. In the S++ language, you start with the zero index. It’s a bit odd but that is how arrays work.”

Sora continued to listen intently as his sister spoke about arrays. Before she could continue any further, her phone vibrated.

“Oh, looks like the others are here,” Hime said as she stood to her feet.

“Others? Who did you invite without my permission?”

“Relax, little bro. I invited the other teachers. Remember, we have that project all of us are putting together for our students.”

Sora watched as his sister skipped over to the door and opened it for the others she had invited. Entering first through the doorway was Ryeichi who appeared as if she had not changed her outfit for three full days. She slipped off her flip-flops with ease and stepped into the living room. Following behind her was Emily who removed her brown leather boots and continued to suck on the lollipop in her mouth. Finally, Reina stood at the entrance and bowed slightly.

“Forgive me for not removing my shoes at the entrance, Tokisaki.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Hime and Sora said in unison.

“Ah. Right, I need to use first names with the two of you since this would get confusing.”

Reina entered the living room but kept her shoes on. Sora had noticed before that something about her legs felt different but he was unsure as to why?

“If you were curious little brother, it’s because Miss ‘No Legs’ here has prosthetics.”

While Hime giggled in a bubbly way that sounded like a teenage schoolgirl, Reina glared at her with a half-moon stare of ice that could cause a critical hit.

“Hime, can you not make light-hearted jokes about those of us with handicapped associability? Not that I mind, you are the type of person to do it considering your mental detriment.”

For a moment, Sora was in shock by what he heard; yet, the others seemed unphased by the conversation that took place. He noticed Reina’s cold gaze turn into a warm heart-felt smile.

“Are those topics that you two should be joking about so causally?” Sora asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s actually good for close friends to joke about their problems together. It helps to dissociate with the problem, right Doc?”

Emily looked over to Hime and nodded. Sora noticed Ryeichi was staring at him with an expression of passion for drawing. He could tell that she was wanting to sketch various illustrations of him. Had he not make her before, he would have figure she was staring at him with lustful intent. The friends that Hime had made were unique, to say the least, but he was happy to see that she had made good friends with the other teachers.

“Anyway, Rei, make yourself at home and remove your prosthetics if you want. Mi casa es tu casa,” Hime said as she placed her arm around Reina’s neck.


Reina made her way over to the couch and started to remove her prosthetics. Sora could see that she had lost her legs just above her knees which explained her outfit that bordered on being sexual like those seen in various action anime with girls in them.

“Okay, sis, I need to ask. Exactly how many languages do you speak?”

“Well, let’s see. Watashi wa muttsu hanasu koto ga dekimasu. Uno es nuestra lengua materna. L’anglais est ma deuxième langue que je maîtrise. Die anderen drei Hauptsprachen sind Spanisch, Französisch und Deutsch. 01000110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01101111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100110 01100101 01110100 01101001 01110011 01101000 00101110 00100000.”

Sora had no room for words. He had just heard his sister speak in various languages that he could not understand – aside from English and Japanese.

“Ah. I see, that makes sense,” Reina said.

“Mhm,” Ryeichi chimed in.

Emily held out her phone which showcased a thumbs up emoji.

“How the hell did any of you understand her? I only understood the English and Japanese.”

“And this is why you should expand your mind to learn and try new things, little bro.”

“Okay, I’m just going to run that through a translator. What was it? Zero-one… zero… some more zeros…”

“Good luck. Now then, let’s get this discussion,” Hime said as she sat down on the couch beside Sora.

Emily sat down in the computer chair while Ryeichi sat down at the small coffee table and laid her head against the fine polished wood.

“So, what is this special class project you talked about?” Reina asked.

“I figured all of us could bring our skills to the table and show our classes how they all translate into the real-world.”

“Interesting. So, what are you thinking we should do exactly?”

“Well, let’s see.”

Hime stood to her feet for a moment and paced back and forth as the gears in her brain started to turn. Sora had seen his sister do this before when she was serious about trying to understand something or come to conclusion.

