Chapter 8:

Look Me in the Eyes

Love Pact

“So is a pretty lakeside view all you could think of to make up for yesterday's monstrous shark incident?”

“Oh come on Minori, you should know by now that I have plenty of things planned for today. Can I please borrow that brush of yours so we can get started soon?”

She hands it over to him and he runs off to the shore of the lake to start writing away with that magical ink. At the edge of the lake now stood a 15 foot canoe with flared sides and two single bladed paddles laying inside. He put on a life jacket and handed one over to her along with the brush he had borrowed.

“Here you go Minori.”

“Ugh, before I get in that canoe I just want to make sure of something.”

“Yeah what is it?”

“None of your plans for today involve dangerous animals right?”

“Yes I promise I’m not planning on having any dangerous animals around today.”

“Wait, why did you say it like that?”

“Like what?”

“You said you aren’t planning on there being any. That doesn’t sound like a guarantee to me.”

“Well yeah I have no control over the wildlife in this area but it's very unlikely that we would come across anything. I can promise that you won’t see a single shark around here though.”

“Oh ok I get it.”

After putting on her life jacket and sitting in the canoe, she summoned her scythe and clenched it tightly against her chest with both hands .

“Are you going to hold onto that scythe the entire time? “

“Yup! You can just call it my little insurance policy. And don’t even think about debating with me about it because there's nothing you can say that will change my mind.”

“So does that mean I’ll be doing all of the rowing?”

“Of course Haru. Isn’t today supposed to be about showing me a great time so I can forgive you?”

“Well I guess that's true.”

He steps into the canoe behind her seat and uses his paddle to push against the ground to fully get them into the water. He begins to slowly paddle toward the other side of the lake.

“So should I start serenading you like an Italian gondolier?”

“Do you really want to try something like that while I have my scythe out?”

“Fair enough, you bring up a good point. Why don’t we stop for a bit and play a little game?”

“Ok I guess it wouldn’t hurt to beat you at something today. So what did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking I would beat you at a staring contest today. Making faces and talking is allowed, but the first one to look away loses.”

“Seriously, a staring cont— wait did you just say you would beat me? Ha! Bring it on!”

“Your competitive side is just so adorable.”

“Shut up and get ready to lose.”

Sitting across from each other in the canoe They began staring deeply into each other's eyes. You could feel the competitive aura she generated as it broke through the serenity of the calm lake and the distant sounds of wildlife in the forest surrounding the area.

“So why did you pick a staring contest of all things for me to beat you in?”

A smirk appeared on his face.

“Well I just wanted to try out something interesting I read about a few days ago.”

“Oh wow I wouldn’t have pegged you for the type that reads for fun. What was it about?”

“I'm sure you’ve heard that eyes are said to be the windows to one’s soul, but did you know that having prolonged eye contact with someone can lead to attraction and even love?”

“There’s no way that's true. You’re just trying to get me to look away.”

“It’s quite the opposite actually, I wish you could stay looking at me like this until you fall in love with me.”

Minori’s face immediately turned beet red as she turned away and covered her face with both hands.

“I win.”

“I can’t believe you said— ugh! You are such a dummy. I’m not playing another round of that so just get this canoe moving already.”

“Ok if that's what you want.”

They continued canoeing across the lake until it traversed into a gentle river cutting through the forest.

“You know, this is pretty relaxing. I’m enjoying this more than I would’ve thought.”

Haru muttered under his breath.

“Yeah of course it's relaxing when you aren’t doing any of the work.”

Minori turned with sharp glare in his direction.

“What was that Haru? I couldn’t quite hear you.”

“Oh nothing, I was just saying how happy I am to see you enjoying yourself.”

“Aww how sweet.”

In the distance ahead of them, they could hear a strange noise drawing near.

“Haru, what is that sound?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t really know how to describe it, but it's definitely getting louder.”

“Oh, you’re talking about that. Yeah that's our next little activity. Look under your seat.”

She pulls out a helmet from beneath her as Haru fastens his on.

“Why do I need a helmet?”

“I would definitely put it on instead of trying to ask questions.”

The sound she heard earlier could now be clearly distinguished. It was the sound of raging waters crashing against rocks and boulders. The canoe quickly gained speed as the river became turbulent rapid.

“And why don’t you put that scythe away before you hurt yourself.”

Minori took his advice and replaced it with the paddle under her seat. The sounds of the waters now muffled all other sounds.

“Ok great now help me paddle away from the rocks along the way!”

“This is crazy! You could have at least warned me!”

“No way! The look on your face was priceless!”

“You suck!”

“Just keep paddling!”

They dodged rocks left and right as the foamy white water splashed across them.

“This is great! “

The huge smiles across their face from their pumping adrenaline rush quickly changed to shock. The horizon line ahead of them disappeared from sight.



Their chest tightened as they both feared what was ahead of them. Upon reaching the edge they fell 15 feet into the water below and continued down another dozen small falls before the water finally began to slow down.

“That was insane!”

“In a good way right?”

“Yes Haru in a good way. That was a lot of fun.”

“Great. I'm glad I could redeem myself.”

“I don’t know if I’d call this a full redemption though. Especially since you cheated in our staring contest.”

“Do you want to have a second round?”

“No way! That's not happening.”

“Would a nice meal cooked by yours truly finally have me in the all clear again?”

“All that screaming and rowing certainly got me hungry so that might work.  But do you actually know how to cook or should I fear food poisoning?”

“I may know my way around the kitchen. We can just get out of the river around here and I’ll make you something nice.”
