Chapter 42:

A Shower of Karma

The Unusual Shepherd - Progression Fantasy/Monster Tamer

The rain never stopped, even when I stepped inside the shelter. It only conjoined into dense streams that spew sporadically throughout the emporium from the roof. The musky damp stench that resonated like my grandparents' neglected basement is dreadful to endure.

Tranqit the one-eyed tortoise knight is off duty or more likely dealing with the flooding issue, I hope Livingston pays him well, or at all.

I follow a river that curves and meanders through the piles of submerged clothes and rotting furniture. Now the man has no excuse in hoarding all this trash, he may even consider discounting a few slightly moistened items.

Upon reaching ‘One’s True Lust’, the aphrodisiac painting of a seductive woman bathing (from my perspective at least), I divert my eyes to avoid being bewitched, keeping them low and focusing on not tripping over debris.

“Tranqit! It’s gushing like the Salione river in here!” The lanky dapper man yells from atop a mound of crudely placed chests and chairs.

“....” A low muffle comes from the roof.

The ghastly shopkeeper has poor Tranqit out in the rain on top of the emporium.

“Well for heaven's sake, are you using the Water Porcus hide like I said?” He screams, cupping his hands to his mouth to be heard of the torrent that rages outside.


“The Tenues bark! You blithering IDIOT! That’s porous! Get down here at once!” Livingston lopes down the jungle gym of furniture with broad steps, I see his skeletal frame through his soaked clothes. Mumbling obscene curses about the intelligence of the Torti race, I’m assuming Tranqits people. Distracted by his troubles, he nearly collides with me.

“By the bell man! Don’t leap out at a fellow like that.” He accuses in his own negligence, then subconsciously straightens his blazer and tie.

I’d already made a game plan of rolling with his verbal punches, I need to trade and be out to catch Piia with a long winded apology before sunset.

“My apologies Livingston, I thought Tranqit would announce my arrival but he was missing from the door.”

“Yes, yes he’s indisposed right now. If this is merely a social visit then I must say the time is dear.”

“Actually I’m looking to trade some goods.” I enthusiastically claim.

“Now Stuart-


“Seth, if you aren’t observant enough to comprehend my predicament. Then

I’ll outline it in a manner you can fathom. My economic empire is drowning and a few beastly claws will not cover a fraction of the cost. So ta tat.” He dismisses me with a wave and squeezes between two wardrobes. I follow, holding my sword and breath in to fit through the tiny space and beyond.

The small clearing around the counter is now an island of junk, the precious commodities placed here to stay reasonably dry. The red oak counter is piled to the brink with shiny trinkets and artefacts.

“One moment of your time Mr Livingston. A quick coin is a good coin, I know you don’t trade in currency. But look at these.” I browse my internal inventory, revealing all the loot I’d be happy to invest with. The Nox leather, windpipe and angler tail (which I now discover is a mace with the handle being the spine and the bulbous slug end the head).

As I display the items, the monsoon outside seizes to exist, causing the merchant to huff out in pleasure. He then glances over what I offer, taking the Nox leather first with the charcoal and jet scales shimmering in the sporadic torch light.

“My my, what exotic loot. Few tell tales of the Nox, their infamous laughs following survivors to their graves- he blows down the windpipe to imitate the hyena cackle of my persistent nightmare- and what a mark they have left upon you Master Seth.” He notes my grimace and stops, a pompous prick but not sadistic, unlike the Voice.

“You could say that. So what are they worth?” I enquire.

The Rarus toads were lodged within the mound of wares upon the counter, as before the emporium's keeper held each item close to their jars for authenticity and inspection. The blue creature reacted to the leather hide and angler tail, while the Nox’s windpipe caused the purple fella to spew a lilac goo across the inside of its jar, to which Livingston reassured it was an exquisite prompt of worth.

“A greater whole than before, you can definitely afford the instant repair kit this time.” He jokes with a wink. “What would you like to purchase?” He continues.

“I haven’t had a chance to browse to be honest.” I look around the mess unsure of where to even begin.

“Well the sands trickle away as do the leaks in my tent, so tell me what issues you want to overcome and I’ll collect the perfect tool that fits your price. I’ll even throw in a discount as you’re a repeat customer.” Not to mention the state of his shop and condition of his items.

