Chapter 28:
technicolor spiral
Yamada: i think i agree with jun
Jun: so you also went to see the boytoy?
Youji: Everyone did.
Miyo: except for meee ToT
Youji: Thankfully.
Teddy: I think he's fine
Teddy: he has the roundest glasses I've ever seen
Jun: makes no sense
Youji: They're not round.
Jun: your opinion is invalid as usual, which means it's 2-0
Youji: 2-2.
Jun: stfu
Miyo: so I'm breaking the stalemate? nom nom
Yamada: youll also say hes fine
Jun: yeah, your opinion doesn't count
Miyo: so it doesn't count if they're against you, but they do if they agree with you? no nom nom for you tonight, jun-chan
Yamada: its a very nice coffee shop
Yamada: i think ill go there again with friends
Jun: ??? what friends, us?
Yamada: no, my real friends
Jun: as if I didn't see you sit alone for years
Miyo: they're real friends in his head, in his headdd
Jun: go draw
Yamada: go draw
Youji: Go draw.
[Miyo has been removed from the group.]
Teddy: I didn't get to feed the venus flytraps
Youji: Sorry, I forgot.
Teddy: so I'll go back :3
Jun: me too
Jun: when's your day off again?
Youji: No. :)
Yamada: just go every day until hes not there
[Yamada has been removed from the group.]
Jun: so YOU silence those who don't agree with you, but not those who do? no isao nom nom for you, you-chan
Youji: There's no nom nom anyway.
Jun: ??? so you haven't talked to him yet?
Youji: I will, soon.
Jun: ah yes, your favorite phrase
Youji: Look who's talking.
Jun: the difference is that I'll actually do things
Youji: Yeah, with the hand that can type perfectly on a phone but is apparently too malfunctional to work anywhere else
Jun: typing on a computer is a lot harder just so you know
Youji: Then write on your phone?
Youji: Go to physical therapy?
Youji: Try?
Teddy: oh boy
Jun: me, try?
Jun: where's your movie again? college degree? normal relationships? oh righttt
Jun: stfu
[Jun has been removed from the group.]
Teddy: just the two of us
Youji: I'll add them back soon
Teddy: you both are right
Teddy: you both are wrong
Teddy: if you remove me you'll be alone
Youji: Yes.
Teddy: you can't remove your problems, though, just reminders
Teddy: you can fix but not remove
Youji: I knew you'd start speaking once everyone else left.
Teddy: once you made everyone else leave
Youji: Yes.
Teddy: i think round glasses will help you
Youji: How?
Teddy: I asked him what he liked about you
Youji: Again? Why the fuck would you do that?
Teddy: and he replied
Teddy: and what he said is what made me think he's fine
Youji: But you're not going to tell me what it is, right?
Teddy: uwu
Youji: knife
Teddy: I'll also say, I'm surprised that you're joking about that now
Teddy: with me
Youji: If it bothers you, I'll stop
Teddy: doesn't
Youji: Yeah, thought so.
Teddy: ladies think the scars are sexy
Teddy: I tell them I was fighting ten people at once
Youji: Bit exaggerated.
Teddy: but it felt like it at the time so it's ok
Teddy: whyd you stop talking
Youji: I think I'll add the rest back.
Teddy: before you do, there's something else I wanna say
Teddy: ok, you not replying means yes
Teddy: your bf sent me a message
Teddy: not the glasses one, the old one
Teddy: whatshisname
Youji: Touma?
Teddy: yeah
Teddy: actually, never mind, I don't think I was supposed to say that yet
Teddy: pretend you didn't read
Teddy: though I know you won't
Teddy: uwu
[Teddy has left the group.]
[Yamada has been added into the group.]
[Miyo has been added into the group.]
[Jun has been added into the group.]
[Teddy has been added into the group.]
[Jun has left the group.]
It wasn't until one of the other friends told him, "Another one?" that Youji admitted he'd gotten too friendly with nicotine lately. Again. It wasn't really that bad, but he said he'd quit for a reason.
"Just stressed," he replied.
"Right, right. Hey, we're still missing people for the mixer in case you wanna show up. A girl will probably help more than that."
"Right. I'll think about it."
The other friends didn't know about his indifference towards girls, failed achievements, or the incident with Teddy, not just because they shouldn't have to, but because they wouldn't want to anyway. That's why Youji kept showing up. To them, he was just another guy that came to drink sometimes. That, too, was okay.
Jun would talk to him again sooner than later, so that was okay.
Teddy would stop being cryptic sooner than later if Youji pretended not to care about what he'd said, so that was okay.
He'd begun to get the hang of Isao's behavior, so that was okay.
Life was okay. Seldom anyone got to fulfill their dreams, unless they had the connections, and thus, almost invariably, the money. Sometimes they got lucky, which included talent (which usually included connections). Someone had to brew their coffee.
Still, it would be nice to know how it felt like to be proud about something. Youji drank and laughed because the other friends drank and laughed, and it was fun, but he still had to drive home. It was a weekday, too; little by little, they left.
The only people remaining were him, some guy who'd passed out at the other side of the table, and a girl who also had assault charges. She liked bragging about it. "What do we do with Satou?" She asked, referring to the one who'd passed out.
They weren't the only ones left at the bar, but they might as well be. "Doesn't his wife pick him up?"
"Oh, yeah, you weren't around last time. There was big drama. Biggg. She said, in front of everyone, that if she had to come and pick him up again, it'd be the last time they spoke." She burst out giggling.
"I don't even know where he lives, or I'd help."
"Me too." Youji kept forgetting her name. "I can't believe they just left him like that."
"Um, the rest."
She found this funny because alcohol. "She'll pick him up once she notices he hasn't gone home yet. It's always like that."
"Until when?"
"I don't know, until she gets tired. Wanna go to my place?"
"I'll... I just want to make sure nothing bad happens to Satou."
Sooner than later, the wife showed up. Youji had to help the guy up. He drove the girl to her (quite luxurious) place, leaving without going past the door. It was only then that he could admit to himself that he just really didn't want to leech off Jun for the time being. Until when?
Then, the alternative was obvious.
It didn't occur to him until it was too late that Isao might not hear him knocking on the door to his place, right after remembering they hadn't exchanged numbers (for some reason.)
"Isaoooo... hiiii..."
Just a moment later, Isao opened the door. He squinted a bit. "...Youji. What ha—AHH!"
Youji hugged him.
"Y-you. Um. Did. Are you. Did. Did something happen."
"Can I stay here?"
"Did they find out where you live."
A couple of textbooks lay sprawled at the omelette table. Dinner table. Oh, fuck. Instead of replying, Isao turned around, then began to walk, with Youji still hugging him from behind. "That's okay," he said. "You're safe here."
"Were you studying?"
"Yeah. I have a test tomorrow. Were you drinking?"
"Lil bit."
"And then you drove here? On the bike. Um. Isn't that bad?"
"I know. I'm sorry. But like I said, just a lil bit."
Isao didn't say anything for some time. Maybe. Could be a long time, could be a short time. "I'm not gonna sleep tonight, so you can use my bed, if you want," he said.
"Uh. Well. If you use the sofa, I'd have to turn off the lights, and it'd be hard to, you know. Study. For the test."
"That's fine. I'll just read something while you study."
"Can you even read like that?" Asked Isao.
"I mean. My eyes are still working."
"Kinda pointless if your brain isn't."
"It never is."
"Oh, shut up."
He did. For a few seconds, anyway.
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