Chapter 132:

The Battle Ships

Wolf Bloodline

As the king was about to finish his speech, a soldier suddenly entered the room. He was gasping for breath, had something important to tell, and he just started waiting there. He was putting his hand on his knee, and was desperately trying to regain his breathing to tell us something. It took us a little while to understand. But when the soldier finally moved, after a few deep breaths, he lifted his head wearily from the floor, and spoke in a weary tone,

"Sir! A ship is approaching the palace from the west at high speed!" The soldier thundered, still shaking with fear.

But the king didn't seem pleased. On the contrary, he got irate about the cut in his speech and decided to shout back at the soldier.

"For an ordinary ship!-"

"No, sir! It's not an ordinary ship! This is a ship supported by fire, and its sails are dark! It has those symbols on it. Just like you said!"

All of the king's words seemed to be gone down back his own throat and stay there, after he swallowed with deep fear. He was now frozen completely, by the fact that the ship that the soldier was talking about, was a similar one that he remembered in his head.

The same, scary ship, lurking in the water.

And just after he realized this, he quickly turned to us nervously, and said,

"You must get out of here quickly! So follow me at my command!"

The king suddenly left the room in a hurry and started walking away from there quickly, taking us with him. We did not understand what was happening, but we still went after the king.

We were now walking down the entire corridor in twos, with fast and adjacent steps, and with a rather irregular and mobile walking style that forced us to breathe more and more. Trying to keep up with the rhythm after the king, who was walking fast without paying any attention to us. But on the one hand, our body was trying to deal with this sudden change, we had a lot of questions to ask the king.

"What's going on? What are you so scared about, my majesty?" Ryuu asked.

And the King replied,

"If the person I think is the owner of the ship. He'll kill you all here. No lies or assumptions, it is a pure truth that he is vicious and will have no mercy."

He then turned back his head and added, with shaken fear on his face,

"So you'll have to get away from here, just to save your own lives."

Then with a half breath, Hiroshi talked,

"Who are you talking about? You told about the troubles that have been caused around the other kingdoms. How can somebody get noticed about this so quickly, if we just defeated one of their forces? Who can come here and attack so suddenly?"

The king had not opened his mouth until we reached the terrace of the castle. He just spoke the words "Follow my lead" with an atypical style and just his steps. And that lasted until, when we arrived on the terrace of the castle, when we were met with that interesting and terrible sight.

"That's him. He is coming here." He finally spoke with a strong tone.

Dozens of ships, that had been lighted up from the back with fire, were heading here to the castle, on massive waves that carried them. And as the soldier said, the black schooner, the ship that was fired at from behind, was right in the middle of the ships. It was as if that ship especially was leading the other ships and giving out the orders. And not to watch this scene standing there, Mila and her father, then soon came to the terrace and witnessed the view with us. They were just as horrified as we were and had no idea about what to say or do.

And not being able to learn who did all of this, we waited to wonder who was coming.

Until King Maurice, finally opened his mouth.

"This ship is undoubtedly his own."

Hiroshi was getting more confused about the silence we were putting,

"Like I said, who are you "exactly" talking about?"

And the most petrified sound possible, the king replied,


To hear at that name moment, I couldn't believe it. A thousand pieces that had been torn from my heart, all the nails that had been removed, and the efforts of my calmness that had been forcibly pinned down, had been disrupted by the arrival of the person who had carried the slightest hope of the person I had been looking for a long time, just to be acting holding on to my gut.

He was the only one who knew where my uncle was. And was no other person than the last person I saw with him.

But at the same time, he was the man who killed every other person in front of his path, in ways I wasn't ready to hear nor wanted to. Extinguished the energy of life in their eyes, and shattered the remains and dignity of the next humanity, was on his way here from many people and to various races. And because of this, not to make any difference he was a person whom people of every lineage, even kings, feared and hated equally, whether it was a race or the other.

He was the biggest reason for my situation and was the only person who needed to feel guilty, but another way around was the person who continued to do it.

And not being able to resist it, I was pointing my head towards a fixed area and was looking at this monster in the vast sea, with a fit of incredible anger that was heating up inside me. I may have been facing somebody just like before, like an epic to be precise, but even though he was in the shape of a normal human being, he had captured us like the prey he would catch, and was the biggest monster in the whole sea, even though he had thousands of times bigger and more disgusting things hidden underneath him. And was the only one who willed to push the boundaries of my pity.