“We have Ryeichi who can draw, Rei who knows about economics, Doc with her knowledge of medicine and me with my computer skills.”

“Perhaps we could take a trip into the city and show just how our skills translate to practical use.”

“Like going around to different jobs and showing how they apply in various industries?”

Sora continued to listen to the conversation until he felt something against his lap. Looking down, he could see Ryeichi resting her head against his lap and drifting off to sleep.

“H-Hey, Miss Borikohama. Could you please get off of me?”

“Just let her sleep, bro. She’s harmless.”

Sora watched as Reina grabbed Ryeichi by her hair and tossed her onto the floor. Ryeichi did not seem to mind as she continued to sleep as if she was used to be tossed around like a rag doll.

“She always does this. I swear, how can any of use be considered teachers with the way we act?”

“So, our plan for the next week will be to head into the city and let our students experience the joy of our craft and how it applies to the real-world,” Hime said as she looked around the room.

“Sounds good to me,” Reina said.

Emily nodded. Everyone looked to see Ryeichi was fast asleep and dead to the world.

“Yeah, she is completely passed out. We should all head home for tonight.”

“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Hime asked.

Sora remained quiet as he started to hear something like the sound of rain in the distance. For a moment, it was light but quickly drummed against the window. He watched his sister head over to the window and pull back the curtain slightly to see that it was pouring rain. The sky outside was black, a shade that could devour the void of the abyss.

“Oh, looks like it raining. You guys just want to stay here for tonight?” Hime asked as she looked to the others.

“Wait, don’t I get a say in this? After all, this is my dorm room,” Sora said as he glared at his sister.

“You wouldn’t force all these beautiful girls to walk outside in the rain, would you, little brother?”

“I mean, no but where are all of you going to sleep? I don’t have any extra blankets.”

“It’s fine. The floor won’t kill us. Besides, we are used to late nights in uncomfortable positions during our days in university,” Reina said.

Grabbing a pillow from the end of the couch, Reina scooted down onto the floor and rested her head against the pillow. Ryeichi yawned as she crawled onto the couch and fell back into a deep sleep. Emily curled up into a ball like a kitten in the computer chair with the lollipop still in her mouth.

“Looks like we’re sleeping together,” Hime said in a joking tone.

“The way you phrased that could be taken out of context.”

Sora entered into his room as his sister followed behind him. Looking over his phone before bed, he noticed a message from Aruto who showed a few pictures of her with a friend. He was unsure who the girl was as he had never seen her in their class before. Here bright pink and purple hair made her stand out in a crowd so he was certain that she did not go to their school or if she did, she was in another class.

“Oh, is that Aruto’s friend? She is kind of cute.”

“I thought you were only into plants.”

“I can like girls too in non-sexual ways you know. We from this bond called ‘friends’, not that you’d know anything about that, little brother.”

“Sorry I didn’t take Harvard’s course on making friends.”

Hime hugged Sora gently and played with his hair. Putting his phone down for a moment, he relaxed and closed his eyes. When he had trouble sleeping, his sister would play with his hair until he fell asleep. It was a feeling that he enjoyed, like getting a hair cut after letting it grow out. While he was unsure if there was a name for this ethereal experience, he loved it and quickly found himself starting to draft off to sleep in his sister’s arms.


It was dark, black as the void of the abyss. Sora could feel his arms held above his head and his legs spread out. His body was exposed with various enticing areas left bare. It was an odd state, like he was being suspended by air, yet, held in place by a firm adhesive grip. While his clothes were still on – a simple orange tee-shirt with a pair of black shorts – he feel something revealing the lower area just above his hips.

