Chapter 1:

Shadow Of Man

Shadows Of Man

The house I saw for the first time was a symbol of gloom with its decay. Its timeworn façade stood in stark contrast to the lush, vibrant world outside. As I stepped inside, the creaking of the wooden floorboards whispered that they bore the weight of years. I, Kuro, could sense the silence and weariness within these walls. 

The air was heavy with the scent of old wood and faded memories. Dust danced in the sunlight, casting ephemeral shadows across the floor. The windows, once grand, now offered only fragmented views of the world beyond. 

As I wandered through the halls, I couldn't help but feel a connection to the echoes of the past. Each room held a story, each creak and groan a testament to the passage of time. It was as if the very essence of the house was entwined with the souls that had called it home.

And then, as if summoned by the house itself, an elderly man appeared before me. His eyes were filled with the traces of time, deep lines etched like maps of a well-traveled journey. Untold stories were hidden within this man, waiting for the right moment to be set free. 

"This place belongs to me," the man said, breathless, his voice a gentle whisper that seemed to resonate with the walls. "And I carried the burden of this house along with me." 

Curiously, I asked, "Why?" 

The man looked at me for a moment, lost in thought. His gaze seemed to pierce through the layers of time, searching for the right words. "This house is a witness to all the pain of me and my family. Joy was experienced here, but tears were shed the most. Our shadows are etched into the stones of this house." 

His words carried a depth that sent shivers down my spine. What he described reflected the cruel reality of life, the delicate balance between joy and sorrow, light and dark. In every room, in every corner, there were traces of experiences, etched into the very fibers of the house.

With the man's story, I began to confront my own shadows. I started to explore the dark corners within me, the memories I had buried, the fears I had tried to outrun, and the regrets that weighed heavy on my heart. Each step felt like a journey into the heart of a labyrinth, with no clear path forward.

Over time, the days I spent in this house began to change me. The walls seemed to whisper secrets, offering fragments of wisdom gained from years of bearing witness to life's struggles and triumphs. I started to accept myself, to embrace the scars and imperfections that made me who I was. And in that acceptance, I found the first glimmers of forgiveness for my past.

Every morning, I would wake to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the tattered curtains, a reminder that each day was a new opportunity for growth and transformation. Every night, I would sit by the window, gazing at the moon as it cast its silvery light upon the worn floorboards, a silent witness to my own journey. 

And so, in the quiet embrace of this house, I began to find my way. Every moment was a step forward, a brushstroke on the canvas of my life, each mark carrying a lesson, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there was potential for growth and renewal. 

Now, this house had become a sanctuary for me, a place of solace and reflection. It bore the weight of experiences, a living testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Each crack in the plaster, each worn step on the staircase, told a story of survival and perseverance.

As the seasons turned and time continued its inexorable march, I walked the halls with a newfound sense of purpose. The shadows that once loomed large had become companions on my journey, whispering words of encouragement in moments of doubt. 

And I, Kuro, had decided to face the silence within this house and turn the darkness within me into light. For in this dance of light and shadow, I had discovered the true essence of life—a tapestry woven from threads of joy and sorrow, each contributing to the beauty of the whole. 

And so, as I stood in the doorway, looking out at the world beyond, I knew that I carried with me the lessons of this house, the echoes of the past that had shaped me into who I had become. With a grateful heart, I stepped into the next chapter of my journey, knowing that no matter where life took me, I would always carry the light that had been kindled within these walls. 

Just Parker
Lokash Mereader
Renain Sora
Ace Axel

Shadows Of Man