“Okay well, I keep almost dying from Silva’s fauna, and flora in fact. If I’m not in a fight, then I’m training to the brink of my physical abilities and feel like I’m dead the next day. Oh and I have political issue with a tyrannical leader of this tribe, who is their appointed spiritual leader but I’m also supposed to be their chosen leader, it's rather confusing and-

Livingston waves his elongated arms around to cut off my rambling issues.

“Hush my goodman, slow and steady like the followers of Order, or was it Omnia. Either way, let us start with the critters. Stupidly common dilemma in this part of the world. I have an abundance of remedies, so be more specific with the problem.” He says while hurrying me with a wave.

“Be more specific? I mean they’re trying to eat me every time I step into the bush or a godforsaken tunnel.”

“Aaahh so general encounters, I see I see.- He flicks my Ferrum pauldrons and caresses the Verox vambraces, before making a conclusion- Fine armour, impeccable craftsmanship with that iron wood. You must connect me with the maker.” He fingers the bear poncho squeamishly, strange behaviour considering he dangled an imps ovary within licking distance from his face.

“I see you discovered soap although not the ability to produce some elbow sweat.” I follow his gaze onto my tatty garments.

“I’ve had a rough few days and little time to wash.”

“Emmhhmm. So in terms of defence against claws, teeth and even low level Will. Enchantments and abilities as such. You fare better than most.” He teases with the upcoming sales pitch, his own dilemmas clearly lost with the sudden proposition of a sale.

“I haven’t tested it against abilities, the rest have come thick and fast.” I finger a light groove along my vambraces that I hadn’t noticed till now.

“Smart, avoid anyone who offers. This adorable scrap of metal will kill you with false confidence.” He says, pointing to my new sword.

“It does the job, just needs some sharpening.” I defend against his harsh remarks.

“Is that job finding the most painful way into the digestive acids of a Hirudo’s stomach?”

“A Hiroodoo’s? It doesn’t matter, I have my own abilities that make this weapon far worse than it appears.”

“Is that so, tell me about these abilities?” He oozes with curiosity.

“I’d rather not talk about them, how about a spear? Or a crossbow.”I force the conversation on, hoping he’ll take the bait.

“Listen lad. if I sold suits, like this fine three piece perfection that I model today, and you wouldn’t allow me to measure your frame. How could you expect me to craft you a tailored item for your formal problems? Impossible wouldn’t you say. So give me your measurements and let me do my job.” He says with that cheshire cat smile that never falters or wavers.

I let out a small sigh, he’s right and I need to get out of here.

“I'll just show you.” I unsheath my blade.

“All damages will be paid for upfront, you hear.” He sharply announces.

I nod in reply, then nick my palm and activate my Searing blade. The crimson glow illuminates across his sharp face, the flutter of his eyebrows the only change in his demeanour.

Is that fear in his eyes?

“I have complete control of the powers of chaos running through me, I am their master and deliver upon those that threaten only me or my own. You are safe.” I wave the blade around in a slow circle, leaving long streaks in the air like a ribbon gymnast before a stunned audience.

A snort breaks the illusion, followed by a raucous laugh.

“A morsel of Omnia’s Will, this is what you are a master of and were too prudish to show me? Mother’s mercy lad, I assumed you were going to call down crystal lightning or secrete a colony of Envymites. My imagination is stronger than that ability, oh and it’s gone.” My Will winks out as the metal returns to dull greys.

“I can cut through anything with that spell. AND it lasts longer if I used more blood, I was only demonstrating.” I huff out, a little vexed at his comments.

“‘Anything’!- he bends over in another exaggerated bout of laughter - Tranqit!” He bellows over the mounds until the Torti Knight appears, rain water gushing out of his metal boots with each step.

“Tranqit come and watch this. Seth do it again, and use the same speech.”

I slam my sword back into its sheath and storm off.

“If I’m wasting your rutting time then just say.” I almost make it to the gap between the wardrobes when a ganguly hand grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

“All jests my goodman. We all need a little grounding. Does a mouse kill a cat just because it believes it's a bear?” He lectures with genuine meaning.

“I suppose not.” I groan. I hate agreeing with him.

“So let me give you the sting you need.”