Chapter 30:

XXIX. no real meaning and often no resolution

to be red and yellow like a cloud

me: Did you talk to Hana


me: Did you talk to Wakumi?

Okademon: How do you have my number... creep...?

me: Talk to her.

Okademon: Make me.

me: I'm naked.

Okademon: ???

me: That is a threat. 

Okademon:  ???

Okademon: Do you understand the position you're in? You've shot your own foot, fool. What do you think would happen if I took a screenshot of this?

me: Nothing, because nobody cares about your opinion. Anyway, talk to her. Right now.

Okademon: How?

I gave her Wakumi's number.

me: Talk to her. 

Okademon: What do I say?

me: Say 'Hi. I'm the sacrifice Saku promised.'

Okademon: And then?

me: 'I like animals.' 

Okademon: And then?

me: She'll probably take it from there, so... have fun. 

Okademon: ok

me: ok

She said nothing after that. Knowing her—knowing them both, really—I knew better than to expect any news for some time.  Thus, I sank into the water.

How could anyone tell when, how, if they liked someone? Had I ever liked anyone? Maybe? Should I just go with it? I'd kissed girls before, but I didn't know or care about them. Like dating, it'd always seemed to me like something that had to happen at some point, but had no real meaning and often no resolution. Perhaps 'some point' was now. It could... work... maybe? But unlike previous attempts, I actually knew Wakumi, and I gave a shit about her. It didn't seem fair to use her as an experiment.

Once I finally finished bathing, I found Kaguya and her boyfriend cuddling at the living room. Why they didn't do so elsewhere was beyond me. Since it got on my nerves, I kicked a plant table next to the entrance (after lifting the plant itself, of course), which caused her to spring away from him at record time. I left after that. 


me: Do you like anyone?

Nomura: oh boy

Nomura: give me some time to think

me: It's a simple yes or not question.

Nomura: No.

me: Thanks. Bye.

Nomura: wat


me: Do you like anyone?

Izumi: what do you think

me: It's a simple yes or no question.

Izumi: Yes.

me: How do you know?

Izumi: is this a saku question or are you actually asking

me: both

It took him so long to respond that I'd almost finished preparing dinner by then. 

Izumi: I didn't really like Yuki when she asked me out. I was interested, sure, but didn't LIKE her, if you get it. I just thought that it'd be nice to have a girlfriend. It was hard to know what to talk about at the beginning since she's kind of hard to figure out. Sometimes it felt like talking to different people. I got it after a while, though. I never thought I'd find someone else I didn't hate talking to aside from Kenji and you. I feel like this makes no sense, but if I read I'll delete it so here you go

It really didn't.

Izumi: I'll be honest, I thought you were gay

me: why

me: ???

me: You leave after that? 

me: Seriously?

me: Oh, I see, so you're playing hard to get.

me: So be it. mwah

Izumi: see


me: Do you like anyone?

Izumi's gf: Uh, yes? 

me: How do you know? 

Izumi's gf: Because I'm dating him?

me: How did you realize you like him?

Izumi's gf: Why the questions...

me: I'll ask Wakumi out tomorrow so I'm gathering data

Izumi's gf: Is that a joke

me: gorilla_banging_its_chest.gif

Izumi's gf: oh, wow, I recognize that

Izumi's gf: so it's not a joke

me: :3

me: Does it bother you?

Izumi's gf: why do you insist on talking to her

Izumi's gf: why is it so hard to understand that she's not a good person

Izumi's gf:  oh right, she's beautiful and acts just like your ideal girl 

Izumi's gf: almost like she's molding herself to be whatever is most convenient

me: cat_getting_into_vase.gif

Izumi's gf: yeah, I know, she's so quirky and funny just like you

me: So how did you realize you like him? 

Izumi's gf: blind infatuation at first sight, like you

"Ah! Shit!" I didn't notice the smoke until it was too late. Honestly? I wished. I wished I could call it anything at first sight. Kaguya walked into the kitchen, alarmed, and it took her, her boyfriend and I to get rid of what could've been dinner. Annoyed, I browsed the fridge to see what else I could use, but the boyfriend offered pizza. Kaguya said yes. So much for her dieting. 

It seemed like a very human thing to me to act differently around different people, like for example, giving unwanted nutritional device to your brother while talking how much you loved pizza to your boyfriend. Did this make Kaguya 'not a good person'? Probably not. Just a person.

me: I think that should be enough.

me: I'll ask her out tomorrow :3 thanks for the help :3

Izumi's gf: You'd really lose friendships over a woman, huh.

I was sick of losing them, which was why I would've shut up and acted passive-aggressive until the end of time had Izumi not been Switzerland when it came to Wakumi earlier. He'd even pronounced himself as such. I didn't mention this, obviously. (For now. Unless needed.)

me: Same goes to you.

Izumi's gf: you don't know the context though

me: Didn't you explain it last time?

Izumi's gf: not all of it

me: Oh no! Then explain.

Izumi's gf: At this point, I'd be wasting my time.

me: Oh no! Then don't explain.

Izumi's gf: see

me: Anyway, thanks for the tips. Auditions for the princess are tomorrow, right? Good luck. 

me: cockatiel_dancing_to_death_metal.gif

She didn't respond again after that.

Auditions for the evil queen were tomorrow, too. I shouldn't have signed up to be that shit in the first place, but she was the villain...

I supposed I could ask Wakumi out too.

I shouldn't have, I supposed, I guessed. The twenty minutes or so where I genuinely thought I'd get kicked out of the club despite showing past the last second had been... nice? Not really—I could hardly breathe for multiple reasons—but yes really. It'd felt like living again. 

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