Chapter 26:

The Announcement

The Unusual Shepherd - Progression Fantasy/Monster Tamer

“All gather for the Voices announcement!” A heckler wakes me.

I try to sit up but I only shift an inch, my muscles barely responding. I slowly pull the fur blanket off to reveal a disgusting tree human hybrid flesh mess. Of course, I went white water rafting using my body as the raft. The bark wrap numbing properties are working perfectly, if my goal is to become a flaccid vegetable.

The tippee flap is pulled open letting in a ray of sunlight and a wave of green aura.

“His trance is over Seth, let us finally hear Mother’s decision.” Piia proclaims as she rushes through to help me to stand and dress.

“I feel like a Ferrum tree fell on me.” I whine as I shrug on my poncho and begin to attach my armour.

“Toomas mentioned you were a poor swimmer, why would you train in such dangerous waters?” Piia frowns with concern.

“That mad man tricked me. He said it would be a nice swim after our run. Now I can barely walk.” She helps me stumble towards the centre of the village. The hecklers could be heard in all directions, Satyrs were abandoning their chores and forming a large crowd. The vibe is electric, people were loudly discussing Mother’s intentions, both sides expressing their opinions with vigour and sometimes jostling. The spears of Thorns marched amongst us like standard bearers, colourful feathers hung off strings near their metallic points.

“Feels like we are entering a festival ground.” The overall positive energy of the bustling tribesmen is infectious, I smile even as each step shoots deep aching pains through the numbing agent.

“The Voice does not make many announcements, when he does, it is a moment of celebration for it reminds all that Mother is thinking of us.” Piia smirks whilst pulling me along.

I see the column of green first, it rises like a dense cloud from a power plant's cooling chimney. The sanctuary soon appears over the crowd’s mass of heads, then a wall of Thorns. Their spears are all sporting blue feathers from a four-winged native bird they called a Blue Voltaing, or Volt. The deep red of their Ferrum masks, each fashioned with individual markings, watch the crowd like emotionless sentries.

A wooden stage has been built in front of the Sanctuary entrance, torches are burning along its edges adding a warm wispy smoke to the air. We manage to find Yadon and Alek in all the chaos.

“Seth! By the Mother, I had heard what happened. But the news of your training is kind compared to the reality.” Yadon exclaims with worry.

“Were you training in the Tainted lands by any chance?” Alek questions with equal concern, maybe she doesn’t hate me then?

BOOM DA DA BOOM, the loud beat of drums starts, drowning the noisy village.

“Sshhhh! It’s beginning.” A random Satyr scowls at us.

The tippee flaps are pulled open by Thorns, the Voice emerges wearing an elaborate outfit of bright colourful exotic feathers and petals in flowing rows. The whole costume screamed ‘flamboyant shaman’ with hints of tropical male birds looking for a partner.

“Mother’s tribe! She has spoken!” He bellows.

“Her wisdom and reach! So vast and deep that merely glancing it with mortal eyes pushed me to the brink! For she had much to say, about our future, about our destiny!” He commands the stage, briskly walking from one end to the other so all could see, not that anyone could ignore the fabulous peacock charading before them.

“The Shepherd is among us!” A stranger calls out.

The Voice didn’t break his stride or rhythm.

“Our great Mother spoke of our prophesied leader!”

Many eyes turn to face me, looking at me with mixed emotions of doubt and hope.

“The Shepherd will lead us to safe pastures, to her true realm where we can live in peace without the taint and corruption of others. But this journey will be long and perilous, through lands of insidious Chaos and people that believe brutality is in Order of their way!” He stops his monologue, a tension hung over the silent tribe. A horrible nauseous feeling of doubt flutters inside me.

“Only the strong, the courageous and faithful could lead our kind to this promised land. A man arrogantly walks among us, claiming to be our saviour.” He turns and speaks quietly into the ear of a nearby Thorn, who then steps off the stage with a few more guards and pushes into the crowd.

“It is the truth!” Piia shouts out in anger.