Where was he? What was going on? Who was out there? His body continued to struggle against the force that held him in place to no avail. The anticipation grew until he could feel something slowly crawling up his foot. It was a texture that was slimy and conformed to his skin like a tight-fitting suit. Moving up the heel of his foot, he could start to feel a tingling sensation as they slippery liquid oozed up to his toes. At that moment, he realised the creature was a slime or something resembling a slime and it was moving up his body. It tickled Sora as it slid between his toes and slowly worked its way up.

Sora was unsure how to feel. The slime was not attacking him but with every move, it was sending his body into a state of squeamish squirms. As the slime explored further, the tingling turned into an exotic pleasure. His body was starting to enjoy where the slime was tickling and within minutes he could not help but moan out with excitement. His body moved in a steady rhythm as the heat continued to rise like a nuclear power plant. Yet, the moment was short lived when the slime started to explore his stomach.

His moans started to turn into girly giggles as he squirmed with a hint of pleasure. Sora could tell his body was enjoying the pleasure and yet he could not stop an outburst of laughter as the slime glided over his armpits. The tickling of his most sensitive area forced him to giggle and squirm uncontrollable, his body still did not return to a state of normality. He was unable to deny the ranging lust that peaked through his shorts. Giggling loudly, he felt his body squirm again and again, his mind was in a superposition of both pleasure and laughter.

Sora suddenly awoke to the world around him. He did not have time to process anything other then the vibrations of something forcing him to moan out in ecstasy. His hips bucked as an explosion of liquid shot out. There was no holding back his outburst, the seductive voice of a girly moan echoed throughout the room as he gripped his sheets tightly. The vibrations continued for moment before stopping and Sora quickly sat up. He could feel his lower body emit a radiating heat while the rest of him was drenched in sweat. His breathing was faster than normal but started to return to normal after taking a second to process everything.

He laid back on his bed and closed his eyes. Sora could only relax and enjoy the experience he just had as his mind calmed down. Looking down, he could see his lower body had not returned to its normal state and the ooze of the pipe that had burst overflowed into a less than comfortable viscosity. Removing the covers and getting out of bed, he had just realised his sister was not beside him.

Maybe she and other teachers left for school early, Sora thought as he grabbed his phone.

Checking the time, Sora could see he had missed a few messages from Riku and Aruto. Opening the message from Riku, he skimmed it and closed it without replying to it. The message from Aruto was just a simple good morning greeting and asking if he had slept well. Deciding to hold off on replying to the message, he placed his phone down on the end table and headed for the door. He figured that his sister and the others had left for school or hurried home to get changed.

Upon opening the door, he was greeted by a blinding light of something that was resisted for his underage eyes. The sight of four feminine girls with bodies exposed in the purest of light were nearly finished stripping as they looked to see the boy who unable to process what he was seeing.

“W-What the hell are all of you doing?” Sora asked as he averted his eyes.

“We’re changing. They didn’t have a change of clothes so I offered them mine.”

“Okay, I can understand that but…”

Sora glanced for a second to see the others were not phased and still removing the rest of their clothes.

“Looks like you had a wonderful dream. Who was it about?” Hime teased.

Looking down at the obvious area which showed he was unmistakably male, Sora covered himself with his hands and turned around.

“S-Shut up! I just… It’s…”

Sora could feel his cheek burning up from embarrassment.

“So, who was your fair maiden? Was it Rei? If so, that would be incredibly ironic for someone with a foot fetish like you.”

“Could you not—”

“Maybe it was Ryeichi who understands how to really stroke a brush.”

“Would you—”

“Or I bet it was Doc who could use her medical knowledge to examine every part of your body.”


“Don’t tell me, it was the forbidden taboo of your darling sister. The only one that truly understands your lustful desires,” Hime said as she pretend to be embarrassed and covered her mouth as if she was shocked.

“Are you done?” Sora asked in a serious tone as he continued to look away.

“Yeah, I’m done teasing you. Go clean yourself up. We will be dressed by the time you get out.”

Before Sora could head to the restroom, Ryeichi stopped him. She stared into his eyes with a beam of light in them, her sketchbook in-hand.

