Chapter 5:

A revolution is brewing

Tales from the Forbidden Kingdom

Saru stood in awe at the edge of the enchanting forest, completely captivated by its mysterious allure, much like the others in their midst. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the dense foliage, their striking brown hair and captivating brown eyes commanding the attention of everyone present. The shared gaze between Saru and the newcomer sparked a profound recognition within them, filling both with delight and anticipation. "Brother, is it truly you?" the person exclaimed, their voice infused with a delightful blend of surprise and eagerness. Saru looked up, eyes widening with wonder, and queried, "Aryan, can it really be you? It feels like an eternity since our last encounter, ever since you joined the revolution, just like Yuki's uncle." Aryan's smile radiated warmth as he extended his hand, gently placing it on Saru and Yuki, expressing his heartfelt relief. "I'm glad both of you made it. Yet, I can't help but feel a pang of remorse as we find ourselves embroiled in the planning of a revolution against the Kingdom of Death."Saru gazed up at his brother, an enormous grin spreading across his face. "Which kingdom is it, Aryan?" Aryan paused, his expression heavy with a sigh, before answering his younger brother's query. "It's the Kingdom of Death." Saru's smile widened even further, brimming with determination. "Let's wait a day for more allies to join us. Meanwhile, I have a plan to acquire a map from a classmate, the son of the King from the Kingdom of Death." As Aryan took the stage, the crowd fell silent, their attention focused on him. He cleared his throat, projecting his voice with authority. "Tomorrow, we will commence our strategic planning for the assault on the Kingdom of Death. I urge each of you to rest and gather your strength, for in three days' time, the true battle shall begin. Alongside me and my brother Saru, we await the arrival of a remarkable individual who will join us at the heart of the kingdom." His words resonated with resolve and purpose, instilling a renewed sense of determination in the hearts of those gathered. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as they prepared themselves for the upcoming mission, understanding the gravity of the task ahead. As Saru and Yuki made their way back to the village, a sense of unease filled the air. However, nothing could have prepared them for the horrifying scene that awaited them. The village lay in ruins, engulfed in billowing smoke, and strewn with lifeless bodies. Saru's hand instinctively reached for his sword, his senses heightened as he scanned the surroundings, searching for any hidden enemies. "I sense movement in that hut," Saru whispered to Yuki, his voice filled with caution and determination. He swiftly devised a plan, ordering Yuki and a few of the newly freed slaves to launch a surprise attack on the unsuspecting enemies lurking within. With their hearts pounding, they moved silently, their shadows blending with the night. As one, they sprang into action, overwhelming the enemy with swift and coordinated strikes. The element of surprise worked in their favor, enabling them to swiftly neutralize the threat and reclaim their village from the clutches of darkness. Breathing heavily, Saru surveyed the aftermath, his eyes filled with both sorrow and determination. The sight of his fallen comrades fueled his resolve to fight for justice and protect those he held dear. This merciless attack had only strengthened his determination to bring down the Kingdom of Death and free their land from its tyrannical grasp. As the moon cast its pale light over the village, Saru and Yuki stood together, a beacon of hope amidst the wreckage. The battle had just begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their purpose and driven by the undying spirit of freedom. Saru looked up at the moon, its gentle glow providing solace in the midst of chaos. He then noticed one of the attackers still breathing, lying on the ground. Saru approached him cautiously, grabbing a rope from the floor to tie him up against a broken fence post. He held his sword at the ready, aiming to extract valuable information. "Listen closely. You have ten seconds to tell me the truth before I end your life," Saru spoke, his voice firm and resolute. "Who sent you, and what do they want with my brother and Yuki's uncle?" The man, trembling with fear, revealed that they were sent to find Aryan and the mad wolf, considering them dangerous criminals. Saru's grip tightened on his sword, anger welling up within him. "They'll pay for this. People like you deserve a slow and painful death." With a swift strike, Saru ended the man's life, a mix of determination and justice guiding his actions. He turned to Yuki, taking her hands in his. "Are you alright, Yuki? I know you don't enjoy the fighting, and I feel guilty for involving you." Yuki smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I'm fine. I want to fight alongside you and help free this kingdom." Saru leaned against the school wall, trying to find solace in the darkness, while Yuki, stepping over the lifeless body of her sister, joined him. She laid her head on his side, seeking comfort and finding strength in his presence. "I know you may think I'm a monster, but if you're hurting, Yuki, please talk to me," Saru said softly, his voice filled with concern. "I understand the pain of losing someone close to you. Yours is a fresh wound." Saru embraced her, holding her tightly, and they both fell asleep, finding solace in each other's arms. The moonlit night offered a brief respite from the horrors they had witnessed, even though the chaos of war loomed overhead. Saru chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "Thank the heavens the school is nearby. Otherwise, people might get the wrong idea about us." Yuki laughed, but the tears still stained her cheeks. She looked up at Saru, her eyes filled with determination. "We're going to kill that bastard of a king and free our people from his tyranny."

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