The Voice searches and finds me, we lock eyes for a few moments until a soft smile breaks his face and the exchange.

“Mother spoke to me about this man.”

“What did she say?!” Multiple Satyrs yell at once.

“Mother said. Our Shepherd must prove their worth to our kind, they must show merit and achievement. Come Seth, join me and make your bold claims before the tribe you wish so dearly to lead.” He points directly at me just as the Thorns arrive to offer a path to the stage, or possibly to stop my exit.

I hesitate for a leaf fall, the parted Satyrs watching my every move as I square my shoulders and march through, my friends following closely.

We reach the wall of Thorns, they let me through but cross spears to stop the others.

As soon as my foot hits the stage he yells. “Welcome Seth of man. Do you claim to be the Shepherd?”

My brain turns over too slowly, trying to work out the motive and plays that is going on.

“Well, do you? He can barely speak, let alone lead us!”

“I am the Shepherd.” I say to the Voice, he pretends not to hear.

“Speak up!”

“I am the SHEPHERD!” I scream at the top of my lungs to be heard over the crowd.

Without missing a heartbeat, the Voice seizes his moment.

“Then you must complete Mother’s trials to prove it, For only then can you lead!” He lifts his arms dramatically to the roar of the crowd.


“Mother has spoken!” The Voice repeats while orchestrating the ruckus with eccentric arm waving, the crowd loving every second.

“I feel her presence!’

“We hear you Mother!”

“Did he say trials?” I say aloud.

The Voice waves his arms lower, signalling for silence, which takes a few minutes to reach.

“Trials, what do you mean?” I ask so everyone can hear me.

“No Satyr whimpers in the shadows when their kin are threatened. Nor does our Mother’s champion. The first trial will be of courage and daring. For you shall face the beast that borders our home, its roar of hunger and murderous intent plague the dreams of our young. Set out at once and only return when it is slain.”

“Right now?”

“Mother demands it must happen at once, or are you afraid?”

I look to Piia and the others, their worry and concern is plain. I look at my own demolished body, still plastered with bark wrap and barely close to healed or capable.

“I will go.”

The crowd cheers reach a crescendo as I accept the challenge, their confidence in me lifts my spirits, I hope it is not poorly placed.

“Upon your return, we shall feast and celebrate!” The Voice throws me a wicked smile and waves me off the stage, he will either gain the Shepherd in my victory or remove a false prophet that endangers his kind. I descend the steps to discover Cane waiting with a mass of Thorns who begin escorting us out of the village. They really want me to face this beast without preparing at all. Why does Mother want me to go immediately? Maybe she knows it is very close and poses a great threat to the tribe. Piia and Yadon catch up to me, however the guards aren’t letting them get too close, claiming the Shepherd must do this alone.

“Step aside, he is injured and needs help.” Piia yells in a masked face.

Two spears are levelled to her chest, their wielders stop in place, silent and serious.

“I will be fine Piia, I have Cane and a messy plan.” I yell to her as my procession continues on.

“Head passed the Ferrum tree in the direction of the rising sun. You will find fresh tracks.” Yadon instructs.

I give thanks and wave my friends off.

We are left at the far outskirts of the village grounds, a row of Thorns stay positioned to ensure I don’t have second thoughts.

“Come on buddy, we got each other.” I scratch his little ears though I sense he knows my anxiety, gazing at me with those observant beady eyes.

I stumble on, leaning on him for support until we are out of sight amongst the ferns, a breeze moves Mother’s aura of bioluminescence to swirl around us. Usually they fill me with a sense of wonder and fantasy, her light a comfort that disperses the shadows of depression and anxiety. I stand there in place, the rays of the sun cutting through the overhead branches and warming my skin, If only I could hide in the light, but that great ball of fire in the sky eventually leaves on its endless cycle, just as the coin flips to reveal the darkness that never left, it is only hidden out of sight.

I drop to my knees, touch my head to the leaf littered floor and begin the victor’s prayer.