“Sorachi, I must draw your Excalibur unsheathed. Pose on the couch and allow me to draw you like a French girl.”

“Or… you could not.”

Sora did not say another world and headed into the restroom. Turning on the shower, he allowed the warm water to cleanse his body. Several minutes passed until he had finished cleaning himself of his luscious dream. His mind still did not understand what that dream was about or why he even had it. He was able to recall every minute of it and the feeling it gave his body.

Is this something I could even talk to someone about? Should I talk about it? Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, Sora thought as he turned off the water.

Exiting the restroom, Sora noticed the other teachers had left and only Hime was there sitting on the couch.

“Where are the others?” Sora asked.

“They already left and plan to get some food at one of the cafes on the way to school.”

“I still can’t believe Ryeichi wanted to draw my…”

“Yeah, she’s an artist so that isn’t strange.”

“Pretty sure asking a minor to unsheathe his sword is a boundary a teacher should not cross,” Sora said.

“You should learn to understand her, Sora. She would never do anything inappropriate to you. I did not try to stop her because I trust her,” Hime said as she tied off her hair into a pair of pigtails.

Hime made her way to the exit and began to slip on her shoes.

“I mean, okay, if you trust her. Still… it was a bit embarrassing.”

“Why don’t you spend some time with Ryeichi after school and get to know her. She actually is a nice girl. Rei and Doc are nice too.”

“You want me to spend my time after class instead of studying programming?”

“Yup! Consider it your homework for the week. Every day after class you will hangout with Ryeichi and get to know her. In fact, we shall make this your quest for your ultimate harem!” Hime said as with a passionate expression and pose that looked like something an anime girl would do.

Sora could only stare blankly.

“That medication is messing with your mind. You sure you aren’t overdosing?”

“Remember what I said about having to do things that you did not want to?”

“Yeah, yeah…”

“Good boy, adiós.”

Once his sister had left, Sora headed back into his room and looked at the time. Opening the text message from Aruto, he replied to her only for her to response within a minute. He debated for a moment if trying to talk to her about a dream was the best course of action. The dream still played vividly in his mind and made his knees close as he started to feel a sudden urge between his legs.

Deciding to hold off on saying anything about his dream, Sora used what free time he had to learn a bit more about programming. Even if he only understood the basics, there was much more for him to learn about it and how to think in terms of a designer. His sister had told him exactly how the professional world worked and design in general was not seen as something to be rushed quickly. Projects could take weeks, months or even years to complete. She told him of the long hours and little pay that went on behind the scenes for various companies and just how horrible working conditions could become. Some days were great, while others were a pain.

Before long, Sora noticed a notification on his phone from Riku telling him to read her message. With a heavy sigh, he opened the message and realised she was telling him to get ready. Looking at the time, it was a shock to see just how much time had passed. Rushing to his feet, Sora made haste to get his school uniform on and ensure his hair was fixed up in the usual style. Once he was finished, he made his way out the door and met up with Riku and Aruto.

As per usual, Riku and Sora engaged in their friendly banter while Aruto enjoyed the company. Sora looked over to Aruto and wished that he could ask her a question in private. Of all the girls he had met, she was by far the most kind, gentle and normal one. Yet, there was a part of him that felt if he asked his question, she would never want anything to do with him ever again. The three of them were silent until Riku yawned loudly as they entered the main school building.

“Did you sleep at all? You look tired,” Sora said taking notice of the bags under Riku’s eyes.

“I didn’t sleep much because I was up late cos— I mean considering how best to ask your sister out! Yeah, that!”

“Wow, you truly want to date my sister, don’t you?”

“Of course, your sister is just so…”

Sora opened his shoe-locker as he continued to listen to Riku carry on about how talented his older sister was. Slipping off his shoes, he was about to put on his slippers when a devious idea popped into his head.

“You know, my sister would love to walk home with you and even go on a date with you on Sunday. How does that sound?”

