Chapter 5:

Long Live Sir Heartblaze

Saga of Saturn: Benevolent Processor

"Hi there, it's Histoikie again! Remember me from the time I had to scold Saturn and Plutonia? Well, today, I've got an exciting story for you, one that revolves around the very first and only Processor of Polanoire. So, sit back and allow me to begin."

In the birth of the universe, it fragmented into myriad habitats, each a separate realm. Guided by the ancient stars, the Motherboards set out on journeys to discover humanity. These celestial entities wandered for years, traversing barren planets, seeking connection with the beings who inhabited them. Krukfin, the Motherboard of present-day Polanoire, achieved this first, he managed to contact the humans of the planet by pure accident when one day he fell down a hole and discovered the entire civilization of millions living underground. The goal of the Motherboards was to discover humanity and to tell stories of mighty gods and goddesses destined to descend upon these worlds, bearing gifts of safety and prosperity for their inhabitants. Humans, impressionable and yearning, began to believe, bestowing their trust in these Motherboards and, in time, endowing them with the power that birthed the Processors. In Polanoire, humanity's desires were rooted in power, war, and exploration, and they willingly placed their faith in a dominant force that could lead them to their aspirations. And so, the inaugural Processor of Polanoire came into existence: Rudolf Heartblaze.

following Rudolf Heartblaze's rise to power, the birth of Processors in other nations unfolded with remarkable speed. Plansanturia claimed the second Processor, Nipand the third, Lklandkeeling the fourth, and the list grew longer, marking the emergence of deities for a hundred nations in total. Polanoire's insatiable thirst for war, dominance, and the uncharted depths of the universe fueled its rapid expansion across the cosmos. In just five years, Rudolf Heartblaze's name metamorphosed into a whispered terror, a name that left an indelible mark on the minds of every Processor.

His reign was marred by recklessness, a relentless appetite for bloodshed, and the constant anticipation of betrayal, rendering him an outcast among his fellow deities. Yet, within the borders of Polanoire, the hearts of its people pounded with fervent belief, echoing louder than any call for change.

For two long centuries, Polanoire ruthlessly conquered and enslaved countless nations, extending its iron grasp across the cosmos. This dark era persisted until the 500th year of the Birth Generation when an elegant and unwavering leader arose from Plansanturia's midst. With steely resolve, she stepped onto the cosmic stage, issuing a challenge that would forever alter the course of history.

Her name was Uran, a shortened form of Uranus because she really hated that name and people would make jokes. I as a Motherboard don't think of names by the way. Anyway, her name wasn't what made her unforgettable. Uran was the first Processor to muster the courage to challenge the tyrant, Rudolf Heartblaze. In a universe tainted by oppression, she emerged as a beacon of freedom, and her actions stirred the hearts of the enslaved.

Faith in their own Processors dwindled, while Uran's reputation soared. Plansanturia, under her leadership, garnered the unanimous support of every nation in the Universe. The Processors, once divided, forged an unprecedented pact, uniting their might against the looming shadow of Polanoire.

Days blurred into weeks as frantic preparations raced against the relentless march of time. Before anyone realized it, the first galactic war exploded into existence. A hundred Processors from all corners of the cosmos came together to a clash that spanned a mere two months.

Rudolf Heartblaze, an indomitable force of nature, stood resolute in his defense of Polanoire, striking down fellow Processors with chilling ease. Simultaneously, uprisings erupted within enslaved nations, gnawing at the empire from the inside. Slowly but surely, Polanoire began to crumble, while Processors met their end in droves. Yet, for every fallen Processor, a new one arose, their birth marked by flashes of light. This turbulent period of the war would later be known as the Nights of Lights.

Rudolf Heartblaze, may have been stubborn, but wasn't an idiot. He realized the results of the conflict, understanding that each passing day meant more lost territory, even as he continued to strike down his foes with chilling ease.

The final day marked the last battle between Uran, the valiant Processor of Plansanturia, and Rudolf Heartblaze, the relentless tyrant of Polanoire. Uran, wielding unimaginable power, distinguished herself as the only one capable of inflicting harm upon Rudolf throughout the grueling two-month conflict. She tore his arm off, severed his right leg, and left him blind in one eye. Yet, despite her formidable prowess, Uran ultimately met defeat.

In a climactic clash, Uran sliced Rudolf’s other arm just as he thrust his greatsword through her chest, ending it all. It was this very battle, this sad moment of triumph and tragedy, that took away the last piece of Rudolf's strength and will. As blood cascaded from his grievous wounds, he surrendered, capitulating to the demands of the other nations.

Polanoire, once a sprawling empire, was reduced to its original borders, while the enslaved nations tasted freedom once more. Uran became a national symbol for many nations throughout the universe.

To this very day in the year 1055 in the Astral era Polanoire remained isolated but the power of Rudolf Heartblaze still remains the same as the day of the nation's peak.

“The end! Thanks for listening to this story or rather reading about the little backstory of Polanoire. Of course, there are a lot of other things I could have mentioned but I bet you want to continue on back to the mystery in Lklandkeeling right? Anyway, time to return to the others in the following chapter. Bye!” said Histoikie in an excited tone.