Chapter 4:
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess
I bought some fabric materials in the two days of preparation before our first operation as a part of Phantom Gloom.
Using the materials, I created some violet hooded cloaks with an illuminated half-moon on the hood that we would use when we got into the city. I also created a Japanese fox mask to cover our faces. Finally, I went out and bought a few elixirs to help us out in case I ran out of mana.
Rina gave us information on how the city works, there are multiple guards at the gate meaning that we will have to show our Academy License to get in. While Vasati and I both have academy Licenses for adventure purposes neither of us can enter cities based on adventurer work. Rina, however, is already 12 years old so we can enter as guests with her.
"Maybe she is somewhat useful after all." I thought.
Lastly, Rina suggested that we should use codenames while we're out on this quest. It is somewhat needed because if we use our real names, we might get our identities discovered. Rina gave out the names of all of us. Mine was Blood, Vasati was Grimm, and Rina was Gloom.
We also are registered as a private party. Registration for a party can consist of two types: public and private. Public parties release all of their quest information to Guilds. Guilds are hubs for adventures to complete quests. Since Me, Vasati, and Rina are all academy students and are not affiliated with any guilds we can register as a private party.
A private party does not report to any Guild, nor does it release any quest information, and they're still granted a normal adventurer license. Once our private party was registered, we were ready to take on the quest and we made our departure to the United Kingdom of Warminster.
"Rina! Is that the city?" Vasati asked.
"Yeah, it is!" Rina responded.
Vasati, I, and Rina had been traveling by flight for the past 2 days, and we had finally reached the city.
"Alright! Remember guys that you two are my cousins coming with me for my message delivery." Rina said smiling.
"We couldn't have come up with a lamer cover-up story if we tried" I sighed.
"Listen what did you expect from me!" Rina argued.
"For you to come up with a better cover-up story," Me and Vasati said at the same time.
"Wow, you two are in synch" Rina awed.
"No we're not!" me and Vasati both argued.
"You guys did it again!" Rina laughed.
"We're getting close to the Gate now so we should land now," I said pointing at the huge stone gate below us.
"Alright!" Vasati said nosediving towards the ground.
"Vasati..." I shook my head and followed her down along with Rina.
Once we landed, we approached the gate on foot and reached it shortly.
"What is your business here, Demons?" The guard said as he slowly approached us as we reached the gate. He was very tall and bulky; he honed a long broadsword at his waist in a sheathe and wore silver armor.
"Ah. I'm an adventurer from The Academy of Fraize and I'm here with some of my cousins on a quest to deliver a letter to the capital." Rina said as she pulled out her adventure and License and me and Vasati followed her.
"Well all of your information seems to be in check, so go ahead in," He said with a frown.
"Well excuse us," Rina said doing a slight curtsey and walking through the gate. Me and I followed her in, and we were greeted by a sight of the city. The streets were packed with people humans and Demons alike, but life for Demons living outside of Demonshire was a hard time. It's hard for Demons to find work outside of working as adventurers so unless you have a chance to learn from your parents it will be hard for you to find a way to put food on the table.
The only other Demons that live comfortably in Countries populated by humans are traitors. Demons who sold out to the side of humanity during the war. The United Kingdom Of Warminster was founded by demons originally. During the 200-year-long war, it was stolen from us, and we lost the territory. To this day I hear that the Demon lord is still trying to get it back.
"What a lively city!" Rina fawned.
Well obviously, if you remove the context the city looks amazing. Of course, every demon knows about the true evil capabilities of humanity.
"Rina don't forget why we're here," I said coldly.
"Oh, Sorry Eira" Rina quickly apologized.
"Let's find a place to stay until nightfall," Vasati said to me.
"Good idea" I responded.
"Girls I already found a place for us to stay!" Rina said as we walked up to a tall building that had a sign for "Anna's Inn".
"Rina..." Vasati and I both sighed.
"What? Did I say something weird?" Rina said confused.
"Rina, Vasati, and I are Demon royalty. We have to stay in a private villa just for our safety" I said.
"Oh Yeah! I almost forgot about that! Neither of you really acts like royalty haha..." She laughed shyly.
"Huh," I raised my eyebrows.
"How are we supposed to act" Vasati shrugged.
"More authoritative?" Rina questioned.
"How boring" I sighed and continued walking.
"Agreed" Vasati said and followed me.
"Wait for me, guys!" Rina shouted and ran up to my side.
"I'm not interested in the titles. Just treat me like a normal friend Rina" I said slightly blushing.