This will teach you to spring unneeded homework on me, big sis, Sora thought as he watched Riku become extremely flustered like a teenage schoolgirl.


Sora sighed as he made his way down the hall and to the art room. Turning the corner, his phone vibrated and noticed the notification was from his sister. It was the first time he had seen his sister use an emoji which was an upside-down smiley face.

Never underestimate your little brother, Sora laughed as he put his phone up with a smug expression.

Coming to the door of the art room, Sora took a second to compose himself. Opening up the door, he could see Ryeichi laying on the floor with paint all over her clothes and barefoot like she always had been. She looked like a person who had just inhaled a large amount of a cultivated plant to the point she was calm. Yet, he knew that it was just how she was. He could not help but wonder exactly what ran through her mind or how she viewed the world. Artists often saw the world in a different light from normal people – same with designers who were constantly engaging their minds with various questions.

“Excuse me, Miss Borikohama. My sister told me to come here and…”

Ryeichi did not response. Sora made his way over to her and noticed that she had her eyes up and was still breathing based on the rise and fall of her chest.

“Miss… Borikohama?”

Sora could see that Ryeichi was in the mists of painting a school girl with long blond hair and sea green eyes. She is dressed in a school uniform and her hair flowed in the wind, her expression happy. The background was picturesque beach with small waves that shallowed out at the shoreline. He could see that everything about the lighting, colour and shading was immaculate to the point he could not take his eyes off of it. Everything about the illustration was beautiful from the girl to the sand she was standing on. His eyes moved downward to the girl’s feet and he quickly found himself enthralled with the sight of the girl’s bare feet. Yet, as his eyes continued to take in the rest, he noticed the shoes were lacking in the same grand detail.

“Wow… this is beautiful artwork.”

“It’s trash,” Ryeichi said in blunt monotone.

“W-Why would you say that? Everything about it is—”

Ryeichi pointed to the shoes in the painting.

“The shoes.”

“What about them?”

“They are horrible.”

“Then just draw better ones?”

“I can’t,” Ryeichi said as she ripped the paper in half.

“Whoa! Why did you do that? The painting was a masterpiece.”

She could have at least let me save it on my phone, Sora thought as he felt his heart being ripped into.

“It was garage compared to others.”

“Still, why would you do that? Just because the shoes did not look the way you wanted? Just try again.”

Ryeichi made her way over to one of the art tables that housed over a hundred sketchbooks. Grabbing one of them, she handed it to Sora.

“I draw and draw but always fail to get the shoes right. Much of my fanbase online and even my students are starting to notice.”

Sora flipped through the papers and could not help but be captivated by the drawings in her sketchbooks. Every girl was beautiful in the different poses. As he continued to thumb the pages of the book, he noticed that each girl was missing shoes. They were either barefoot or wore socks. The settings were mostly indoors, at a beach or a locker room.

“Okay, so you can’t draw shoes. You can just keep drawing your characters without them, right? Some guys are into that. So, I’m sure you could easily build up a fanbase around that.”

“But I don’t build up fans based on fetishes. While I enjoy drawing, I am not there to pleasure them with risqué illustrations. I don’t mind drawing that stuff every once in a while but it is not what I care to insinuate in my art. Shoes are a vital part of an artist to be able to draw and I simply am unable to do it.”

I guess artists have their own problems to deal with, Sora thought as he closed the sketchbook.

“How about this, you said you felt inspired by me and wished to draw me right?”


“Then how about I be your model for the week? Since my sister told me to see your after school for a whole week, I could pose and model for you in seven different poses for you and help you draw shoes.”

Ryeichi’s eyes lit up with excitement as she looked up to Sora. For a moment, Sora was surprised to feel Ryeichi embrace him but he could not deny that it was a nice and warm feeling.

“Thank you, Sorachi.”

“No problem. You want me to do any sort of pose for this first drawing?”

