Chapter 0:

Behind Closed Lids

Who am I?

Her eyes flickered open. A bright light blinded her, and she guarded her face with her hand. It felt strangely heavy... her back hurt, and her legs were stiff as boards... as if she hadn't moved them in a while. Groaning, she shifted her body, tried to sit upright, but failed.

Through thin slits between her hand, she tried to make out her surroundings.

It was still too bright, too hazy...

The strength in her arm left her.

Her eyes fell shut once more, and although she could still make out the brightness through her lids, darkness crept in, enveloping her completely.

She was limp once more...

She felt something in her arm.

It stung, it annoyed her, it... hurt?

It wasn't a wasp, was it?

A memory told her that she was allergic to wasps! Wasps had... wasps did... how did she know? What was going on?

Her eyes wouldn't even open this time around.

Maybe the poison already spread through her body, and she was too late?



With a start, she convulsed.


She heard voices.

Her eyes refused to open at the bright light, and it was all she could do to groan and moan, strange sounds she wouldn't have guessed came from her mouth.

She sounded like an alien.

Someone grasped her hand, and she tried to squeeze back. Any warmth, any contact was fine, was good, was helpful!

Her only worry was that she couldn't even guess who exactly would hold her hand in a situation like this...

It happened again.

The light was mild, now, not as oppressive as it had been, earlier. The voices were gone, the touch was gone, the pain was gone.

Once again, she tried to sit upright but failed.

She felt awful.

She felt dirty.

How long had she been in here?

Why did she feel so tired?

It didn't make sense!

Nothing made any sense!

Angry and irritated, she forced her eyes to open. A black screen immediately washed over her sight, her mind spun in circles, and she fell asleep, again...

There it was...

The voices...

The light, mild but powerful...

It didn't seem scary, now...

She moved her arms, her legs. The voices grew more excited, anticipating her awakening. The thought gave her power, made her strong enough to rub her eyes, and slowly open them... only to fall shut again.

She didn't pass out, which was good.

Her eyes flickered, fighting against an invisible force keeping them closed. Pain, discomfort, and stickiness increased her struggle, but suddenly, the touch was back! Someone clung to her other hand, waiting for her, praying with her!

Enough with the weakness!

She had to wake up!

She had to open her eyes!

In a struggle against herself, she fought and fought, when suddenly, an impact shook her entire body. Her stomach had received a heavy blow.

The air left her body, but a second later, the floodgates opened, allowing the air back inside. Along with them, her eyes shot open.

They didn't close.

They saw.

She saw.

She was awake.

Nina Kamiya