"Awwwwww you made my Eira embarrassed Rina!" Vasati laughed.
"Oh, I didn't do anything though!" Rina insisted.
"Geez! You both are so annoying!" I shouted.
"Lord, Azziros!" A man shouted bursting into a darkly lit room.
Slowly a man sat on a throne made of Gold which was illuminated in the moonlight. Turned his attention to the man who had just come in.
"What's the problem Einar." He politely spoke.
"One of our spies in Warminster saw your daughter..." Einar said solemnly.
"Oh, was she with anyone?" Azziros sat up slightly intrigued.
"My daughter, Eira," Einar said face palming.
"Oh. Well, those two girls are pretty strong they will be alright" He said smirking.
"Don't tell me you put that B-ranked quest on the board specifically for them." Einar deadpanned.
"Einar, we have to test their strength eventually. Those two girls will be the keys to stealing back what we have lost." Azziros said clenching his fist and standing up.
"Why are you so serious about starting another war? We have had peace for a while now and you want to destroy all of that and send this generation into war without knowing if we will even win?" Einar asked.
"Peace? Hahaha, you think we are living in Peace? Open your eyes Einar! Humans have walked all over us for the past 200 years! They have stolen our land, illegally enslaved our brethren, and destroyed and pillaged our cities and villages!" He shouted.
"This is not the way to go about it! Training our sons and daughters before they reach age 12 to kill is not normal!" Einar responded.
"This is my way of doing it! I've seen what their greed has done to this world! Until every human is erased from the world of the living I will not rest! You either are with me or against me Einar." Azziros said coldly.
"You are the King of Demonshire. I would never be against you. I just disagree with your way of approaching this issue." Einar said lowering his tone and bowing.
"There is no easy way to go about this Einar, this is our only option," Azziros responded.
"Nothing better happen to my daughter, Azziros," Einar said turning to leave the room.
"Hmph, you should trust your daughter more Einar, after all, she is the legendary reincarnation of Okami" Azziros laughed.
Vasati, I and Rina had been sitting at our villa waiting for the sun to fall. It was decently sized, but bigger than our dorm and was decorated with luxurious furniture.
As I sat on the sofa twirling frost mana in my hand, I looked over at Vasati who had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Rina sat over at the dining room table and was reading a newspaper.
Finally, after what had felt like months. The room started to grow dark until I watched the sun disappear from the sky.
"Vasati wake up." I tapped her shoulders with some frost mana coated on my fingertips. Her body immediately jerked upwards, and she pouted.
"Ahhhh, Eira! That's cold!" Vasati whined.
"Glad to see that you two are alive and well. Now let's review the plan." Rina said and pulled out a map.
"Currently we are in the Warminster 2nd district. We will make our way to the 1st district and then finally the Warminster Palace." Rina pointed to the center of the map.
"Our Target is... captain of the Warminster Knights, Wiscard," Rina said throwing a knife directly into the center of the map.
"How did you find the target," Vasati asked.
"It's simple. You two were a little off about your judgment. While the quest letter is a trap, it was written by Elvin Nobles. My guess is the princess." Rina said grimly.
"Why would she write it though?" Vasati asked.
"Probably since she is the one that they captured" I added.
"Bingo! They're using the princess as a hostage more than likely." Rina explained.
"The ploy they're using is like a hostage exchange. We will give you back the princess if you offer yourself to take her place. Low-ranking adventurers may have no choice if they weren't strong enough to fight back vs. Elite Royal Knights." I explained to Vasati.
"Well let's make our move then. I the 1st princess of Demonshire will not allow this to go on any longer." Vasati gritted her teeth.
"We can kill whoever we wish right?" I questioned.
"As long as it doesn't take up too much time. We want to rescue the princess and other Elvin slaves." Rina said.
"We also need to make sure we can finish up before the Hero's party arrives. The Hero is still too far above our current fighting level. We can't beat her." Rina said shaking her head.
"The Hero is supposed to kill your dad, right?" I said looking at Vasati.
"Yup! The summoned Hero from another world that they're training like crazy despite us supposed to be in a time of peace." Vasati mocked irritably.
"So that's why everyone is so worried about the Humans starting another war." I thought.
"Well, are you guys ready?" Rina asked.
Vasati and I both nodded and we put on our cloaks and masks and kicked open the window of our villa. I jumped out first followed by Rina and lastly Vasati.
"Let Phantom Gloom's first mission Commence!"
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