Ryeichi thought for moment and moved Sora over to a nearby wall. He watched as she sat down in a pose that was common for a popular school girl – sitting with her knees locked together and her feet out.

“Spread your legs.”

Sora was unsure how to response to the command and simply allowed Ryeichi to do whatever she needed to do. He watched as she moved his body into position and removed his shoes – placing them in front of him. She continued and moved his hands around his thighs to slightly cover up the holy land that many people enjoyed seeing. Once he was in position, he watched as Ryeichi took a few steps back.

“There. Now, don’t move.”

Grabbing a chair, Ryeichi positioned it the perfect distance from Sora and sat down. Hugging her knees to her chest, Ryeichi opened up her sketchbook and propped it against her knees like an easel. Sora started to blush heavily by the slight he was seeing before him.

“Sorachi, happy expression.”

“Um… Miss Borikohama…”


“Miss… Ryeichi… I…”

Sora averted his gaze as his cheeked felt hot.

“What is it?” Ryeichi asked as she tiled her head slightly in confusion.

“I… can see your panties…”

“Oh. Okay. Now, can you stop moving your head. Look straight. Smile, Sorachi.”


“Sorachi, sit still,” Ryeichi said with a glare that could kill a black hole.

Sora did not move as he felt something rising from staring at Ryeichi’s panties.



“Either be flaccid or erect.”

“S-Sorry! I can’t control this. Just—”

“One or the other. I cannot draw a superposition of both states.”

Sora could only sit still as he felt something hot reaching its peak. There was nothing he could do other than allow the passionate artist draw him with a massive sword meant for the final boss. If there was one thing he was grateful for it was the fact that only him and Ryeichi were the only two in the art room.

After roughly thirty minutes of silence, Ryeichi handed Sora the sketchbook. He was amazed at just how much detail she was able to put into the drawing. Everything about the drawing was masterful, aside from the shoes which were just barely passable. Still, he could tell that with him as the model that Ryeichi’s ability had improved in drawing shoes.

I wish she hadn’t drawn the cannon as it’s about to fire, Sora thought as he handed the sketchbook back to Ryeichi.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow after school, Ryeichi.”

Exiting the art room, Sora made headed back to his dorm room and changed into his causal clothes. Upon exiting his room, he could hear his sister at the front door.

“Welcome back, sis. How did your date go?” Sora asked in a mocking tone.

“It went great, Sora. So great that I have some interesting news to share with you.”

Sora could tell by Hime’s tone that she was extremely annoyed. Making her way over to his computer, she turned it on and navigated through his files. Opening a file entitled ‘Untitled Folder’ buried within various other subfolders, she clicked on a folder called ‘Neiko’ and looked to Sora.

“You’re going to love this, little brother.”

How the hell did she know all my porn was under that folder, Sora thought.

“So, you know that cosplayer and foot model that you wasted all the tissues on?”

“I have no idea what you mean, darling big sister.”

“Well, my sweet little brother, your cosplayer was named Neiko~ and guess who I just happened to meet when you forced me to walk home with that girl?” Hime asked with an evil smirk on her face.

“W-Wait… you don’t mean…”

Sora could feel his brain starting to melt.

“Oh yes, you’re unloading all that condensed milk to your best friend’s pictures. All… one thousand sixty-nine photos.”

Hime had a sadistic look on her face as she scrolled through all the files in the folder.

“Sorry, one thousand sixty-eight photos and one video.”

“Y-You are lying… right? Please say it is lie or a dream.”

“It’s not. I even have a picture of her room.”

Hime pulled up a photo on her phone and showed it to Sora. He could see that the backgrounds were exactly the same. His mind could not handle the truth he was seeing unfold or what he done.

“How could… What should I do…”

“Well, so far, I’m the only one that knows. So, I could blackmail you,” Hime giggled.

“Big sis… please don’t… I…”

“Relax, little bro. I’d never actually do that. Still, this should teach you not to mess with your older sister.”

“Things are going to be so… awkward now between me and Riku.”

