Chapter 7:

Part 7: Dark Scathing

StarSpace: Tales Of The Time Keeper

When something is infinite, its measured value grows. This is why it is incalculable when frozen in one certain point in time. The Void follows no standard of this pattern, but it will allow a perceived end to happen once all universes die after either their natural timeline signature age is old enough or, the author of death for the multiverse it resides in obliterates the celestial bubble whole. Prism, before learning about The New Guardian, knew that the Omniverse had exactly eighteen decillion years to exist due to an array approximation of how many types of colors existed versus how long it would take before each of them would fade into oblivion as an equivalent way to determine a considerable span of time before The End happens. This included The Void’s darkness, which means whatever else comes after this event is unknown to us.

The reason behind mentioning such significant information has to do with what I did while stalking the streets of StarSpace City during Styra’s collapse above on the Skyway Suite. I returned to the Zuropa Museum which held the dark scathing from Creperus. The Dark One had disguised itself as a person to retrieve the Ring Of Infernum which contained The Shard Of Death as you remember it. This was a signal to corner Styra down during the moment that Prism figured would bait The New Guardian if they were searching for the pieces to destroy us. Since the ring was held there, them discovering its disappearance was where I would come in.

My convergence to her side has done more than make me rethink the plans Prism had for Styra. We had been watching her and knew about the bright light, but our suspicions aligned towards that because it did not come from us. Playing dumb was all part of what we expected to use as a means to get The New Guardian to show her true intentions.

It was when she had no clue what curse had fallen upon her that I began to see that the actual threat laid itself bare open, and yet, it was somehow charismatic enough to be convincing.