“Or just pretend you don’t know and continue to use up tissues on her content. Ignorance is bliss as they say,” Hime said as she made her way over to the couch.

“I should tell her. Come clean.”

“Sure, I’m positive telling your best friend that you unload all your experience points into the meat beater skill. Don’t be a noob, Sora.”

“But she is my best friend and I defiled her with my—”

“You mind getting the door? Please, sis?”

“So you can grind that meat beater skill? Nice try, bro. Go open it.”

Sora sighed and headed for the door. Upon opening it, he was surprised who was standing outside his door.

“Hey, Sora, is your sister here? I noticed that she had forgotten the red ribbon that I let her have.”

“S-Sure, come in.”

With haste, Sora averted his gaze as he heard Riku’s shoes dropping to the floor. He knew there was no way he could look at her again without it being awkward. As he stepped into the living room, his heart skipped six beats at what his evil older sister had done. Hime grinned as she looked to Sora. On his desktop was a picture of Riku cosplaying in a maid outfit and showing off her feet without revealing her face. Before he could do anything, Riku entered the living room.

“I had a wonder… ful… time—”

“Oh, thank you so much Miss Ashineeko for bringing the ribbon by. It just so happens that I was going to meet a friend for drinks. Bye.”

Hime rushed past Riku after grabbing the ribbon and slipped on her shoes.

“Hime! You’re to young to drink.”


Hime imitated Sora in a playfully manner and closed the door. Sora and Riku stood there in silence for moment.

“So… uh… I… got a bit of explaining to do… don’t I?”

“More than ‘a bit’, Sora.”

“Okay… Well… uh…”

Sora struggled to get the words out.

“That was from my maid cosplay photo set about three years ago.”

“Yeah, I stumbled across Neiko~ by chance when… uh… searching for ‘content’ on the Internet.”

“I was curious as to who was always buying all my photo sets.”

“Guess I’ve been supporting you all this time.”

“So, you’re into maids and feet?” Riku asked with a playful smirk.

“Could you maybe… not tell anyone at school, please?”

Riku made her way over to the couch and cross one leg over the other. Sora could tell she was doing it on purpose so that he would stare. He watched as she slowly wiggled her toes in an enticing manner.

“Seems we are both in a pickle here.”


“Sora, you can can sit down beside me. Just because we know each other’s secrets does not mean I want us to stop being friends.”

Sora sat down beside Riku and tried not to stare at her feet. It did not help that she gently rubbed her foot against his leg.

“So, now I know two of your weaknesses. Feet and tickling your armpits.”

“T-That doesn’t seem fair…”

“Oh? Like you always leave me on ‘read’ when I message you? My friend, I will definitely take advantage of this from time to time,” Riku giggled as she slowly removed one of her socks.

Sora was unsure how to process anything. The only thing his mind could do was stare at Riku’s petite and flawless feet while his lower body extended its territories beyond the borders.

“I started cosplaying as a hobby. It was just meant to be fun. Then I noticed that others were doing it and making making money from it. So, I decided to try it. Since I loved showing off my feet I would cosplay of cute characters without shoes.”

“And this whole time, I never even knew it was you.”

“Same. Although, I have to wonder, what you actually do with all my pictures you bought.”

“Just… admiring them in a wholesome way. No lewd thoughts whatsoever.”

“You could at least look at me and tell me the truth, Sora,” Riku said as she stood to her feet.

Riku twirled on the ball of her foot and smiled as she looked to Sora with one hand on her hip.

“I’m… not sure you want to know the details…”

“Oh but I do. You see, I want to know what you enjoy so I can make you happy, Sora.”

“Are you sure you don’t just want to use me to get to my sister?”

“You caught onto that?” Riku asked giggling.

“So, you just want to use me just to gain favour with my sister.”

“Relax. I was slightly joking. I truly do wish to thank you for all the photos you bought. How about this, think about what cosplay you want me to dress up as for you and I’ll do it. You will get a free private show just for you. I’ll even let you get photos or a video if you like. You’ll have this cosplay goddess for one full hour.”

“So, I can do anything?”

Riku slowly slid her foot back into her sock.

“Well, I can’t have you touching me in naughty areas. We’re still in high-school, Sora.”

“Hey, it isn’t like I’d actually do that. I was just curious.”

“Like I said, you can take photos and videos. In the event you feel some urges under that skirt, you just wait for an hour until I’m gone to replay everything in your mind. In fact, I’ll even let you keep the socks I have on that day. How’s that, master?” Riku asked in a teasing tone as she winked playfully.

Sora was unable to speak.

“Thank you for always supporting me, Sora.”

Sora took a moment to process everything he had heard. He was still surprised by everything that Riku said and that she was okay with everything about him.

“You’re a good friend, Riku,” Sora said with smile.

Riku giggled.

“Who said I was good? I’m only giving you one freebie. After that, I’m going to dominate you.”


“Yes. I will ensure you are under my control. You won’t be using any more tissues on anyone unless it’s my feet and you are not going to touch yourself or do anything lewd unless I give you permission. All those times you left me on ‘read’ Sora are going to come back to haunt you. If you so much as disobey me I’ll make sure to use your weaknesses to my advantage. In short, you’re going to be my little dress up doll. I’m going to put you in various cosplay outfits and—”

“W-Wait! Riku, I’m not a masochist.”

“—then you are going to make me tons of money with your petite feet and feminine thighs.”

“R-Riku… I’m not—”

“You are going to enjoy it and I will make sure of that, Sora,” Riku said with a sadistic smile as she pinned Sora down to the couch.

Sora was unsure what to feel as his body and mind struggled to understand what exactly he was feeling. He had never been a masochist and the idea of being controlled by others did not sit well with him; yet, there was something different about how Riku was looking at him. She was no longer the Riku he once knew but a sadistic cosplayer who planned to turn him into her pet.

He had mixed feelings to the point his body was unsure of what to do. There was a part of him that enjoyed the idea of her taking advantage of him. In some way, he wanted it to happen just like in the dream he had. It was strange and foreign to his mind but his body seemed open to the idea.

“Now, are you going to leave me on ‘read’ again?”


“Good doggie,” Riku said as she patted Sora’s head gently.


“Did I say you could talk?” Riku asked as she pinned Sora’s arms above his head.

Sora shook his head as he felt his heart starting to pound. His body was starting to get a funny feeling while his mind focused on Riku. It was a side of his childhood friend that he had never seen before. He was both scared and excited to learn more about her.

“If you disobey me then I will tickle you.”

Without warning, Riku poked Sora’s armpit forcing him to giggle and squirm.

“That should keep you in line, right, doggie?”


“I bet your mind is envisioning dirty thoughts of me right now,” Riku said as she slowly tickled Sora’s sides.

“N-No! I just… I don’t know what to feel. S-Stop it, Riku! That tickles!”

Sora struggled to break free as Riku continued to tickle his stomach and around his bellybutton. He could only laugh and squirm until he started to feel himself enjoy the feeling being hopeless and unable to do anything. It was the same sort of ecstasy that he felt in his dream.

“Don’t leave me on ‘read’ any more or I’ll make it worse for you. Do as I say and I might just reward you, my sweet puppy,” Riku said with a giggle as she got off of Sora.

Sora could feel his heart race as he watched Riku head for the exit. His mind and body failed to process everything that had just happened between him and his childhood friend. As Riku smile and slipped on her shoes, he knew one thing upon her exit. He was never going to leave her on ‘read’ again. Laying back on the couch, he could feel something rising with a massive heat alongside his spinning thoughts that grew confusing as he continued to think about the events that transpired.

Maybe I need to talk to Miss Amaki when I get the chance. Something is wrong with me, Sora thought as he closed his eyes.
